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Stephen Hawking admits he 'can't explain' Trump popularity (1 Viewer)


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Jan 28, 2012
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Stephen Hawking admits he '''can'''t explain''' Trump popularity - ITV News

Stephen Hawking has admitted the popularity of US presidential candidate Donald Trump is beyond even his understanding.

On previous occasions, the world-famous theorist has made no secret of his disdain for the likely Republican Party presidential nominee.

But asked if his knowledge of the universe meant he could explain the popular appeal of the billionaire tycoon, he told ITV's Good Morning Britain: "I can't.

"He is a demagogue, who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator".

I will be the first to admit that for the most part what celebrities and non-political types think about politics means a bit less than squat, but I can't agree more about the bolded part of his quote.
Donald Trump should challenge Stephen Hawking to an IQ battle!
Donald Trump assuredly is lowest common denominator.

This election cycle is nothing but a huge embarrassment for the Republic.
For a genius, he's stupid.
The Trump phenomenon is not restricted to the US and shows a near global swing to extremists. It is very disconcerting.

I personally think we've come upon the end of democracy. After the Athenians had their golden age, they voted for war against the Spartans and that brought about their ultimate decline. The Romans were a republic until Caesar's assassination sparked a civil war and brought about the empire- in which the people embraced. I think we've reached that point in the modern world.
I will be the first to admit that for the most part what celebrities and non-political types think about politics means a bit less than squat, but I can't agree more about the bolded part of his quote.

It's pretty simple really. Virtually everything that Democrats have been saying about the republican party and it's base for years is 100% accurate. You have a political party in this country that is made up almost entirely of racists, xenophobic, misogynist, nationalists, and you have a party that has Elected a Black Man president and is trying to follow that up with a Woman. The republican party has spent the last 7 years feeding the hate groups that make up the bulk of it's party in a desperate attempt to gain back relevance after being decimated in the 2008 election. They stoked this fire, but assumed they would be able to control it with a typical establishment candidate like they did in 2012, but after seeing both McCain and Romney lose to Obama the enraged basis doesn't want to send up another nice guy. They want someone unabashedly proclaims their loony hate speech. If they're going to strike out they want to do so swinging for the fences.

The republican party as it exists today is dying. It cannot survive, but after seven years the republican base still hasn't made it out of the 2nd stage of grief- Anger. This is largely because they have Propaganda networks like Fox News that have kept them in stage one - Denial. They need to be absolutely obliterated in this election to force them into stage three - Bargaining.
I personally think we've come upon the end of democracy. After the Athenians had their golden age, they voted for war against the Spartans and that brought about their ultimate decline. The Romans were a republic until Caesar's assassination sparked a civil war and brought about the empire- in which the people embraced. I think we've reached that point in the modern world.

There is that feel in the air, isn't it?

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