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Terror Babies (1 Viewer)


Somewhere in Babylon
DP Veteran
Jan 12, 2010
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Somewhere in Babylon...
Political Leaning

This seriously cracked me up.

You know, in a way, it's actually not that far fetched an idea, but I absolutely love the way none of them can offer a shred of evidence, and Louie Gohmert... well. All I can say is, he's pretty much a dick in my book now.

It's cringe worthy. For any sane member anyway.

This seriously cracked me up.

You know, in a way, it's actually not that far fetched an idea, but I absolutely love the way none of them can offer a shred of evidence, and Louie Gohmert... well. All I can say is, he's pretty much a dick in my book now.

It's cringe worthy. For any sane member anyway.

It certainly should raise some concerns because it would be a real loophole to get future terrorists into this country.

It is a well known fact that terrorists over there raise and brainwash their children from the day they are born.

From their (terrorist) point of view it would only make sense to do something like this to eliminate passport problems for their mentored future terrorists.

So why did the news anchor attack the messenger instead of researching and reporting how this is a very real loophole and is quite possible and how there is no real evidence it is not happening?
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It certainly should raise some concerns because it would be a real loophole to get future terrorists into this country.

It is a well known fact that terrorists over there raise and brainwash their children from the day they are born.

From their (terrorist) point of view it would only make sense to do something like this to eliminate passport problems for their mentored future terrorists.

So why did the news anchor attack the messenger instead of researching and reporting how this is a very real loophole and is quite possible and how there is no real evidence it is not happening?

If you would actually watch it... Anderson says he had an FBI guy on the show that said this is not happening.
If you would actually watch it... Anderson says he had an FBI guy on the show that said this is not happening.

So they must be tracking the upbringing of every baby with a foreign family coming to America to bear the child?
So are we gonna start water-boarding every kid in a nursery now?
This is a bit of a stretch as far as the terrorist angle. It was in the news not to long ago that 8% of the babies born in the US are from non citizen parents (both). IMO, this may produce a new generation of US citizens that have no real allegence to the America, may or may not understand/appreciate the Constitution and our laws. This could lead to a shift in American culture away from what many believe the US is all about.
What's worrisom is the babies being born here, then taken to another country to be raised and educated.
Less worrisom is the babies who are born here because the parents want a better life for their children in America instead of their homeland.
I don't know how we could stop one from happening without stopping all babie who are born here from becoming automatic citizans.
… IMO, this may produce a new generation of US citizens that have no real allegence to the America, may or may not understand/appreciate the Constitution and our laws. This could lead to a shift in American culture away from what many believe the US is all about.

I think American experience puts the lie to your theory. American history is one of diverse peoples coming to this country and producing new generations of proud Americans and that this process of assimilation is what made this country what it is today and what it will be tomorrow.

I will offer my own theory, that these new generations are vital to America's future and an enormous advantage that American nativists are attacking at our peril.

Excerpted from “The US needs those babies born to illegal moms” By Cynthia Tucker, Op-Ed columnist, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 6:45 am August 13, 2010
… [[SIZE="+2"]A[/SIZE]]s several economists have noted, the United States has an advantage: We’re still having babies. Some of them, it turns out, are born to women without papers. Rather than changing the law and kicking them out, we ought to be celebrating them with birthday parties.

In “The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050,” writer Joel Kotkin forecasts a prosperous nation buoyed by immigration. “In advanced countries,” he writes, “a rapidly aging or decreasing population does not bode well.” The U.S., however, will “maintain a youthful, dynamic demographic,” partly because of “a resourceful stream of ever-assimilating immigrants.”
What's worrisom is the babies being born here, then taken to another country to be raised and educated.
Less worrisom is the babies who are born here because the parents want a better life for their children in America instead of their homeland.
I don't know how we could stop one from happening without stopping all babie who are born here from becoming automatic citizans.

Exactly....babies born here and given citizenship only to be taken back to another country and brought up in another culture should raise concerns for the very real possibility of this being exploited to bring back babies to the extemists breeding terrorism...
I think American experience puts the lie to your theory. American history is one of diverse peoples coming to this country and producing new generations of proud Americans and that this process of assimilation is what made this country what it is today and what it will be tomorrow.

