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Stephanie Grisham says Trump greatly admired Putin and 'wanted to be able to kill whoever spoke out against him' (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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This isn't some person on a message board. This is a Republican who served as the Press Secretary of the Trump Administration, the Press Secretary for the First Lady, the White House Communications Director and the chief of staff for the First Lady.

She worked for the Trumps for almost 4 YEARS.

So is she wrong or did the Trumps hire yet another horrible person?

"Former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said on Tuesday that former President Donald Trump both feared and admired Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"Honestly, I think he feared him. I think he was afraid of him. I think the man intimidated him," Grisham said during an appearance on "The View," when asked about Trump's impression of Putin.

"I also think he admired him greatly," Grisham said. "I think he wanted to be able to kill whoever spoke out against him."

"In my experience with him, again, I'll just say — he loved the dictators. He loved the people who could kill anyone, including the press," she added. In 2017, The Washington Post reported on 10 vocal critics of Putin who had died violently or under suspicious circumstances."

FLOTUS spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham on state payroll while on Trump's  victory tour and transition team | Arizona Capitol Times
This isn't some person on a message board. This is a Republican who served as the Press Secretary of the Trump Administration, the Press Secretary for the First Lady, the White House Communications Director and the chief of staff for the First Lady.

She worked for the Trumps for almost 4 YEARS.

So is she wrong or did the Trumps hire yet another horrible person?

"Former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said on Tuesday that former President Donald Trump both feared and admired Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"Honestly, I think he feared him. I think he was afraid of him. I think the man intimidated him," Grisham said during an appearance on "The View," when asked about Trump's impression of Putin.

"I also think he admired him greatly," Grisham said. "I think he wanted to be able to kill whoever spoke out against him."

"In my experience with him, again, I'll just say — he loved the dictators. He loved the people who could kill anyone, including the press," she added. In 2017, The Washington Post reported on 10 vocal critics of Putin who had died violently or under suspicious circumstances."

It's too bad that none of these idiots had the decency to come forward while Trump was still President. Shame on all of them.
99% of her statements are based on her opinion, not on a particular incident. I dismiss her as chasing a check.

There are much better tell all books on the previous President than this one.
I dismiss her as chasing a check.
Don't worry.

Few people will buy her book.

He obviously did not want to kill anyone who disagreed with him. That's absurd & silly on the face of it.

But there are certainly a lot of Social Justice Warriors who would like to shut up anyone that disagrees with them. That's why a certain former President is not allowed on something called Facebook and Twitter (whatever they are!).
Is it? It's not like she's saying anything new. Every American with half a brain knows that Trump was Putin's bitch for 4 years.
I just find her observations to be too generalized with little to back them up. I find the book by Barr to be of more value for the official record.
This isn't some person on a message board. This is a Republican who served as the Press Secretary of the Trump Administration, the Press Secretary for the First Lady, the White House Communications Director and the chief of staff for the First Lady.

She worked for the Trumps for almost 4 YEARS.

So is she wrong or did the Trumps hire yet another horrible person?

"Former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said on Tuesday that former President Donald Trump both feared and admired Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"Honestly, I think he feared him. I think he was afraid of him. I think the man intimidated him," Grisham said during an appearance on "The View," when asked about Trump's impression of Putin.

"I also think he admired him greatly," Grisham said. "I think he wanted to be able to kill whoever spoke out against him."

"In my experience with him, again, I'll just say — he loved the dictators. He loved the people who could kill anyone, including the press," she added. In 2017, The Washington Post reported on 10 vocal critics of Putin who had died violently or under suspicious circumstances."

She collected one years salary as the Presidents Press Secretary for doing F all.

Cushy gig, seems to be her greatest achievement.
She collected one years salary as the Presidents Press Secretary for doing F all.

Cushy gig, seems to be her greatest achievement.
it appears that she was paid for almost 4 years to serve the Trumps.
it appears that she was paid for almost 4 years to serve the Trumps.
I have little time for Trump's harem.

She was the first ladies press secretary I believe. Melania was one of our more low key first ladies. She knows the boss don't like to share the spot light. Another easy gig for Grisham.
I just find her observations to be too generalized with little to back them up. I find the book by Barr to be of more value for the official record.
Yeah, Wm. Barr is not chasing a check.

99% of her statements are based on her opinion, not on a particular incident. I dismiss her as chasing a check.

There are much better tell all books on the previous President than this one.
Has there been anyone who isn’t related to Trump ever part ways without being trashed by Donny? If she is lying Trump would sue her.
I have little time for Trump's harem.

She was the first ladies press secretary I believe. Melania was one of our more low key first ladies. She knows the boss don't like to share the spot light. Another easy gig for Grisham.
Haha Melania got citizenship for her and her parents. How much of a role do you think the 3rd wife should have after her husband paid off a porn star?
Haha Melania got citizenship for her and her parents. How much of a role do you think the 3rd wife should have after her husband paid off a porn star?
More than 1 report of Melania bursting into tears election night 2016, not tears of joy. She would not be the first spouse to dread the next 4 years.
More than 1 report of Melania bursting into tears election night 2016, not tears of joy. She would not be the first spouse to dread the next 4 years.
She is the 3rd spouse of a womanizing trust fund jerkoff
She is the 3rd spouse of a womanizing trust fund jerkoff
I did think it rather ignorant of American history for her to dig up the WH Rose Garden, designed by Jackie Kennedy.

She is a trophy wife, and more than likely not shocked when the Stormy storm hit.
I did think it rather ignorant of American history for her to dig up the WH Rose Garden, designed by Jackie Kennedy.

She is a trophy wife, and more than likely not shocked when the Stormy storm hit.
She knew what she was in for when she dated and married him.
It's too bad that none of these idiots had the decency to come forward while Trump was still President. Shame on all of them.
So she is speaking her peace now, I'm sure for pay. At best it's just her opinion and could be as wrong as it could be correct. Hey have you heard the story about the Congressional staffer who says Biden sexually assualted her in his office? Could be wrong, could be correct.
99% of her statements are based on her opinion, not on a particular incident. I dismiss her as chasing a check.

There are much better tell all books on the previous President than this one.

We don't need her opinion anyway: we watched Trump bend over for Putin live on TV for over five years of his candidacy and presidency.
So she is speaking her peace now, I'm sure for pay. At best it's just her opinion and could be as wrong as it could be correct. Hey have you heard the story about the Congressional staffer who says Biden sexually assualted her in his office? Could be wrong, could be correct.
Yes she's just chasing a paycheck.

But as above we also know it's true because we all watched Trump fellate Putin the whole damn time.

As for your lame attempt to change the subject we did not see that alleged event take place on live TV


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Yes she's just chasing a paycheck.

But as above we also know it's true because we all watched Trump fellate Putin the whole damn time.

As for your lame attempt to change the subject we did not see that alleged event take place on live TV
I don't dispute what she claimed. But she didn't back it much with direct quotes and references, which is my beef with the book. Lots of conjecture very little red meat, others have done much better at putting Trump on the record.

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