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Supreme Court to discuss Mueller-related mystery case behind closed doors Friday (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 8, 2018
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Anyone care to speculate what it might be?


"The case concerns an unnamed foreign government-owned corporation that is fighting a subpoena request from a DC-based grand jury. Lower courts have ruled that the company must turn over the information and imposed fines for every day it failed to do so."

I'd like to think they're trying to get the records of some financial deal featuring Individual-1 but that sounds a little hopeful.
Anyone care to speculate what it might be?


"The case concerns an unnamed foreign government-owned corporation that is fighting a subpoena request from a DC-based grand jury. Lower courts have ruled that the company must turn over the information and imposed fines for every day it failed to do so."

I'd like to think they're trying to get the records of some financial deal featuring Individual-1 but that sounds a little hopeful.

Whatever it is that they are hiding is costing them big bucks every day that goes by. They can't last long before they cave.

The court's order restores a daily fine the company will face that had been put on hold by Chief Justice John Roberts while the full court considered the issue. It is an apparent loss for the company and marks the full court's first foray into the Mueller probe.
The order will put pressure on the company to turn over information to the grand jury or otherwise cooperate with Mueller as contempt fines continue to accumulate.
The company will have to pay $50,000 a day until it complies by turning over information, the DC Circuit said in an opinion published Tuesday. Those fees haven't yet piled up, but will begin now since the Supreme Court declined earlier Tuesday to freeze the fees.
There were no noted dissents in the high court's two-sentence order.

My vote is Bank of Cyprus and it involves financial transactions between Russians and Trump real estate deals.
Anyone care to speculate what it might be?

If we've got someone here who is intimate with the relevant law, they can't say it without outing themselves. Pretty specific. I can't speculate all that well, but here's a go

The case concerns an unnamed foreign government-owned corporation that is fighting a subpoena request from a DC-based grand jury. Lower courts have ruled that the company must turn over the information and imposed fines for every day it failed to do so. Last week the Supreme Court denied an emergency request from the company to freeze the financial penalty, pending appeal. Now, lawyers for the company are asking if they can file their appeal with the Supreme Court under seal.

(The link).

Hmm...unnamed foreign corporation. Subpeona about acts in DC, via DC grand jury. And the rest...

If we've got someone here who is intimate with the relevant law, they can't say it without outing themselves. Pretty specific. I can't speculate all that well, but here's a go

The case concerns an unnamed foreign government-owned corporation that is fighting a subpoena request from a DC-based grand jury. Lower courts have ruled that the company must turn over the information and imposed fines for every day it failed to do so. Last week the Supreme Court denied an emergency request from the company to freeze the financial penalty, pending appeal. Now, lawyers for the company are asking if they can file their appeal with the Supreme Court under seal.

(The link).

Hmm...unnamed foreign corporation. Subpeona about acts in DC, via DC grand jury. And the rest...


We also know it is a grand jury under Muellers jurisdiction.
Anyone care to speculate what it might be?


"The case concerns an unnamed foreign government-owned corporation that is fighting a subpoena request from a DC-based grand jury. Lower courts have ruled that the company must turn over the information and imposed fines for every day it failed to do so."

I'd like to think they're trying to get the records of some financial deal featuring Individual-1 but that sounds a little hopeful.

These shadow games make me sick

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