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Texas Republican Drops Re-Election Bid After Affair With Woman Once Married To islamic state Leader (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 16, 2021
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This is a very sad situation.

This selfish man hurt his wife and family for a stupid affair.

Meanwhile the trump person who was challenging him found out about it and exposed him.

So now a trump crazy person is running for that seat and knowing Texas, that crazy trump person will be elected.

Great. Just what we need, another crazy trump person in our government.

Say what you will about conservative Christians, those guys always know where to find good drugs and kinky sex. Liberals could learn a thing or two about decadence from them.
Figures the left would support an ISIS candidate. Sad!
Texas Rep. Van Taylor drops reelection bid over affair with 'ISIS bride'

Van Taylor’s Conservative Record​

Endorsed by Senator Ted Cruz
Endorsed by Gov. Mike Huckabee
Endorsed by the NRA
Endorsed by National Right to Life
Americans for Prosperity: 100%
Heritage Action: 100% — 1 of only 6 GOP members with a perfect score each of the last two terms
Citizens Against Government Waste: Taxpayer Superhero Award

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