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Stocks and previous presidents (1 Viewer)


Gadfly Extraordinaire
DP Veteran
Mar 3, 2018
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San Diego
Political Leaning
This is for those who are trying to blame the recent stock market crash on the election of Democrats to the house ( nothing that they started to Tumble in October and in November there was a huge Spike)

Trust me, I am no supporter of Trump nor Bush 43... but context is everything.

Economic condition and correlation to exclusively being the President’s fault is the biggest problem with this comparative representation.
This is for those who are trying to blame the recent stock market crash on the election of Democrats to the house ( nothing that they started to Tumble in October and in November there was a huge Spike)

View attachment 67246644


Next thing you know, you'll find some correlation between a mythical rise in racism and Trump.


Trust me, I am no supporter of Trump nor Bush 43... but context is everything.

Economic condition and correlation to exclusively being the President’s fault is the biggest problem with this comparative representation.

I agree with your overarching comment. However, Trump has got stock guys nervous as cats. There is no other reason for the current level of agita than the degree to which Trump has introduced massive levels of uncertainty into the markets. That is also why nobody wants to hold over a weekend or over a holiday. The bulls try to keep the roof from caving in all day long but by the end of the day, particularly a Friday or before a holiday, they are out of gas having poured money directly into a headwind all day long, the bears carry the day in the last hour of trading and just cave the bulls in. There is simply no other reason for this sort of stock performance than massive levels of uncertainty and the only current reason for that is Donald Trump.
This is for those who are trying to blame the recent stock market crash on the election of Democrats to the house ( nothing that they started to Tumble in October and in November there was a huge Spike)

View attachment 67246644

See, it's tricky to use that.

Because on the one hand, the president only has so much influence on the stock market, and thus a lot of what is thrown at them isn't entirely fair. But on the other hand, Trump's message was I'm awesome because look at the stocks.

Of course, presidents can actually exert real influence by doing things like starting idiotic trade wars, ****ting on allies, ripping up trade agreements (but only until allies realize he's going to agree to a virtually identical agreement and call it "WINNING!"), etc. He's done more of that than others.
There’s stocks, and then there’s the good stuff. If you had followed the good stuff, it fell weeks ago, and has since stabilized. If your stocks dropped this past week, they suck. If they’re flat to advancing this week, they’re prolly good.

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