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Texas continues to remove LGBTQ suicide prevention resources from state websites (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 15, 2019
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Slightly Liberal
This what the GQP wants...

The Texas Department of Health and Human Services appears to have removed resources for LGBTQ youths from its suicide prevention webpage.

On Feb. 1, the webpage included a subhead for the Trevor Project, describing it as “the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning young people under 25.” The section provided the organization’s website, phone number and text line.

A few days later, on Feb. 5, the section was gone. Of the four suicide prevention phone or text lines, only The Trevor Project was removed.

Now, there are three crisis lines listed: the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, the Veterans Crisis Line and the Crisis Text line. The Trevor Project’s phone number is still included in a PDF of resources under “Parent and Youth Suicide Prevention” as it was previously, but it isn’t as easily accessible as the section that was removed was, and doesn’t state that The Trevor Project is an LGBTQ-specific organization.

The Health and Human Services Department has not returned a request for comment.

I am not sure how the sort of “traditional conservative morality” and conservative religious theocracy TX is aiming for is any different from that of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

I'll never understand why certain humans are so terrified of other people who are not exactly-like-me. Keeps reminding me of some
prehistoric tribe that spots some other tribe that wears different animal skins and then grunts "Must kill"
Seems like some people can't keep their life/reality on a smooth plane so they have to try to control others. (To compensate)
Oh, shocker, TX is Americas zit.
Evil, if intentional
This is very intentional. They don't want trans people to exist. They make it hard to get approved medical care which increases depression and then removes the links to aid LGBT people when they are suicidal because of the lack of care and the stress of being trans in a state of hateful religious hypocritical bigots.

Jesus wasn't a bigot but conservative Christians only care about him on Christmas and Easter. they are followers of Paul and the Old Testament when it suits their social bigotry to cherry-pick those passages. If these bigots were required to obey the teachings of the man who they claim to be the son of God, sinless and their personal savior, as they are recorded in the 4 gospels, they would claim to be victims of pernicious religious persacution.
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This is very intentional. They don't want trans people to exist. They make it hard to get approved medical care which increases depression and then removes the links to aid LGBT people when they are suicidal because of the lack of care and the stress of being trans in a state of hateful religious hypocritical bigots.

Jesus wasn't a bigot but conservative Christians only care about him on Christmas and Easter. they are followers of Paul and the Old Testament when it suits their social bigotry to cherry-pick those passages. If these bigots were required to obey the teachings of the man who they claim to be the son of God, sinless and their personal savior, as they are recorded in the 4 gospels, they would claim to be victims of pernicious religious persacution.

You don't know what modern conservative Christians think overall, but here you are with your typical broad brush spreading your usual bull crap.

Catholics are a large part of the Democrat base and they rejected you for hundreds of years.
You don't know what modern conservative Christians think overall, but here you are with your typical broad brush spreading your usual bull crap.

Catholics are a large part of the Democrat base and they rejected you for hundreds of years.
I was raised Catholic. I know them very well. Many Catholics pay lip service to the bible and the teachings of the Vatican while being good people, and there are a few hardcore fanatics who want a theocracy. Im related to both types.

I live in a very conservative area. I know conservative Christians very well. That idea was written after dealing with the religious hypocrites for 30+ years.
You don't know what modern conservative Christians think overall, but here you are with your typical broad brush spreading your usual bull crap.

Catholics are a large part of the Democrat base and they rejected you for hundreds of years.

They're Trump's most fervent supporters. Talk about losing your way.
They're Trump's most fervent supporters. Talk about losing your way.

What’s odd is even the pope doesn’t like Trump. These guys are bigger fanatics than the pope himself.
This what the GQP wants...

The Texas Department of Health and Human Services appears to have removed resources for LGBTQ youths from its suicide prevention webpage.

On Feb. 1, the webpage included a subhead for the Trevor Project, describing it as “the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning young people under 25.” The section provided the organization’s website, phone number and text line.

A few days later, on Feb. 5, the section was gone. Of the four suicide prevention phone or text lines, only The Trevor Project was removed.

Now, there are three crisis lines listed: the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, the Veterans Crisis Line and the Crisis Text line. The Trevor Project’s phone number is still included in a PDF of resources under “Parent and Youth Suicide Prevention” as it was previously, but it isn’t as easily accessible as the section that was removed was, and doesn’t state that The Trevor Project is an LGBTQ-specific organization.

The Health and Human Services Department has not returned a request for comment.

Cruel and at a guess illegal, certainly immoral and evil.
This what the GQP wants...

The Texas Department of Health and Human Services appears to have removed resources for LGBTQ youths from its suicide prevention webpage.

On Feb. 1, the webpage included a subhead for the Trevor Project, describing it as “the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning young people under 25.” The section provided the organization’s website, phone number and text line.

A few days later, on Feb. 5, the section was gone. Of the four suicide prevention phone or text lines, only The Trevor Project was removed.

Now, there are three crisis lines listed: the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, the Veterans Crisis Line and the Crisis Text line. The Trevor Project’s phone number is still included in a PDF of resources under “Parent and Youth Suicide Prevention” as it was previously, but it isn’t as easily accessible as the section that was removed was, and doesn’t state that The Trevor Project is an LGBTQ-specific organization.

The Health and Human Services Department has not returned a request for comment.

This is very intentional. They don't want trans people to exist. They make it hard to get approved medical care which increases depression and then removes the links to aid LGBT people when they are suicidal because of the lack of care and the stress of being trans in a state of hateful religious hypocritical bigots.

Jesus wasn't a bigot but conservative Christians only care about him on Christmas and Easter. they are followers of Paul and the Old Testament when it suits their social bigotry to cherry-pick those passages. If these bigots were required to obey the teachings of the man who they claim to be the son of God, sinless and their personal savior, as they are recorded in the 4 gospels, they would claim to be victims of pernicious religious persacution.

They're not followers of Paul. To quote Paul, "I am the greatest of sinners." Paul fought against the Christian fundamentalist who were clinging to Old Testament traditions and values.

The key to understanding Christian fundamentalists is to understand that for them Christianity is more of an identity than a set of ideals. It's the same for the fake patriots who see America as a white Christian identity and ignore the American ideals like separation of church and state and equality for all.

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