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Texas may have put innocent man to death (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 14, 2004
Reaction score
Pacific Northwest US
one of the reasons I've been a little iffy with the death penalty, certainly isn't infallible. That would be horrible if it pans out to be true...spend over a decade of your life in prison then put to death for something you didn't do :shock:
A little question for the Rabid Religious Right:

Abortion is a terrible sin, but it's OK to murder an innocent adult?
Naughty Nurse said:
A little question for the Rabid Religious Right:

Abortion is a terrible sin, but it's OK to murder an innocent adult?

You miss the point Naughty. If you wrongfully convict you can fob off the family with financial compensation. See, in US society, money puts everything right.
Pacridge said:
[size=-1]With Texas' criminal justice system the subject of intense scrutiny for a crime lab scandal and a series of wrongful convictions, a state Senate committee heard testimony Tuesday about the possibility that Texas had experienced the ultimate criminal justice nightmare: the execution of an innocent person. [/size]


And this is why I am and always will be opposed to the death penalty.
Blue Hobgoblin said:
And this is why I am and always will be opposed to the death penalty.

What if you know for certain the person committed the murder, still opposed?
Stinger said:
What if you know for certain the person committed the murder, still opposed?

Welcome to Debate Politics!

Yes, I'm opposed to the death penalty even if we were certain. Two wrongs don't make a right, killing people is wrong in my book. Life without any poss. of parole or release-EVER is a viable option in my book.
This is one reason I prefer life, without parole, spent making little rocks out of big ones. In the event that an error is discovered, the injured party is returned to society in excellent physical shape.
Fantasea said:
This is one reason I prefer life, without parole, spent making little rocks out of big ones. In the event that an error is discovered, the injured party is returned to society in excellent physical shape.

Their eyes will have been opened as well. (and perhaps their buttocks).
Pacridge said:
Welcome to Debate Politics!

Thanks, having grown tired of the downward spiral over at the Compuserve Political Forum I am searching for some adult debate. Perhaps I have found it?

>> Yes, I'm opposed to the death penalty even if we were certain.

An honest response, thank-you.

>> Two wrongs don't make a right, killing people is wrong in my book.

If one considers legal execution a wrong perhaps. Soceity as a whole has judged it differently both morally and legally however.

>> Life without any poss. of parole or release-EVER is a viable option in my book.

If we actually had hard labor in a very inhospital place I might agree, however keeping alive someone who purposely denied that right to someone else, giving them the chance to commit the act again leads me to conclude that the death penalty does serve a purpose.
Hi Stinger :2wave:

akyron said:
Originally Posted by Fantasea
This is one reason I prefer life, without parole, spent making little rocks out of big ones. In the event that an error is discovered, the injured party is returned to society in excellent physical shape.
Their eyes will have been opened as well. (and perhaps their buttocks).
We all know that the prison system is less than perfect. However, better bedded and released than deaded and deceased. No?
Hello and thanks

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