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Terrorist groups acquiring the cyber capability to bring major cities to a standstill (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
Terrorists and rogue states are gaining the capability to bring a major city to a standstill with the click of a button, the Director of GCHQ has warned.

In a rare public appearance, Robert Hannigan said the risk to cities like London would increase as more physical objects, such as cars and household appliances, are connected online – the so-called “internet of things”.

"As the world becomes ever more connected this will become a greater risk"

Terrorist groups acquiring the cyber capability to bring major cities to a standstill, warns GCHQ chief
Re: Terrorist groups acquiring the cyber capability to bring major cities to a stands

Terrorists and rogue states are gaining the capability to bring a major city to a standstill with the click of a button, the Director of GCHQ has warned.

In a rare public appearance, Robert Hannigan said the risk to cities like London would increase as more physical objects, such as cars and household appliances, are connected online – the so-called “internet of things”.

"As the world becomes ever more connected this will become a greater risk"

Terrorist groups acquiring the cyber capability to bring major cities to a standstill, warns GCHQ chief
Isnt that already a risk we face with Google? Apple? There are hackdoors built into pretty much every program and code written.
Re: Terrorist groups acquiring the cyber capability to bring major cities to a stands

GCHQ insists on it, so they can spy on us. Then they blame the fearsome enemy of the day for having to regretfully do so.
Re: Terrorist groups acquiring the cyber capability to bring major cities to a stands

Isnt that already a risk we face with Google? Apple? There are hackdoors built into pretty much every program and code written.

Yes it is.

A wise man, don't recall the name, said about 25 years ago, that high tech will be of great benefit to society, and our great undoing. I see it clearly now.

We are screwing ourselves and security measures are not keeping up.
Re: Terrorist groups acquiring the cyber capability to bring major cities to a stands

Yes it is.

A wise man, don't recall the name, said about 25 years ago, that high tech will be of great benefit to society, and our great undoing. I see it clearly now.

We are screwing ourselves and security measures are not keeping up.
Bill Clinton is probably the smartest of all of us. He never sends emails, doesnt use Facebook, and only surfs the internet for porn.
Re: Terrorist groups acquiring the cyber capability to bring major cities to a stands

Yes it is.

A wise man, don't recall the name, said about 25 years ago, that high tech will be of great benefit to society, and our great undoing. I see it clearly now.

We are screwing ourselves and security measures are not keeping up.

The security is keeping up just fine. It the implementation of it that's not. Security has to be balanced against usefulness. Too much security makes the utility of a given thing drop precipitously.

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