I will offer my own theory, that these new generations are vital to America's future and an enormous advantage that American nativists are attacking at our peril.

Your theory doesn't explain the parents who come to the US have the kid and leave. They want the option of duel citizenship. That show allegance to the US.
Exactly....babies born here and given citizenship only to be taken back to another country and brought up in another culture should raise concerns for the very real possibility of this being exploited to bring back babies to the extemists breeding terrorism...

There is more to it than just being a US citizen because you were born here. Worrisome? Hardly. Worth potentially tracking cases were hardline extremists travel here to have a baby and then move back to an area known for terrorist activities? Sure. Perspective is needed.
So why did the news anchor attack the messenger instead of researching and reporting how this is a very real loophole and is quite possible and how there is no real evidence it is not happening?

There's no real evidence that it IS happening.
Exactly....babies born here and given citizenship only to be taken back to another country and brought up in another culture should raise concerns for the very real possibility of this being exploited to bring back babies to the extemists breeding terrorism...
Why the hell would a terrorist go through all this rigamarole of having a child in the US, taking them home, spending all the time and energy raising, feeding and educating them only to send them back to the US to kill themselves when they could just skip the child and bomb something when they're here in the first place?
Your theory doesn't explain the parents who come to the US have the kid and leave. They want the option of duel citizenship. That show allegance to the US.

From the opening post, the article describes some of the things these wealthy Chinese are interested in: a pleasant place to give birth to their child and a fall back education option later in life.

Excerpted from “For many pregnant Chinese, a U.S. passport for baby remains a powerful lure” By Keith B. Richburg, Washington Post Staff Writer, The Washington Post, Sunday, July 18, 2010
[SIZE="+2"]T[/SIZE]he reasons they want U.S. passports for their babies are varied, but most come down to two key factors -- education and setting.

"The mainland [China] moms believe the U.S. has better educational resources," Zhou said. This year, 10 million students are battling for 6.6 million spots at Chinese universities and the chance for a better life. "The competition is too fierce on the mainland," Zhou said. …

Equally important was the setting. "It's spacious and with no pollution," Chuo said. "We thought it would put us in a good mood looking at the nice scenery, the hills and the water."

More important, this service has helped “between 500 and 600 mothers give birth to American babies in the five years they have been in business.” While that's very good for the business, I'm sure, that's hardly a major factor in the immigration issues our nation confronts.

Terror babies are delusions from paranoid and overactive imaginations obsessed with ‘outsiders’ coming to harm us. These alarms are distractions from the real issues that we should address.
Why the hell would a terrorist go through all this rigamarole of having a child in the US, taking them home, spending all the time and energy raising, feeding and educating them only to send them back to the US to kill themselves when they could just skip the child and bomb something when they're here in the first place?

Because being a terrorist is more about being diabolical than pratical, we're fighting an enemy led by Snidely Whiplash apparently.

Why the hell would a terrorist go through all this rigamarole of having a child in the US, taking them home, spending all the time and energy raising, feeding and educating them only to send them back to the US to kill themselves when they could just skip the child and bomb something when they're here in the first place?

It is a known fact how much they control their women over there....especially the extremist groups.

It is a known fact that extremists brainwash and mold their children from the day they are born.

It is a known fact that many foreigners come here just to give birth to a baby to get it American citizenship.

A terrorist on a watch list can't get here, but, can still control pregnant women and have them sent here to give birth.
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It is a known fact how much they control their women over there....especially the extremist groups.

It is a known fact that extremists brainwash and mold their children from the day they are born.

It is a known fact that many foreigners come here just to give birth to a baby to get it American citizenship.

A terrorist on a watch list can't get here, but, can still control pregnant women and have them sent here to give birth.

Ok... but you see there's a giant hole in the logic of "terror Babies"

Why would you bring a woman all the way to the United States. To pay all the money it took to come here, have a baby, then GO BACK HOME to wherever, raise it for 20 years to then go back and blow himself up?

