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Stupid Americans? A great war is coming? (1 Viewer)



Has anybody heard such information?


Frankly speaking, I even didn't think that it is possible in the 21 century. It seems that it is profitable for somebody to have ignorant and consequently obedient and trustful nation. If it is true, than it is obvious that the USA is preparing for a great war.

I am interesting what americans think about it?
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Simon W. Moon said:
That link doesn't work for me. Could you paraphrase it?

I think that when/if there's another attack on the US all bets are off. I think that enough people will lose their comon sense and start chicken little screaming for the govt to go kill someoone, anyone. Word is that the pre-planned response is to attack Iran w/o regard as to its involvement.

Word is that, you can get any information you would like on the web, it does not have to be fact, just text on a computer screen for most. This story is just pure spin, as this is one of many plans that these people dream up for a variety of circumstances, and situations. One could get dizzy with what one may find planned on any given day in our nations military war rooms. This is exactly why this information should be secret, and is, this is yet another case of loose lips, and we all know what that may lead to.:roll:
Deegan said:
This story is just pure spin, as this is one of many plans that these people dream up for a variety of circumstances, and situations.
Thanks for your input.
However, I don't see how your characterizations of 'spin' and 'dream up' are supported by the information available. Some folks from STRATCOM decided that this info needed to be shared for a reason. Given that they are STRATCOM folks, I suspect that they are well aware of the significance the plans they make. They did not, for instance, discuss our plans for an invasion of Canada (which we have drawn up btw).
Simon W. Moon said:
That link doesn't work for me. Could you paraphrase it?

I think that when/if there's another attack on the US all bets are off. I think that enough people will lose their comon sense and start chicken little screaming for the govt to go kill someoone, anyone. Word is that the pre-planned response is to attack Iran w/o regard as to its involvement.

If the US does take military action against Iran, it will just be bombing raids to take out bases developing nuclear technology.
Don't forget the reason Iran is doing this is because it now realises how stretched the US army is, the US does not have the strength to invade them (unless a draft happens, however we all know that this is unlikely).
Also Iran has mountainous terrian, perfect for guerilla warfare. Since the US has had diffiuculties with a country with flat desert, I'm guessing they won't fare well in mountains.

I'm afraid if the US does bomb Iran, more people will fill up the terrorist ranks.

Remember Al Queida is no longer an organization, it is now an idea.
GarzaUK said:
Remember Al Queida is no longer an organization, it is now an idea.

U got that right but you need to modify your definition of what terrorism really is.

And don't believe for one second that it will be America that launches the strikes against Tehran... It will be Israel. The IAF has been briefed on this for months, if not years.

I'd personally like to see Israel do it. The Iranian response could be quite interesting.
tiktok said:
U got that right but you need to modify your definition of what terrorism really is.

And don't believe for one second that it will be America that launches the strikes against Tehran... It will be Israel. The IAF has been briefed on this for months, if not years.

I'd personally like to see Israel do it. The Iranian response could be quite interesting.

The whole thing about Iran is really to keep Israel the only nuclear regional superpower. Iran would even the playing field so to speak. No-one ever remembers or states that Israel shouldn't have nukes either and they have never officially annouced their presence.

Your right it probably would be a US/Israeli joint mission.

Terrorism has evolved now. Al-Queida through propaganda inspires radical Islamic people. Al-Queida wasn't involved in the London attacks for example.
GarzaUK said:
Terrorism has evolved now. Al-Queida through propaganda inspires radical Islamic people. Al-Queida wasn't involved in the London attacks for example.
A few questions:

Terrorism has "evolved" into what ? A more efficient killing machine ?

You say Al-Qaeda "inspires" Muslims - to do what ?

Are you claiming that Al-Qaeda was not even indirectly involved in the London bombings ? On what evidence do you base your opinion ?
GarzaUK said:
Terrorism has evolved now. Al-Queida through propaganda inspires radical Islamic people. Al-Queida wasn't involved in the London attacks for example.[/

Remember Al Queida is no longer an organization, it is now an idea.

Oh God.:roll: Enter the people that saw "V."

Current Radical Islam got it's roots from Hassan al Banna with the creation of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928. Radical Islam and the terrorist tactics used was always an "idea" and Al-Queda did not invent it. Every intel report out there has radical Islam reeling in a multiple of countries, whether they are being fought by Americans or by local Muslim governments.

Al-Queda doesn't have to be behind anything. Radical Islam has found a home in countless Islamic organizations. These organizations existed long before Al-Queda and they will exist long after Al-Queda. Thanks to our cowardly refusal to take military action in the 90's after each attack U.S. military personnel suffered by these zealots, the act of 9/11 showed all of these organizations of the damage they could really inflict if they organized. It is this act that "evolved" their visions. However, they still have not reached their full potential. When they realize the truly destructive power by attacking with waves of suicide bombers in a western city, get concerned. They still have plenty of room to "evolve." In the mean time, they are continuing to alienate themselves from Muslim populations with every senseless act of violence. The slaughter of Muslims in Iraq, Jordan, and Indonesia were felt by the local populace. The targets they have struck illuminate their weakness and rage, not an intelligent global strategy. Far from striking major governmental or military targets, the terrorists have been reduced to sloven assassinations and the calculated mass murder of young people of every religion. It is far easier for local Muslim populations to purge themselves of their terrorists if they continue to be on the losing side.

Try not to be so weak in the face of a coward that would place a bomb in a crowded market street, after thousands of his brothers have been killed or jailed all over the world, and call it "winning."
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