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Sources: Trump will ask Congress, not Mexico, to pay for border wall (2 Viewers)

I didn't vote for Trump. Has nothing to do with being "smart". Lots of "smart" people voted for Clinton. I'm just not a sucker for a con man. Just like I didn't get suckered by Clinton and Obama and Gore and Kerry.

Oh please....You want the real "con men"? Take a look at the list of Politicians you wanted instead of the outsider....

They are not flattering to black people or guilt-ridden white liberals but there is nothing racist about any of those quotes.
It makes the thousands of attempts to remove the Kenyan, communist, muslim from office looks civil (not really)

other than voting against him in 2012 attempt was made to remove obama from office either peacefully or forcefully.
I am an American worker who would lose his job if your little pipe dream about tariffs went into effect.

If you happen to be a longshoreman who depends on cheap imports from china to fill your rice bowl then you may have a valid complaint.

But the good news is that most Americans can find work again that pays well.
I sincerely hope that, when the incoming POTUS uses a combination of mass deportations, increasing funding for border agents and equipment, stun-lethal electric fencing, and Israel's tunnel detection "Underground Iron Dome" system, while imposing tariffs, stopping aid, even possible sanctions and currency controls on Mexico to "pay" for the wall, liberals don't bitch and moan about the poor neighbors down south and how our fines are causing a humanitarian or economic crises because "Trump is forcing them to pay".

They will pay. Again, not necessarily XXX amount of pesos for the wall. Just putting in use the IDF's anti-tunnel system (of which our military has a stake in) would crash the crap out of their black market economy. Limiting remittances and capital controls would put Mexico in a bonafide economic depression.

Then again, we allow criminals to show absolute disdain and disrespect for our borders on a daily basis, and for our sovereignty to be spit on. So even if we pay for it ourselves, it's a worthwhile endeavor. Much better than my tax dollars going to illegals.
Your comment is irrational.
But it does describe your position very well.
You buy into irrational nonsense.

From a Trump supporter no less.

You really didn't get the original reference. Shocked I tell you
I am not shocked that you continue with this irrational behavior.
Was anyone actually foolish enough to believe him that Mexico was going to pay? Better yet.....is there anyone out there that is actually foolish enough to believe that Trump has any real intentions of building a wall? LOL.....
Yes, and . . . ?

Mostly yes, it will cost very big bucks to construct Trump's Wall, yes it will.

We're looking at a range of $15 billion to upwards of $25 billion.

The 'and' exists in numerous ways pointed out by other posters to the thread and at other threads.

USA taxpayers will pay for the wall as Trump himself says...which is not what he had said for a good twelve months. His fans at his rallies did in fact chant it out. Contrarily however USA taxpayers will pay first and foremost with an I.O.U. to us in anticipation of compensatory revenue, whenever it may occur. If and when it does occur it will not go well for many reasons which we can leave to a later date to point out and discuss.

Americans who pay for higher tariff goods and whatever will have to compensate for the hit. Some which is to say too many will self-refund the losses by jiggling their Form 1040 (and attachments). Republicans and other rightwingers who normally chea, er, jiggle, will likely jiggle all the more after the hit does come.

For those who get out from under no matter what April 15th will likely become more than ever the Give Yourself A Break Day.

Interesting points. It's not a topic I care much about.

Canada's immigration laws are stricter that the US, so there's that.....
Canada's immigration laws are stricter that the US, so there's that.....

Their emigration laws sent Ted Cruz to us and our immigration laws cheerfully welcomed the hyper wingnut to our fair country. Texas in fact, which has sent the whining wimp to the U.S. Senate from where he got his arse kicked running for Potus. As U.S. Senator Cruz spares no effort to kick out immigrants not from his ancestral home of Cuba, and to ensure Cubans continue to be welcomed to our shores as heroes. Until Castro Cuba was packed full of rightwingers so a plague on both them and Castro. Canada dumped the worst person in their country down to and on us so maybe they know how to run a country up there.

you aren't very coherent here.
No, Your post was an epic fail. The two aren't even close.

Seriously? that's how you wish to represent yourself?

The post was a video, contradicting your, and the mainstream media's claim that trump changed his position on who would pay for the wall and how.

You should have some integrity and concede the point.

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