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Songs your Sick of! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Everyone has them. Anyone who grew up listening to music on the radio has songs that they are sick of hearing. Songs that have been so overplayed, that you cannot stand to hear it one more time. I used to call this my Blue Moon list. Songs your so sick of, you only care to hear them once every blue moon. These can be songs you never liked from the beginning. But mostly, they are songs you originally liked a lot. Liked them so much, you played them on your stereo at home, listened to them on your cassette player in the car or on the radio from those repetitive playlists. You get the idea, so here's my list:

  • Stairway to Heaven
  • We Don't Get Fooled Again
  • All Right Now
  • You Say it's your Birthday
  • Anything off of Frampton Comes Alive
  • Anything off of The Wall
  • Lola
  • Travelin' Band
  • Down on the Corner
  • All Along the Watchtower (Hendrix Version)
  • Layla
  • Come On Irene
  • Lady
  • Everything by Kiss (except the song Domino)
  • Smoke on the Water
  • Brown Sugar
I'm sure there is more. I want to put Dark Side of the Moon on here but so far have not been able to muster enough courage to do so. Maybe one day. Not now. Is this still on Billboard? If it is, that's over a quarter-century! Does anyone realize the significance of that?
I'm sick to death of the black eyed peas, brittney (probably goes without saying), madonna, I never want to hear Shakira again, mariah carey shoulda stayed dead, any of the boy bands, and that stupid freakin song from Chess about being in bangkok...I think that covers the tip of the ice berg.
all songs on any soft rock radio station...
Anything that comes from a playlist.
Anything rap or hip hop related, the entire genre has no tqalent to it, as well as Greenday, I really hate them.
Originally posted by Reverend Slip:
Anything rap or hip hop related, the entire genre has no tqalent to it, as well as Greenday, I really hate them.
Greenday really sucks!
Every song on the loop at the restaurant I work at.
Kelzie said:
Every song on the loop at the restaurant I work at.

The list of reasons I love you are growing every day. I used to wait tables at a red robin...now they have some suck as music sets...if I heard afternoon delight one more time I was going to stick my head in a blender.
jallman said:
The list of reasons I love you are growing every day. I used to wait tables at a red robin...now they have some suck as music sets...if I heard afternoon delight one more time I was going to stick my head in a blender.
Hurry!...Someone send him "Afternoon delight"!!:rofl
jallman said:
Quick, someone go get nurse :p

Hey!...I just wanted your head in a blender....

You're asking for MUCH worse!...:doh

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