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Supreme Court to Review Trump-Era ‘Remain in Mexico’ Asylum Policy (1 Viewer)

Looks like the admin needs to make more effort than rescinding a policy just because it says so.
Perhaps a little more reading of your own source would be in order. The first time SCOTUS heard this they said exactly what you said, US can't just rescind the order. Biden administration restarted it, and now they are trying to permanently stop the program. But hey, a little false outrage on a Sunday morning is invigorating right?
Perhaps a little more reading of your own source would be in order. The first time SCOTUS heard this they said exactly what you said, US can't just rescind the order. Biden administration restarted it, and now they are trying to permanently stop the program. But hey, a little false outrage on a Sunday morning is invigorating right?
A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, in New Orleans, rejected the administration’s plan to shut down the program.

“The government says it has unreviewable and unilateral discretion to create and to eliminate entire components of the federal bureaucracy that affect countless people, tax dollars and sovereign states,” Judge Andrew S. Oldham wrote for the panel. “The government also says it has unreviewable and unilateral discretion to ignore statutory limits imposed by Congress.”

“And the government says it can do all of this by typing up a new ‘memo’ and posting it on the internet,” he added. “If the government were correct, it would supplant the rule of law with the rule of say-so. We hold the government is wrong.”
Isn't this a good thing as it shows a President can't just do whatever the hell he likes?
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A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, in New Orleans, rejected the administration’s plan to shut down the program.

“The government says it has unreviewable and unilateral discretion to create and to eliminate entire components of the federal bureaucracy that affect countless people, tax dollars and sovereign states,” Judge Andrew S. Oldham wrote for the panel. “The government also says it has unreviewable and unilateral discretion to ignore statutory limits imposed by Congress.”

“And the government says it can do all of this by typing up a new ‘memo’ and posting it on the internet,” he added. “If the government were correct, it would supplant the rule of law with the rule of say-so. We hold the government is wrong.”
That's old news. (mid December 2021)
That's old news. (mid December 2021)
The court is now seeing if the administration has made a superior effort to what was made before.
The court is now seeing if the administration has made a superior effort to what was made before.
I believe the administration restarted the program and is now suing to stop it.
I believe the administration restarted the program and is now suing to stop it.
Correct. It has to make a serious effort to show the program should be stopped.
Correct. It has to make a serious effort to show the program should be stopped.
I disagree with your wording but not your point.
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