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Speaking of Biden (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Very Conservative
Speaking of Biden, no one stays in politics for 47 years unless they are making a hell of a lot of money at it. At the expense of the tax payer of course.

It reminds me of what old Harry Truman once said. Anyone that becomes rich in politics is a crook. And that applies to Biden.
Speaking of Biden, no one stays in politics for 47 years unless ...

Noone stays in politics for 47 years unless voters keep electing them.
And--------------not only did Biden make himself rich, he saw to it his whole family made crooked money.
Speaking of Biden, no one stays in politics for 47 years unless they are making a hell of a lot of money at it. At the expense of the tax payer of course.

It reminds me of what old Harry Truman once said. Anyone that becomes rich in politics is a crook. And that applies to Biden.

Trump is enriching himself from the White House, and everybody around him is getting arrested. Trump is not anti corruption. He is not draining the swamp. If either one of them goes to jail, it will be Trump.
You might have a point if Biden got rich in office. Most of his wealth has been earned after his time in office. Book deals and such.

Your talking points need some data points if you want to be believed. Too bad they don't exist.
You might have a point if Biden got rich in office. Most of his wealth has been earned after his time in office. Book deals and such.

Your talking points need some data points if you want to be believed. Too bad they don't exist.
Nice deflection but not true.
Trump is enriching himself from the White House, and everybody around him is getting arrested. Trump is not anti corruption. He is not draining the swamp. If either one of them goes to jail, it will be Trump.

Just another liberal DEMONRAT that won't address the truth but responsed with the usual and boring diatribe against Trump. The sad truth is that all career politicians, Dem and Reb are pond scum and we need to wake up and demand term limits. This country was founded on the principle of public service----serve your country for a term, then go back to the private sector and make your millions there.
Just another liberal DEMONRAT that won't address the truth but responsed with the usual and boring diatribe against Trump. The sad truth is that all career politicians, Dem and Reb are pond scum and we need to wake up and demand term limits. This country was founded on the principle of public service----serve your country for a term, then go back to the private sector and make your millions there.

Speaking about unity and jobs, and condemning white supremacy is just a diatribe against Trump?

Do Trump supporters not comprehend that Trump deserves a fair amount of criticism?
Trump is enriching himself from the White House,

Trump's net worth has been continually going down since he became president:

During the three years after Trump announced his presidential run in 2015, Forbes estimated his net worth declined 31% and his ranking fell 138 spots.[26] Discrepancies in estimates of various organizations is due in part to the uncertainty of appraised property values, as well as Trump's own assessment of the value of his personal brand.[24][27]
Speaking of Biden, no one stays in politics for 47 years unless they are making a hell of a lot of money at it. At the expense of the tax payer of course.

It reminds me of what old Harry Truman once said. Anyone that becomes rich in politics is a crook. And that applies to Biden.
IMO all politicans make too much money. They have Cadillac health care that I can only dream of, stipends, discretionary funds for all sorts of fringe benefits all at the expense of you and I. Alderman, Mayors, Congressmen, Senators, democrat and republican. Once your foot is in the door to politics, a wide array of doors open for generating income, not available to the regular joe. And most are perfectly legal.
Speaking about unity and jobs, and condemning white supremacy is just a diatribe against Trump?

Do Trump supporters not comprehend that Trump deserves a fair amount of criticism?

Fair criticism---Absolutely!!!! What the DEMONRATS are doing is no where close to fair, just plain out of control.
Fair criticism---Absolutely!!!! What the DEMONRATS are doing is no where close to fair, just plain out of control.

What exactly went too far?
Speaking of Biden, no one stays in politics for 47 years unless they are making a hell of a lot of money at it. At the expense of the tax payer of course.

It reminds me of what old Harry Truman once said. Anyone that becomes rich in politics is a crook. And that applies to Biden.

Biden didn't get rich until after he left office and wrote a book and did speaking tours.

Old Harry said a lot of things...

“Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it.”​
Biden didn't get rich until after he left office and wrote a book and did speaking tours.

Old Harry said a lot of things...

“Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it.”​

Things haven't changed much since Harry's time.
Ain't that the truth. "The more things change, the more they stay the same."

Republicans have always pined for a return to better times. Forward thinking only occurs when undercutting our democracy is necessary to get them elected.
Republicans have always pined for a return to better times. Forward thinking only occurs when undercutting our democracy is necessary to get them elected.

And they're the reason why we can't have better times...and can't plan for the worst of times.
And they're the reason why we can't have better times...and can't plan for the worst of times.

Plans are for losers and democrats. It's how we won WWII. This 'wartime' President's plan is "ignore it and it will go away.... someday."
If you are going to play that naive it would be hopeless trying to show you the light. Just continue to bury your head in the sand and hate Trump until the cows come home,

Whatever. Trump has gone further over the line attacking people, calling them names, and saying Ted Cruz’s dad was a serial killer and his wife is ugly. Obama wasn’t born here. Lock her up.
Just another liberal DEMONRAT that won't address the truth but responsed with the usual and boring diatribe against Trump. The sad truth is that all career politicians, Dem and Reb are pond scum and we need to wake up and demand term limits. This country was founded on the principle of public service----serve your country for a term, then go back to the private sector and make your millions there.

I agree wholeheartedly with term limits....serve your time and leave. This will drain the swamp and prevent more becoming corrupt. Money corrupts, no matter how ethical one thinks they are, and with the amount of money they deal with, along with all the lobbyist and business interests buying politicians off, is it any wonder?
Speaking of Biden, no one stays in politics for 47 years unless they are making a hell of a lot of money at it. At the expense of the tax payer of course.

It reminds me of what old Harry Truman once said. Anyone that becomes rich in politics is a crook. And that applies to Biden.

Biden and his family and friends have been enriched beyond their wildest dreams because of Joe's connections and influence.
However, that still doesn't mean Hunter's gonna support that new baby momma of his...

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