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Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384] (1 Viewer)


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Jul 29, 2009
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Southwestern U.S.
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Another fine display of anti-violence and tolerance. Just toss this one on the pile with the others.

The poor misguided teen thought that a conversation was in order rather than violence. He just learned a lesson he won't soon forget... that the conversation for many on the left is over and they are instead following the advice of Maxine Waters.


re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

The horror.
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

The tolerance of the left has always been lip service.
They tolerate those who agree with them.
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

You mean that leftists calling Trump supporters Nazis and fascists and racists might actually lead to physical violence??? Cant be.
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

Cute edit. Gotta wonder what the actual provocation was.
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

The horror.

I'll put you down as a supporter of the asshat who attacked that teenage boy.

re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

I'll put you down as a supporter of the asshat who attacked that teenage boy.


Did he cry?
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

Cute edit. Gotta wonder what the actual provocation was.

Blaming the victim is a good strategy... a strategy the left fully endorses.

re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

You mean that leftists calling Trump supporters Nazis and fascists and racists might actually lead to physical violence??? Cant be.

If only somebody had done this to hitler early on. (Or Jim.Jones, or Mao, or Mussolini, or Stalin. Any ****ed up leader ever, really.)

Might have saved a bunch of lives and money.
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

I'll put you down as a supporter of the asshat who attacked that teenage boy.


Asshat? The teenage boy was wearing the “asshat!” :shock:
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

Does the attacker earn bonus points if he did?


Was his mommy there?
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

If only somebody had done this to hitler early on. (Or Jim.Jones, or Mao, or Mussolini, or Stalin. Any ****ed up leader ever, really.)

Might have saved a bunch of lives and money.

Now the teenage boy is Hitler.... Please, continue on that.

re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

Cute edit. Gotta wonder what the actual provocation was.

Considering it's San Antoinio, that is in the heart of Trump Country. I really doubt that it had anything to do with his hat.
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

Blaming the victim is a good strategy... a strategy the left fully endorses.


You have no idea whatsoever what that kid said to that guy.

So it is impossible to blame the victim here.

We don't know if he IS a victim.
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

Was his mommy there?

Why don't you just give the attacker the praise you obviously feel he deserves and move on?

re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

The horror.

Post #2 and we have a liberal apologist for a grown man assaulting a 16 year old. The true greatness of Trump is his ability to bring out the true face of the left.
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

Blaming the victim is a good strategy... a strategy the left fully endorses.


Wasn't blaming the victim your whole MO during the Zimmerman/Martin kerfuffle?
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

Post #2 and we have a liberal apologist for a grown man assaulting a 16 year old. The true greatness of Trump is his ability to bring out the true face of the left.

I’m thinking you got your directions mixed up..........
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

The tolerance of the left has always been lip service.
They tolerate those who agree with them.

Some things should not be tolerated.

I'm quite sure I could find things you would not tolerate.
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

If only somebody had done this to hitler early on. (Or Jim.Jones, or Mao, or Mussolini, or Stalin. Any ****ed up leader ever, really.)

Might have saved a bunch of lives and money.

Jesus Christ. What an unbelievably stupid thing to say.
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

Violence is inexcusable. No matter which side does it. (Contrary to what Trumpettes will tell you)
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

Considering it's San Antoinio, that is in the heart of Trump Country. I really doubt that it had anything to do with his hat.

Having been to San Antonio only once I never really got the "MAGA" vibe there as I got from other areas in Texas like El Paso or Kileen, but I could be totally wrong.
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

Why don't you just give the attacker the praise you obviously feel he deserves and move on?


If I don't cry and wail and declare this a war on me and America, you won't be satisfied. Drama llama victim trauma.
re: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing "MAGA" hat[W:384]

The horror.

no horror but a despicable act of political intolerance

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