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TERRORIST kills 6 in SEATTLE!!! News Alert! (1 Viewer)

Mar 6, 2006
Reaction score
Among the White US Terrorists
Political Leaning
A private party after a 'zombie rave' concert had a terrorist with a shotgun shoot 7 people, 6 killed, 1 in critical condition. I looked up the word Terrorist in my Webster's dictionary and this definition fits perfectly; we have alot of misinformed people that think a terrorist has to do it for some specific established extremist viewpoint, be a member of something--that's under the defintion of delusional thinking. Heck, maybe this music was his religion, he was an extremist of something and was the first of his kind to lead this type of behavior.

I declare we must ban and at least be alerted for what this guy represented and put his beliefs or organization on a watched list for the CIA and FBI. Also, I was told assualt guns kill, yet this guy was using a shotgun? Don't you hunt birds with this type of gun? I'm sure we will have certain types of inconsistents classify this guy as a nut and yet want to say that the SUV drive in crowd Muslim wasn't nuts. Strange classifications. Nutso's and terrorists come in all shapes in sizes--and no, they don't have to be Muslim. Thank you for you time. And express rage at this terrorist! But you won't, because it's not politically advantageous to your position? Then you don't care about lives being lost--just as long as they benefit you.

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Doesn't there have to be some sort of political objective for it to be called "terrorism"?
The guy used a shotgun?!

Anyone know where Cheney was about this time? LOL

As far as you calling this guy a "terrorist," I'm sure you're technically correct, but this is further proof the war on terror is a lie.

Everyone is a terrorist these days. 20 years ago, this guy would've been called a nutjob, or a psycho. Now, he's a terrorist?

Therefore, the war on terror will never end until we attack the root causes. There will always be people labeled as terrorists now, so we will be asked to continually pump money into a system that will do far more to perpetuate terrorism, then eliminate it.

And let's face it...some people are gonna get rich, and some people are gonna die.

Guess who?
Hoot said:
As far as you calling this guy a "terrorist," I'm sure you're technically correct, but this is further proof the war on terror is a lie.

I haven't heard one legit news source call this incident an act of terrorism. There is a difference between a homicidal maniac and a terrorist. I'm not sure if they know or have released this guys motive or agenda. He did spray paint the word NOW.....and I do wonder what that means.
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
A private party after a 'zombie rave' concert had a terrorist with a shotgun shoot 7 people, 6 killed, 1 in critical condition. I looked up the word Terrorist in my Webster's dictionary and this definition fits perfectly; we have alot of misinformed people that think a terrorist has to do it for some specific established extremist viewpoint, be a member of something--that's under the defintion of delusional thinking.

This doesn't fit the dictionary definition of terrorism at all.

Webster's on terrorism said:
The systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

Webster's on terror said:
Violence (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands

So how in the world is this a terrorist act? YOU are the misinformed person here. Why does this subject even deserve a thread? What exactly are we supposed to debate? Have I mentioned how annoying your username is?
mpg said:
Doesn't there have to be some sort of political objective for it to be called "terrorism"?
Maybe you should ask them that survived... I mean I wonder if they were terrorized throughout the whole ordeal..:roll:
I haven't heard one legit news source call this incident an act of terrorism.

LOL. If you believe that mainstream news is a legit source of facts--your a hurting/misinformed unit; may I suggest you go to the forum Bias in the Media and start learning about this "legit news source" you believe in; and no, media isn't God talking on the Teleprompter with a human reading it.

So how in the world is this a terrorist act?
I'm sorry he wasn't a muslim--you would've loved that and for sure you would've called it Terrorism. Wait, does anyone know if this guy was a Christian terrorist? Does it matter? It's an act of terror, it was premeditated, and this kook terrorist shot at some moose exhibit years ago; environmentalist?

Have I mentioned how annoying your username is?
Yes. Have I mentioned I love you?
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beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
I'm sorry he wasn't a muslim--you would've loved that and for sure you would've called it Terrorism. Wait, does anyone know if this guy was a Christian terrorist? Does it matter? It's an act of terror, it was premeditated, and this kook terrorist shot at some moose exhibit years ago; environmentalist?

