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Ted Cruze is Gods gift to the left. (1 Viewer)

James D Hill

DP Veteran
May 7, 2012
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Political Leaning
Very Liberal
I thought Ted Cruze was supposed to be smarter that other Tea Party clod heads like Louie Gohmert,Mike Lee or Michele Bachmann. He was supposed to be the Ivy Leage smart guy of the Jesus freak,social conservative and working class conservative crowd. I guess not. He does not even have the support of his own party to shut down the government and he didn't even ask them. Now the venom aimed at Ted Cruze is coming fron the GOP along with the left. Now even Bachmann and Gohmert are that freaking stupid. Thank God for Ted Cruze. He might give the left back the house in spite of right wing Gerrymandering.
Cool Story Bro.
The Cruze? Like the Chevy Cruze? What do you have against that?

P.S. Learn to spell, and people won't think you're a simple git.
The Cruze? Like the Chevy Cruze? What do you have against that?

P.S. Learn to spell, and people won't think you're a simple git.

I'm afraid that in this case, there are much, much, much bigger problems than mere illiteracy. More like many years worth of drug-induced, irreversible brain damage.
Cruz opponents: John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, John McCain. Three pretty big names in his own party.

Cruz ally: Sarah Palin.

Write your own punchline.
Cruz opponents: John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, John McCain. Three pretty big names in his own party.

Cruz ally: Sarah Palin.

Write your own punchline.

That's not exactly a fair, or even honest assessment.
The Republican Party on Cruze Control. I love it.
I'm afraid that in this case, there are much, much, much bigger problems than mere illiteracy. More like many years worth of drug-induced, irreversible brain damage.

Don't get your holy underwear in a bunch my friend.

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