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Special elections to remove unpopular presidents before the end of their terms? (1 Viewer)

Should special elections be allowed to remove lame ducks and unpopular presidents?

  • Yes, I think this would be a great motivator for them to keep working!

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • No! The Constitution says every four years!

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • I'm unsure.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
The term 'Lame Duck' always disturbs me a little. With virtually no fear of losing his or her job for the remainder of the second term and no opportunity to seek re-election, many second term presidents seem not to get a lot done. Perhaps what we need is an ammendment that would allow for special elections in the event that an evident majority of the country is dissatisfied with the performance of the president, so that he or she can be replaced with someone who is going to be effective in the office. Wouldn't that be a great motivator to keep the wheels of government turning?
JustMyPOV said:
The term 'Lame Duck' always disturbs me a little. With virtually no fear of losing his or her job for the remainder of the second term and no opportunity to seek re-election, many second term presidents seem not to get a lot done. Perhaps what we need is an ammendment that would allow for special elections in the event that an evident majority of the country is dissatisfied with the performance of the president, so that he or she can be replaced with someone who is going to be effective in the office. Wouldn't that be a great motivator to keep the wheels of government turning?


The Constitution already states that the President will be serving a four year term...To do anything otherwise undermines the voters of that election for the incumbant...

The country does run by George Steinbrenner methods...:roll:
cnredd said:

The Constitution already states that the President will be serving a four year term...To do anything otherwise undermines the voters of that election for the incumbant...

The country does run by George Steinbrenner methods...:roll:
Or California's? Remember that's how Schwarzenegger got his position.
Oh, and one way to avoid the lame duck president is to repeal the 22nd Amendment which states the term limits for president.
Oy vey, I believe in power to the people, but Americans are far too fickle and impulsive to be handed that kind of privilege. Just my opinion. Learning to live with, and learning from, the results of your choices is an important lesson for Americans to swallow as a community. We all know how important it is as individuals.
shuamort said:
Or California's? Remember that's how Schwarzenegger got his position.

Several states have recall provisions in their Constitutions.
shuamort said:
Or California's? Remember that's how Schwarzenegger got his position.
M14 Shooter said:
Several states have recall provisions in their Constitutions.
Beat me to the punch...Just saw this now...

Having this provision in a state is a really tough call...one that I'm not too accepting of...

Having this provision for someone in the position of having power over 50 of these states is unthinkable...:shock:
I didn't vote in this poll. Because every two years we elect a new House of Reps. If the Current house is unwilling, the populace should elect people willing to impeach. and 1/3 of the senate is also up for election and should be able to convict and remove the president, if it is so desired. This is how the people should show their displeasure. The House is the people's weapon, use it. Otherise just root for the preztle to suceed next time.
If they're doing something impeachable, then impeach them.
If they're merely unpopular, then tough.

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