Your post is a little discombobulated but let me see if I can figure it out. There are ecoterrorists....yes I agree and the media does generally name them as such. There are also christian terrorists yes. Now I am sorry you are so confused about what terrorism is vs what terrorism is not.

Why would I have loved if he was a muslim? You seem very defensive.

Not everyone who murders someone else fits the definition of terrorism. Not all homicidal maniacs are terrorists.

This guy did spray paint the word NOW on the ground though noone has suggested what that might mean. If it turns out NOW is related to some political agenda then possibly he could be considered a terrorist. Right now he's just a f-ucking bastard homicidal maniac.
talloulou said:
I haven't heard one legit news source call this incident an act of terrorism. There is a difference between a homicidal maniac and a terrorist. I'm not sure if they know or have released this guys motive or agenda. He did spray paint the word NOW.....and I do wonder what that means.

NOW/ Theres the proof!! It's those neonazi lesbians in bras that are behind this!! We need to start investigating them now!!
Now I am sorry you are so confused about what terrorism is vs what terrorism
Would you be happier if I said, "whatever the media states as terrorism, I will believe."

Not everyone who murders someone else fits the definition of terrorism.
So your saying if a Muslim shot 6 people after a Barry Manilow concert and even though he didn't have any known ties to any established "Terrorist Groups," then he would be just considered a murderer? Not according to our media.

Not all homicidal maniacs are terrorists.
Agreed--unless they are Muslim, then they can be labeled terrorists.

You know what, I'm wrong; forgive me all, I shouldn't be worried about what the media calls terrorism anyway. Why? On average far fewer Americans are killed each year by terrorists than are killed by lightning, deer accidents, or peanut allergies. To call terrorism a threat to national security is scarcely plausible. In 2001, as many people died every 26 days on American roads as died in the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Well, the war is on; fix our roads, get the hunters to blast those deer, ban peanuts, tougher laws/fines for drivers--that is if were really concerned about saving lives.
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
So your saying if a Muslim shot 6 people after a Barry Manilow concert and even though he didn't have any known ties to any established "Terrorist Groups," then he would be just considered a murderer? Not according to our media.

Interesting....I'd be more inclined to listen if you posted a link relating to a story where someone who just happened to be Muslim killed people 'cause they were a homicidal maniac and the news called them a terrorist despite the murderer not claiming to be killing infidels for allah or whatever. Got any links?
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
A private party after a 'zombie rave' concert had a terrorist with a shotgun shoot 7 people, 6 killed, 1 in critical condition. I looked up the word Terrorist in my Webster's dictionary and this definition fits perfectly; we have alot of misinformed people that think a terrorist has to do it for some specific established extremist viewpoint, be a member of something--that's under the defintion of delusional thinking. Heck, maybe this music was his religion, he was an extremist of something and was the first of his kind to lead this type of behavior.

I declare we must ban and at least be alerted for what this guy represented and put his beliefs or organization on a watched list for the CIA and FBI. Also, I was told assualt guns kill, yet this guy was using a shotgun? Don't you hunt birds with this type of gun? I'm sure we will have certain types of inconsistents classify this guy as a nut and yet want to say that the SUV drive in crowd Muslim wasn't nuts. Strange classifications. Nutso's and terrorists come in all shapes in sizes--and no, they don't have to be Muslim. Thank you for you time. And express rage at this terrorist! But you won't, because it's not politically advantageous to your position? Then you don't care about lives being lost--just as long as they benefit you.


Aside from the individual's definition of what he considers a terrorist act....

Joint Publication (JP) 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, defines terrorism as "the calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological."

Was this shooting an attempt to achieve a goal of a political, religious, or idealogical end? Labeling this as a terrorist act is as irresponsible as calling that hold up man that shot the bank clerk a "terrorist." He is a simple criminal. The only "dillusion" would be the individual that would pervert and demean the meaning of the word "terrorist."

