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straight edgers? (1 Viewer)

new coup for you

Upper West Side Jacobin
DP Veteran
Aug 15, 2005
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Philly, "The City that shoves you back!"
Political Leaning
If Philadelphia has a straight edge community i've never seen it. maybe in the suburbs?

what the hell is this retarded phenomenon. i saw some skin-head looking guys on campus today (i go to school in Boston) talking about the "straight edge lifestyle"- no drinking no drugs, etc.

they look like prohibition skin heads.
new coup for you said:
If Philadelphia has a straight edge community i've never seen it. maybe in the suburbs?

what the hell is this retarded phenomenon. i saw some skin-head looking guys on campus today (i go to school in Boston) talking about the "straight edge lifestyle"- no drinking no drugs, etc.

they look like prohibition skin heads.

He most likely shaved his head in an effort to get rid of any evidence of yesterday's drug abuse. Did he have a mint in his mouth as well? Those straight edgers don't fool me...if I were still a server I would spike their coffee w/ Baily's...take that straight-edger...and your little X's too.
Its a counter culture to the counter culture, so to speak. Its simply a way of showing that you are in control of yourself and also showing that you are not simply one of the crowd. Its also a means of self expression, which is repressed very much in the teen community.

I'm not a straight edger myself but I know some straight edgers and I also listen to similar music as them so we sometimes see eye to eye (though not about the no beer, no drugs, no **** thing)
new coup for you said:
yeah dont they tattoo Xs on themselves? why would you do that?

I found this reasoning on a straight-edge website. ( def. was a little out of place there)

A common practice at all-ages punk shows was to mark minors with an "X"
on their hands so they couldn't buy alcohol. As the straight-edge
philosophy grew popular, punkers who were older than 18 but didn't
drink for ideological reasons started to mark themselves with the X in
a show of solidarity.

When I was under 21 I would run to the bathroom and scrub the x's OFF my hands in order to try to trick the bartenders. This whole keeping the X's on in the grocery store at the age of 25 thing is beyond me. In fact I am so confused about it that I may need to go to happy hour immediately in order to calm my nerves.:drink

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