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Spain Arrest 8 with Suspected Links to al-Qaida..... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 26, 2012
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Chicago Illinois
Political Leaning
Spanish police say they have arrested eight people suspected of recruiting jihadist militants for al-Qaida-linked groups in Syria.

The Interior Ministry said the arrests were made early Friday in the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, which is located on the northwest African coast, surrounded by Morocco on one side and the Mediterranean Sea on the other.

A ministry statement said the group was suspected of sending dozens of potential fighters from Spain Morocco to Syria, some of whom had carried out suicide attacks. It says others had been sent to training camps.

Spain arrest 8 with suspected links to al-Qaida

Spain didn't release any names.....but if they just busted out one of the Hydra heads that were sending fighters to Syria. This could be added trouble for the Syrian Rebels. Especially if they start losing fighters before they can even get to Syria. It would appear Spain knows of those going thru the Moroccan Route.
Spanish police say they have arrested eight people suspected of recruiting jihadist militants for al-Qaida-linked groups in Syria.

The Interior Ministry said the arrests were made early Friday in the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, which is located on the northwest African coast, surrounded by Morocco on one side and the Mediterranean Sea on the other.

A ministry statement said the group was suspected of sending dozens of potential fighters from Spain Morocco to Syria, some of whom had carried out suicide attacks. It says others had been sent to training camps.

Spain arrest 8 with suspected links to al-Qaida

Spain didn't release any names.....but if they just busted out one of the Hydra heads that were sending fighters to Syria. This could be added trouble for the Syrian Rebels. Especially if they start losing fighters before they can even get to Syria. It would appear Spain knows of those going thru the Moroccan Route.

Well. The ordinary breeding grounds for al-qaeda terrorists in the west are among the african/arab immigrant neighborhoods. Refugee camps are also a pretty fertile area.

Of course, here, it's the enclave of Ceuta. A small piece of Spanish land that is to Morocco what Gibraltar is to Spain.
Heya RM. :2wave: Yep.....the Spanish busted them out. I should have it put it up in the War on Terror. Since it was about AQ. If Spain can shut down AQ supplying the Syrian Rebels with Fighters from their Region. That will be another blow to the FSA and the West.

Plus Now Germany has come against arming the Rebels in Syria.

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