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Stock futures are REALLY down tonight!!!! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2020
Reaction score
Political Leaning
The market doesn't always open as futures look the night before but, whoa, tomorrow could be a very bad day!
The market doesn't always open as futures look the night before but, whoa, tomorrow could be a very bad day!
The market is alway going to respond to what is happening in the world. The war in Ukraine will create some volatility for a while but it will eventually settle back into a stable position. Patience is necessary to be in the market.
The market doesn't always open as futures look the night before but, whoa, tomorrow could be a very bad day!
And everyone with a 401K and IRA will be hurting especially those who are retired and rely on those funds to compensate their Social Security. Everyday this week anyone invested in the market have seen major losses.
Stocks don't like WAR! Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a rough ride.
Yes, war and expected interest rate hikes (a prediction of as many as 9 in a row) sure could present a very rough ride.
And everyone with a 401K and IRA will be hurting especially those who are retired and rely on those funds to compensate their Social Security. Everyday this week anyone invested in the market have seen major losses.
Whatever money you need in the next 2 years shouldn't be in the market.
I think this is manageable. I migrated about 15% into gold-indexed securities ~2 weeks ago and a similar amount into liquid assets. I currently assume tomorrow will be something of a moderate bloodbath for the first 4 hours of market operation (==buy) and things should stabilize somewhat Friday afternoon. We’ll see how badly I erred!
I have to wonder about people who only discuss making or losing money at the expense of others. Remember folks the reason for this volatility is people are being killed. Talk about dancing on the graves of others. Sad.
I have to wonder about people who only discuss making or losing money at the expense of others. Remember folks the reason for this volatility is people are being killed. Talk about dancing on the graves of others. Sad.
This is simply discussion about the financial impact of this war. I don't take it as dancing on anybody's grave.
Buy the dip?
I'm sure tempted. I've had some money I've wanted to invest for many months now. We've now reached the Dow and S&P target I've been waiting for but I'm feeling reluctance. I would have liked to see a capitulation day of a convincing nature and we just haven't had that yet. So, part of me thinks we might have lower and, potentially, much lower to go. I'm a long-term investor so when I put money in, it will potentially stay put for my lifetime and even end up inherited by my children. I'm also a patient investor so I'll wait months, even years for what I view as an investing opportunity day.
So, here we are at one of those looked for opportunities - but I'm reluctant to even pull a partial trigger. Certainly, I've reached these days before, then decided to wait for a lower opportunity and kicked myself for that reluctance.
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I'm sure tempted. I've had some money I've wanted to invest for many months now. We've now reached the Dow and S&P target I've been waiting for but I'm feeling reluctance. I would have liked to see a capitulation day of a convincing nature and we just haven't had that yet. So, part of me thinks we might have lower and, potentially, much lower to go. I'm a long-term investor so when I put money in, it will potentially stay put for my lifetime and even end up inherited by my children. I'm also a patient investor so I'll wait months, even years for what I view as an investing opportunity day.
So, here we are at one of those looked for opportunities - but I'm reluctant to even pull a partial trigger. Certainly, I've reached these days before, then decided to wait for a lower opportunity and kicked myself for that reluctance.
That's human nature which is why professionals do better than novices.
No longer a potential buying day for me. Not at my target levels anymore. Back to watch and wait mode for me.
The russian stock market was down 50%

I can't imagine why

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