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Texas man charged with killing 18 elderly women says he’s ‘very innocent’ (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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A large red jewelery box that police said Chemirmir had just thrown away then led cops to the Dallas home of 81-year-old Lu Thi Harris, who was found dead in her bedroom with lipstick smeared on her pillow.

In the wake of his arrest, police tied him to a string of other deaths at luxury senior living communities in Dallas and Collin counties between 2016-2018.

He told the outlet in his jail interview that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Being in Taxes seems to me being in the wrong place.

The stars at night are big & bright...
Several videos of the first trial on the right side. I wonder what the 11-1 verdict was that deadlocked the jury and why the holdout of the one? I suspect 11G and 1NG


A large red jewelery box that police said Chemirmir had just thrown away then led cops to the Dallas home of 81-year-old Lu Thi Harris, who was found dead in her bedroom with lipstick smeared on her pillow.

In the wake of his arrest, police tied him to a string of other deaths at luxury senior living communities in Dallas and Collin counties between 2016-2018.

He told the outlet in his jail interview that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Being in Taxes seems to me being in the wrong place.

The stars at night are big & bright...
Thanks. Had not heard of this case until now. Going back to get some additional background.

A large red jewelery box that police said Chemirmir had just thrown away then led cops to the Dallas home of 81-year-old Lu Thi Harris, who was found dead in her bedroom with lipstick smeared on her pillow.

In the wake of his arrest, police tied him to a string of other deaths at luxury senior living communities in Dallas and Collin counties between 2016-2018.

He told the outlet in his jail interview that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Being in Taxes seems to me being in the wrong place.

The stars at night are big & bright...
Funny how you talk about Texans killing people, but not people from Chicago.

A large red jewelery box that police said Chemirmir had just thrown away then led cops to the Dallas home of 81-year-old Lu Thi Harris, who was found dead in her bedroom with lipstick smeared on her pillow.

In the wake of his arrest, police tied him to a string of other deaths at luxury senior living communities in Dallas and Collin counties between 2016-2018.

He told the outlet in his jail interview that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Being in Taxes seems to me being in the wrong place.

The stars at night are big & bright...
He obviously found easy victims, parts of Florida are well known for there upscale retirement communities.

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