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Supreme court nominee, disqualifies Republican pick of open seat. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 26, 2020
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menifee calif.
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Seems the nominee, sees how flipping the ideological bent of the court, is wrong, and must not occur. That is without it being less than two months before a national election. That is only as a standard pertaining to makeup of court. Shoving this court pick thru, will cause MASS disaffection. And rage at the dumbass minority that wants to rule the majority, by hook and by crook.

All righty then...another opportunity to watch R's twist themselves into pretzels describing how this doesn't apply in the current situation.
Seems the nominee, sees how flipping the ideological bent of the court, is wrong, and must not occur. That is without it being less than two months before a national election. That is only as a standard pertaining to makeup of court. Shoving this court pick thru, will cause MASS disaffection. And rage at the dumbass minority that wants to rule the majority, by hook and by crook.


she can be nominated and the senate can confirm. if she doesn't want it she can not accept the nomination.
Like with anything, Republicans have double standards. For example, they are determined that any government employee who doesn't support trump politically should be uncovered and fired - yet imagine how they'd react to a Democrat having that approach. They're blind to their hyper-partisanship, where to them, a 100% loyal-to-them government is the only ok one, but a 100%-loyal to a Democratic president is the end of the country.

They're THRILLED to replace honest justices with radical right-wing ones and take control of the Supreme Court - like Thurgood Marshall with 'another black guy' Clarence Thomas, the worst Justice in a long time - but suddenly discover an important 'principle' about not changing the balance of power when it might go the other way. It's asinine and corrupt.
Seems the nominee, sees how flipping the ideological bent of the court, is wrong, and must not occur. That is without it being less than two months before a national election. That is only as a standard pertaining to makeup of court. Shoving this court pick thru, will cause MASS disaffection. And rage at the dumbass minority that wants to rule the majority, by hook and by crook.


This is an obvious sign about her partisanship, and partisans should not be allowed on the bench. The Democrats have valid reasons for holding out and refusing to support the Republicans in this

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