You are correct, a terrorist doesnt not have to be Muslim - Mcveigh, the Unabomber, and Christian religious cult groups are terrorists. However, one really should educate himself to the different types of terrorists (there are 2) and the severity of each (I will post the definitions of both if you would like).
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I will give my vote for, "most ridiculous thread of the week" anyone with me, this is beyond ridiculous, it's stupid.:roll:
Deegan said:
I will give my vote for, "most ridiculous thread of the week" anyone with me, this is beyond ridiculous, it's stupid.:roll:

Deegan said:
I will give my vote for, "most ridiculous thread of the week" anyone with me, this is beyond ridiculous, it's stupid.:roll:
Without a doubt... "Stupid"
Got any links?
?? Show me a media link story where a Catholic or whatever mainstream Judeo-Christian is called a Christian terrorist? Any Israeli terrorists? Any Jewish terrorists? That's the point dipstick, they won't call them terrorists. Go to Google and look yourself, hey, off the top of my head I got better. Remember, OKC bombing? What did the Media say who was behind this? Huh? Huh? Gotcha.

You are correct, a terrorist doesnt not have to be Muslim - Mcveigh, the Unabomber, and Christian religious cult groups are terrorists.
Gunny, you forgot Israeli soldiers. Your not excluding them are you? If I was a Muslim in Iraq and had no ties to the insurgency and an "errant" bomb dropped on my family, would I think of this as terrorism or not? Would he be more inclined to join the insurgency?

most ridiculous thread of the week" anyone with me, this is beyond ridiculous
another thing that's ridiculous: you have Bush saying he hears a voice in his head (calls him Jesus) and you have Koresh and Jim Jones saying the same thing and for some reason Bush is legit; though he has killed just as many as Koresh and Jones many times fold--that's ridiculous--in fact I'm going to start a post on that as you have help me think of that ridiculous fact.
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No mention from the media at all about Jewish Terrorism.

Krugel said the JDL needed to "send a wake-up call" to Arabs by doing something to one of their "filthy mosques." Gillis told the FBI that Krugel told him to scout about a dozen potential targets in Los Angeles and Orange counties. As part of his plea agreement, prosecutors said Krugel was supposed to help solve the murder of Alex Odeh, Western regional director of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, who was killed in 1985 by a bomb that was triggered to explode when he opened the door to his Santa Ana office. To date, no one has been charged in the slaying. enter Krugel and Terrorism into a search engine to see what you will and won't find--couldn't find any mainstream media source when I used Yahoo. Why the beloved just the facts unbiased media? By the way, one of the terrorists died in prison, I jumped with joy with the news.


The final categorization of the LAX attack was certainly the topic of much debate. In the days following the shooting, the FBI indicated that the shooting could have been a hate crime or a random act of violence. That approach generated criticism from the Israeli government, conservative commentators, the Anti-Defamation Leagues, and some members of Congress, most notably Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., who wrote the FBI urging it to open a terrorism investigation, which it did.
As the Jewish Week reported last year, "The FBI, under pressure from the Jewish community, is now investigating [the El Al attack] as a terrorist incident."But criticism escalated last September when the Los Angeles Times reported, "Federal investigators have all but concluded that Hesham Mohamed Hadayet was motivated more by personal woes than by political anger when he shot and killed two people at the El Al Airlines ticket counter."
But criticism escalated last September when the Los Angeles Times reported, "Federal investigators have all but concluded that Hesham Mohamed Hadayet was motivated more by personal woes than by political anger when he shot and killed two people at the El Al Airlines ticket counter.

I went through LAX once....I've seen the waiting lines at the ticket counters...I'd shoot a couple people myself if it got me closer to that fat blonde woman with the long nails.

Either way - I'm all for "lets not call all muslims terrorists" but I really do think you're going about this in the wrong way. Your post started as nothing more then a rant.

There are Jewish terrorist...as well as Christian terrorists(reffering to the bombings of that abortion clinic about a year ago). The media just doesnt get news like this all the time :

"Today the City X Mall was bombed by the Jewish Coallition for a Jewish Taiwan."

The Oklahoma City Bombing is considered to this date a terrorist assault since the culprit had religious reasons behind his actions.

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