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That's Entertainment! More Than 20 TV Shows Attack Trump... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
If Donald Trump wants to build a wall, he might consider one around Hollywood. After all, the majority of The Hollywood Reporter’s list of top 100 influencers are progressive liberals who donate to democratic congressman, committees and candidates. Thus it is only natural that these movers and shakers have taken to movies, shows and music to revile Donald Trump in whatever way possible. They know they have a potent platform to incite change. In the words of activist actress Kerry Washington, “We have power in what we do.”

That?s Entertainment! More Than 20 TV Shows Attack Trump

I'd call that a coordinated, conspiratorial, Full Court Press.
Boo hoo for Donald Trump. He's been the beneficiary of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of free press. How much coverage have Gary Johnson and Jill Stein received?
Yes, this must be some grand Illuminati conspiracy!

...or maybe most writers are liberal and Trump makes himself an easy target.
Yes, this must be some grand Illuminati conspiracy!

...or maybe most writers are liberal and Trump makes himself an easy target.
It's definitely a conspiracy. It's nothing to do with Trump being one of the easiest marks in the history of buffoons.

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