How does that make any sense at all? If you can get on a plane, you can get on a plane makes no difference if you're a US Citizen or not? None of the 9/11 attackers were...
Ok... but you see there's a giant hole in the logic of "terror Babies"

Why would you bring a woman all the way to the United States. To pay all the money it took to come here, have a baby, then GO BACK HOME to wherever, raise it for 20 years to then go back and blow himself up?

How does that make any sense at all? If you can get on a plane, you can get on a plane makes no difference if you're a US Citizen or not? None of the 9/11 attackers were...

Just a guess. I think "Terror Babies" was a slick term invented by the left.
Our enemies are a very patient lot.
No one is saying they are having babies, taking them home for 18 yrs then sending them here to blow themselves up. They would be much more valuable as American citizans than that. They would be free to come and go as they please. They could conduct business in America. They could infiltrate our educational system, our government and our military. Not that that isn't already being done.
Just a guess. I think "Terror Babies" was a slick term invented by the left.

Ah... Ask Mr. Gohmert...

Our enemies are a very patient lot.
No one is saying they are having babies, taking them home for 18 yrs then sending them here to blow themselves up. They would be much more valuable as American citizans than that. They would be free to come and go as they please. They could conduct business in America. They could infiltrate our educational system, our government and our military. Not that that isn't already being done.


Heard the same things about the communists... never happened :mrgreen:
Ah... Ask Mr. Gohmert...


Heard the same things about the communists... never happened :mrgreen:

It's happening right now. We're being fed socialism a small bite at a time.
It's happening right now. We're being fed socialism a small bite at a time.



A mental disorder characterized by systematized delusions and the projection of personal conflicts, which are ascribed to the supposed hostility of others, sometimes progressing to disturbances of consciousness and aggressive acts believed to be performed in self-defense or as a mission.

baseless or excessive suspicion of the motives of others.

a tendency on the part of an individual or group toward excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others

Need I go further :lamo
Because being a terrorist is more about being diabolical than pratical, we're fighting an enemy led by Snidely Whiplash apparently.


Yes. The whole point of terrorism is to inspire terror because the terror is far more damaging than any economic or military losses they can inflict. Being diabolical is more terrifying than being practical.
Yes. The whole point of terrorism is to inspire terror because the terror is far more damaging than any economic or military losses they can inflict. Being diabolical is more terrifying than being practical.

Maybe in some cases, but given the logistics, amount of planning, investment, and time involved in creating a 'terror baby.' Not to mention the risks that perhaps the 14th amendment will be re-interpreted or that this kid is discovered training to be a terrorist, assuming the idea is to birth him/her in the US and then leave immediately. I think those factors outweigh the possible advantages or added "terror affect" of having a US citizen conduct a terrorist attack.

Heck, natural born US citizens have conducted terrorist attacks, or have attempted them in the past, and in my opinion the additional affect on the nation's psyche was marginal at best and non-existent at worst. People tend to focus more on people's individual history more than their citizenship, so a guy was born in the US but lived his whole life in Afghanistan or Yemen or Somalia being trained as a terrorist probably wouldn't be see as a 'real' US citizen by most people. And definitely not make put that mindset into most Americans that "citizens could be terrorists now I can't trust anyone."

But thats my opinion, so if I was planning a terrorist attack this wouldn't be it. Now if I was guessing what some of these less-trained and almost "wanta-be" terrorists, like the guy who tried to blow that SUV in Times Square, I may see this as an option if there was any evidence supporting it.


A mental disorder characterized by systematized delusions and the projection of personal conflicts, which are ascribed to the supposed hostility of others, sometimes progressing to disturbances of consciousness and aggressive acts believed to be performed in self-defense or as a mission.

baseless or excessive suspicion of the motives of others.

a tendency on the part of an individual or group toward excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others

Need I go further :lamo

So is America on the same ****ing path as Russia as to how Russia is very well documented to putting people who question their govrnment into mental institutions?

Perhaps this is why so many prominent figures in the U.S. want a revolution?

Chuck Norris for one says America needs a new revolution because what is truly going on...I can bring up countless more famous and prominent people alike who speak the same thing about what America has evovled to
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