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Texas Republicans Are Lying About Voter Fraud to Justify a Massive, Racist Voter Purge (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 21, 2016
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Charleston, SC
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left

Hey, remember a couple days ago when the news broke that Texas had claimed to have found a boatload of illegal immigrants voting? Surprise! Surprise! It turns out they were bold-faced lying...again.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton tweeted a “VOTER FRAUD ALERT” that quickly rocketed around the internet. Texas Secretary of State David Whitley, Paxton asserted, had discovered that approximately “95,000 individuals identified” as non-citizens are registered to vote in the state, “58,000 of whom have voted” in Texas elections. Whitley promptly urged counties to begin purging these 95,000 people from their voter rolls

Within days of Paxton’s alarming tweet, Whitley had substantially backtracked. The secretary of state quietly informed county officials that a “significant number” of people on the list are actually citizens.

In Harris County alone, about 18,000 names were removed from the initial list of alleged non-citizens. Some county officials, however, had already begun to notify residents on that first list that they had 30 days to prove their citizenship or lose their ability to vote.

Just disgusting and pathetic. What's funny is even if they had been telling the 100% truth the 58,000 people over the course of like 6 elections didn't amount to jack squat in a state the size of Texas, but now we see the truth and it's so much worse. Turns out they had little or no rational basis for believing any of these people were illegal. This was all just a bull**** excuse to try and purge legitimate citizens from voters rolls.

Absolutely disgraceful.

Hey, remember a couple days ago when the news broke that Texas had claimed to have found a boatload of illegal immigrants voting? Surprise! Surprise! It turns out they were bold-faced lying...again.

Just disgusting and pathetic. What's funny is even if they had been telling the 100% truth the 58,000 people over the course of like 6 elections didn't amount to jack squat in a state the size of Texas, but now we see the truth and it's so much worse. Turns out they had little or no rational basis for believing any of these people were illegal. This was all just a bull**** excuse to try and purge legitimate citizens from voters rolls.

Absolutely disgraceful.

That blows that dishonest thread about "58,000 illegals" (which wasn't even the thread title) to shreds. And the entire story, as it turned out.

Voter fraud is an issue, and nobody wants to see it happen. But don't make things up to scare the easily duped.

Hey, remember a couple days ago when the news broke that Texas had claimed to have found a boatload of illegal immigrants voting? Surprise! Surprise! It turns out they were bold-faced lying...again.

Just disgusting and pathetic. What's funny is even if they had been telling the 100% truth the 58,000 people over the course of like 6 elections didn't amount to jack squat in a state the size of Texas, but now we see the truth and it's so much worse. Turns out they had little or no rational basis for believing any of these people were illegal. This was all just a bull**** excuse to try and purge legitimate citizens from voters rolls.

Absolutely disgraceful.

Yeah I forgot to post this last week when the Right was hyperventilating with enthusiasm, but actually this is their standard trick. They've literally been lying about "undocumented immigrants voting" for years this way.

At one point in time, they actually just checked to see if someone with a name who had died before voted. So if your name was Bob Smith, you voted in the 1950's and you died in 1960, then every other Bob Smith since was counted as an incident of "voter fraud" until proven otherwise, and they were all purged from the voter rolls.

It's pretty much about the level of intelligence you'd expect from Texas Republican politicians. You know, the kind of thinkin' that makes Louie Gohmert proud.

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