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Sometimes the Persecuted Become The Persecutors Israel Revisited (2 Viewers)


DP Veteran
May 20, 2020
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I have many Jewish and Islamic friends.

Jews have been persecuted and murdered by Romans, Nazis and Egyptians (thousands of years ago)
and others in the past; but they are now persecuting many innocent Palistinians who are not terrorists.

Some Islamic terrorists have ruined the reputations of peaceful Muslim.
One of my Islamic friends in Egypt has written several books promoting PEACE.

In my opinion, Jews and Palistinians need autonomy in order to pursue their careers and dreams.
I have many Jewish and Islamic friends. Jews have been persecuted and murdered by Romans, Nazis and Egyptians (thousands of years ago) and others in the past; but they are now persecuting many innocent Palistinians who are not terrorists. Some Islamic terrorists have ruined the reputations of peaceful Muslim. One of my Islamic friends in Egypt has written several books promoting PEACE. In my opinion, Jews and Palistinians need autonomy in order to pursue their careers and dreams.
Lets talk about Israel's 911.

Oct 7th when Hamas terrorist hunted down and killed 1200 unarmed civilians, of which 36 were children.

They killed babies in cribs, raped the mothers and then they raided fridges.

Hamas is home grown, a product of Gaza, its a reflection of the Palestinian people.

As far as the Middle East and North Africa are concerned, its a fanatical hot bed of radical Islam.

Israel is the only Democracy in the entire region.

Make no mistake about it with your dreamy ideas, Palestinians hate Jews and Jews hate Palestinians.
"bread and bombs" -- a succinct summary of current US policy vis-a-vis Israel.

I have no problem with Israel defending itself against the brutal Hamas organization.

But Biden has become to Netanyahu what Trump is to Putin. An enabler.

It's neither pretty nor noble.

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