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Steve Bannon Out at White House (1 Viewer)

This simply speaks to the president's poor judgment in selecting his staff. Flynn, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramouche, Bannon gone in 8 months. Trump did not understand the requirements of the jobs, and he failed to adequately interview people to fill the jobs. Pathetic.
Four tops aids to the president in this shot gone w/in 6 months. This administration is a flaming clown car that crashed into an orphanage.
Yep, it appears the Trump has become lost in his character. I think he is falling in the false belief that he really is the ruthless, successful business leader that he plays on TV. TV stars often get trapped into the fantasy of the character. Remember Alan Hale, the skipper on Gilligan's Island, insisted on being buried at sea (even though he was from Kansas)....

American's have become hopelessly lost in the maze of TV "reality"...

Survivor White House.jpg
At the end of the day - Trump just wants to be loved. IMO...That's why he can't outright turn his back on the muddy waters swirling around him - he wants EVERYBODY to love him one way or another!

admired - NOT loved
Yep, it appears the Trump has become lost in his character. I think he is falling in the false belief that he really is the ruthless, successful business leader that he plays on TV. TV stars often get trapped into the fantasy of the character. Remember Alan Hale, the skipper on Gilligan's Island, insisted on being buried at sea (even though he was from Kansas)....

American's have become hopelessly lost in the maze of TV "reality"...

View attachment 67221525

The odd bit is that he promised the country "We will hire the best people, fanTAStic people....."
Re: Trump Tells Aides He Has Decided to Remove Stephen Bannon


This is great news for the Goldman Sachs wing in the White House.

Although it appears Steve Bannon submitted his resignation on August 7th, so this looks like it was planned weeks ago.

I never liked the man, but does anyone think that the irrational craziness of the US sh.itstorm would have been any less stupid? Done less damage to the country? Bannon might be better as toast. He is not the problem.
At the end of the day - Trump just wants to be loved. IMO...That's why he can't outright turn his back on the muddy waters swirling around him - he wants EVERYBODY to love him one way or another!

Then he should be in counseling; not working out his issues on all of us.

It seems, however, in his quest to be loved, it manages to get most to hate him.
This simply speaks to the president's poor judgment in selecting his staff. Flynn, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramouche, Bannon gone in 8 months. Trump did not understand the requirements of the jobs, and he failed to adequately interview people to fill the jobs. Pathetic.

this was - and is - the downside of not coming from a political background

his business experience did not well prepare him to understand the machinery of the political world, nor provide a network of political players he could call upon to serve his administration
Re: Trump Tells Aides He Has Decided to Remove Stephen Bannon

Miller and Gorka will be gone before Labor Day.

That will not save Trump from leaving office before the end of the year.
Then he should be in counseling; not working out his issues on all of us.

We have to remember Trump was a private citizen before becoming president. It is a big shift from going from a private citizen to President of the United States.

Trump is working out the kinks. It is very much like a startup business. We went through a lot of road bumps but things look to be getting better.
I would have celebrated this some months ago. But it's become astonishingly clear with the continuing rotation of White House staff that nobody has an effect on Trump's behavior. Everybody is in the White House because of him. He is not what he is because of the people around him. We will have no more reason to rejoice his leaving than we had reason to rejoice Kelly becoming Chief of Staff.

Kelly could not control Trump. When trump went off script on Charlottville, Kelly was in the back ground looking very embarressed.
Re: Trump Tells Aides He Has Decided to Remove Stephen Bannon

I never liked the man, but does anyone think that the irrational craziness of the US sh.itstorm would have been any less stupid? Done less damage to the country? Bannon might be better as toast. He is not the problem.

the muslim ban; his call
motivating the administration to undermine affirmative action programs. bannon's fingerprints all over it
build the wall to stop the illegals. i'm just guessing here

here is an article written on the friday prior to bannon's monday resignation:
Rumor was Bannon also wanted lower taxes for the middle class/low income and higher for the wealthy. If I'm going to find a positive note to Bannon, that was the one.
Re: Trump Tells Aides He Has Decided to Remove Stephen Bannon

While I am struck with quite a bit of schadenfreude, I concur that ultimately this won't change much. Trump is still unfit for office, and clearing out some of the hyper-nationalists around him won't change that.

How many days until the next election...?
Re: Trump Tells Aides He Has Decided to Remove Stephen Bannon

There's a lot of roaches to clean out .... Bannon, Miller, Gorka, Conway, McGahn, Mulvaney, Cohn, Sanders, and then on to the Cabinet roaches.
Four tops aids to the president in this shot gone w/in 6 months. This administration is a flaming clown car that crashed into an orphanage.

View attachment 67221524

Listen, Who Wants To Be President's Aid is a tough as nails Reality TV competition. You have to expect some firings, retiring, and shufflings if you want to win this game.
Listen, Who Wants To Be President's Aid is a tough as nails Reality TV competition. You have to expect some firings, retiring, and shufflings if you want to win this game.

Bannon fired at long, long last
Team Pepe cries a river
The hobo ****lord leaves his job
To spend more time with his liver
We have to remember Trump was a private citizen before becoming president. It is a big shift from going from a private citizen to President of the United States.

Trump is working out the kinks. It is very much like a startup business. We went through a lot of road bumps but things look to be getting better.

He's running the nation, not just our nation, but the greatest nation in the world. He's had long enough to "work out the kinks" at this point. We cannot wait years for him to "work out the kinks" to get things going. The world isn't just about to pause and say "hold on...hold on....he's still working out the kinks, let's give him a few".

The excuses never stop with the Trumpeteers, do they?

Working out the kinks

Wonder if that's what the captain of the Titanic said

"Sir, we're about to hit an iceberg"
"No worries, we're just working out the kinks"

He's running the nation, not just our nation, but the greatest nation in the world. He's had long enough to "work out the kinks" at this point. We cannot wait years for him to "work out the kinks" to get things going. The world isn't just about to pause and say "hold on...hold on....he's still working out the kinks, let's give him a few".

The excuses never stop with the Trumpeteers, do they?

Working out the kinks

Wonder if that's what the captain of the Titanic said

"Sir, we're about to hit an iceberg"
"No worries, we're just working out the kinks"


No at this point the captain of the costa Concordia is a better fit in the metaphor
Re: Trump Tells Aides He Has Decided to Remove Stephen Bannon

Miller and Gorka will be gone before Labor Day.

That will not save Trump from leaving office before the end of the year.

trump needs Miller to write his speeches and executive orders. Gorka would actually help trump on FOX ...
Re: Trump Tells Aides He Has Decided to Remove Stephen Bannon

Didn't Trump appoint a **** ton of bankers to positions in is administration? It's hard to keep track with the revolving door that is Trump political appointments. But Trump is just the other side of the Corporate-State (well I guess he's the whole coin now, lol), so it's not like Goldman Sachs was ever on the outs in the first place, lol.

Well, yeah, and his cabinet is 90% corporate sewage.
Re: Trump Tells Aides He Has Decided to Remove Stephen Bannon

Christie destroyed Rubio for trump in NH; trump remembers that; Christie and trump both have that certain NJ atmosphere in their heads;

Christie may be bombastic but he's experienced with great ideas when he can control his mouth ;;

And Christie tried to give his phone to Trump to receive a call from Obama during election night, and that was when Christie was persona non grata with Trump.

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