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Supreme Court Backs Arizona Voting Map in Republican Setback (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2012
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Sarasota, Florida
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Supreme Court Backs Arizona Voting Map in Republican Setback - Bloomberg Politics
Supreme Court Backs Arizona Voting Map in Republican Setback

“The U.S. Supreme Court upheld Arizona’s state legislative districts, rejecting contentions that the map unconstitutionally dilutes the influence of Republican voters.
The justices Wednesday unanimously said the map, drawn by an independent commission, complies with the Constitution’s “one person, one vote” principle.
A group of Arizona residents contended that the commission actually had partisan motivations and packed white Republicans into a handful of districts to give Democrats an edge………………..

………The high court said there was ample evidence that the commission wasn’t driven by partisan motivations but by an effort to comply with the U.S. Voting Rights Act………….

The Court says.........no cheating allowed.........
Supreme Court Backs Arizona Voting Map in Republican Setback - Bloomberg Politics
Supreme Court Backs Arizona Voting Map in Republican Setback

“The U.S. Supreme Court upheld Arizona’s state legislative districts, rejecting contentions that the map unconstitutionally dilutes the influence of Republican voters.
The justices Wednesday unanimously said the map, drawn by an independent commission, complies with the Constitution’s “one person, one vote” principle.
A group of Arizona residents contended that the commission actually had partisan motivations and packed white Republicans into a handful of districts to give Democrats an edge………………..

………The high court said there was ample evidence that the commission wasn’t driven by partisan motivations but by an effort to comply with the U.S. Voting Rights Act………….

The Court says.........no cheating allowed.........
Whenever an article claims "Republican Setback", I figure it's something good for America! :thumbs:
“The U.S. Supreme Court upheld Arizona’s state legislative districts, rejecting contentions that the map unconstitutionally dilutes the influence of Republican voters.
The justices Wednesday unanimously said the map, drawn by an independent commission, complies with the Constitution’s “one person, one vote” principle.
A group of Arizona residents contended that the commission actually had partisan motivations and packed white Republicans into a handful of districts to give Democrats an edge………………..

………The high court said there was ample evidence that the commission wasn’t driven by partisan motivations but by an effort to comply with the U.S. Voting Rights Act…

I really hope that Arizona's method of creating a non-partisan commission to draw the voting lines catches on with the rest of the country. Glad to see the Supreme Court recognizes the methodology as a valid and constitutional manner (although that does not appear to have been a key issue for this particular case).
I really hope that Arizona's method of creating a non-partisan commission to draw the voting lines catches on with the rest of the country. Glad to see the Supreme Court recognizes the methodology as a valid and constitutional manner (although that does not appear to have been a key issue for this particular case).

It would be the fair way to do it.........But I think in many cases it will take a court order.......or reinstatement of the Voting Rights bill x'ed by SCOTUS............

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