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South Dakota lawmakers vote to impeach attorney general (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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So, the SD House voted to impeach the AG. 36-31 in a Republican controlled House. Not a run-a-way at all.

Impeachment should be the least penalty for him.
If he was anything but a Republican politician in a Republican control state he would be in jail for what he did. He should be glad he is only facing impeachment.
If he was anything but a Republican politician in a Republican control state he would be in jail for what he did. He should be glad he is only facing impeachment.
He's not facing impeachment. He was impeached.
If he was anything but a Republican politician in a Republican control state he would be in jail for what he did. He should be glad he is only facing impeachment.
Ted Kennedy was famously expelled from the Senate and put in prison multiple times for his various escapades like sexually assaulting a waitress at a French restaurant and dumping a car occupied with his mistress in a lake. Because the democrats just have so much principle
Ted Kennedy was famously expelled from the Senate and put in prison multiple times for his various escapades like sexually assaulting a waitress at a French restaurant and dumping a car occupied with his mistress in a lake. Because the democrats just have so much principle
Following this^ logic, all Catholic Priests should be condemned as sexually deviant pedophiles for the actions of 'only' Catholic Priests who preyed on minor children in the RCC, and sexually assaulted minor children.
So, the SD House voted to impeach the AG. 36-31 in a Republican controlled House. Not a run-a-way at all.

There is more to this story. Reuters is definitely misreporting.

Nobody faces prison time for an illegal lane change or talking on the phone while operating a vehicle, as Reuters bizarrely claims.

Was Ravnsborg charged with leaving the scene of an accident, a.k.a. hit and run? According to Reuters bizarre story Ravnsborg didn't return to the scene of the accident until the next day. This smells very much like Ted Kennedy's Chappaquiddick incident. They're driving drunk, kill someone, but don't report the incident until they sober up. But you sure can't tell from Reuters sloppy reporting.
There is more to this story. Reuters is definitely misreporting.

Nobody faces prison time for an illegal lane change or talking on the phone while operating a vehicle, as Reuters bizarrely claims.

Was Ravnsborg charged with leaving the scene of an accident, a.k.a. hit and run? According to Reuters bizarre story Ravnsborg didn't return to the scene of the accident until the next day. This smells very much like Ted Kennedy's Chappaquiddick incident. They're driving drunk, kill someone, but don't report the incident until they sober up. But you sure can't tell from Reuters sloppy reporting.

Curiosity causes me to ask what the consequences might be if the AG refused to pay the $1k fine or reject to hours of community service.

What is the “rest of the story?”

Kennedy and his handlers/relatives knew exactly what happened, imo.
There is more to this story. Reuters is definitely misreporting.

Nobody faces prison time for an illegal lane change or talking on the phone while operating a vehicle, as Reuters bizarrely claims.

Was Ravnsborg charged with leaving the scene of an accident, a.k.a. hit and run? According to Reuters bizarre story Ravnsborg didn't return to the scene of the accident until the next day. This smells very much like Ted Kennedy's Chappaquiddick incident. They're driving drunk, kill someone, but don't report the incident until they sober up. But you sure can't tell from Reuters sloppy reporting.
Apparantly you were able to tell. I thought the same thing when I read the article. What is Reuters supposed to do? Say the guy was probably drunk? Lawsuit.
Ted Kennedy was famously expelled from the Senate and put in prison multiple times for his various escapades like sexually assaulting a waitress at a French restaurant and dumping a car occupied with his mistress in a lake. Because the democrats just have so much principle
So because a Kennedy got away with a crime because of his family name it is OK for the Republican AG in SD to be unpunished for at the least vehicular homicide?
Your argument fails on oh so many levels.
He's not facing impeachment. He was impeached.
Impeached by the SD House, it still has to go through the SD Senate to decide if he will keep his job.
So because a Kennedy got away with a crime because of his family name it is OK for the Republican AG in SD to be unpunished for at the least vehicular homicide?
Your argument fails on oh so many levels.
It means I don’t care to hear moral outrage from democrats because they will excuse up to murder from their party if it’s necessary to keep power.
It means I don’t care to hear moral outrage from democrats because they will excuse up to murder from their party if it’s necessary to keep power.
As you seem to excuse the reckless killing of another person to keep Republican power in SD.
As you seem to excuse the reckless killing of another person to keep Republican power in SD.
Again. I don’t listen to moral preening by democrats because your morality is strictly determined by whatever is necessary to keep leftists in power.
Curiosity causes me to ask what the consequences might be if the AG refused to pay the $1k fine or reject to hours of community service.

What is the “rest of the story?”

Kennedy and his handlers/relatives knew exactly what happened, imo.
As those were old traffic violations, one could assume that the $1,000 fine was already paid. There was no comment in the poorly written Reuters article to indicate whether or not she completed the 5 years of community service. In fact, there was absolutely nothing in the badly written Reuters article to give any indication why the AG was impeached. They didn't even bother to include any of the Article(s) of Impeachment. This is the worst case of reporting I've seen since watching CNN decades ago.
Apparantly you were able to tell. I thought the same thing when I read the article. What is Reuters supposed to do? Say the guy was probably drunk? Lawsuit.
Reuters could at least have stated why the AG was impeached. This is really bad reporting on Reuters part.
Again. I don’t listen to moral preening by democrats because your morality is strictly determined by whatever is necessary to keep leftists in power.
OK, so you just stick with your flawed Republican sense of morality.

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