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Supremacist Hale Sentenced to 40 Years (1 Viewer)

He got what he desearved. Not only because he is racist trash, but because we need to make sure that our judges are protected.
pwo said:
He got what he desearved. Not only because he is racist trash, but because we need to make sure that our judges are protected.
I completely disagree. I really can't understand how he got 40 years? For what? For speaking openly about his objection to the judge's ruling? For wanting her to die, and speaking about it (Pac, did he openly say he wanted her dead?)? I'm sorry, but the man never attempted to kill her. He was given this sentence apparently for being a racist. While I think racism is completely stupid, I can't believe a person should be conveicted for it, let alone sentenced to 40 years in prison! This reminds me of the way Communists were treated in the 1950s.

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