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Steel Slats??? (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
DP Veteran
Jan 21, 2013
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Post-Trump America
Political Leaning
Trump is currently in the process of changing his slogan of Build the Wall, to something Steel Slats. He thinks it sounds better. Hey Trump supporters, does it sound better to you????

I can't wait to hear the Steel Slats slogans at the Trump rallies in 2020!!!!! :lamo

When will you admit you guys got conned!!!!!!!!!!:lamo
tRump stuttered
he intended to say he wanted funding for real sluts
seems the guy is tired of paying for them out of his own pocket
tRump stuttered
he intended to say he wanted funding for real sluts
seems the guy is tired of paying for them out of his own pocket

So he set up a gofundme with a younger version of michael cohen???
Trump is currently in the process of changing his slogan of Build the Wall, to something Steel Slats. He thinks it sounds better. Hey Trump supporters, does it sound better to you????

I can't wait to hear the Steel Slats slogans at the Trump rallies in 2020!!!!! :lamo

When will you admit you guys got conned!!!!!!!!!!:lamo

Man, you don't even understand that Trump is mocking the democrats ... :lol:

"Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Oregon, is opposing a border wall between the United States and Mexico because people can’t see through it."
Guy was saying stupid things like that on CNN of course.

(Some of the border wall prototypes include barriers with spaced bars at the bottom and solid on top.
It looks like these are the "front runners" preferred by border guards.)
Man, you don't even understand that Trump is mocking the democrats ... :lol:

"Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Oregon, is opposing a border wall between the United States and Mexico because people can’t see through it."
Guy was saying stupid things like that on CNN of course.

(Some of the border wall prototypes include barriers with spaced bars at the bottom and solid on top.
It looks like these are the "front runners" preferred by border guards.)

He tweeted about Steel Slats and put Wall in parenthesis. (Wall). You analysis is foolish.
Trump is currently in the process of changing his slogan of Build the Wall, to something Steel Slats. He thinks it sounds better. Hey Trump supporters, does it sound better to you????

I can't wait to hear the Steel Slats slogans at the Trump rallies in 2020!!!!! :lamo

When will you admit you guys got conned!!!!!!!!!!:lamo

So basically he wants to build a fancy fence...wow

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