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Something I already knew. Sad to say. (1 Viewer)


Crazy Canuck
DP Veteran
Feb 23, 2019
Reaction score
Political Leaning
No one can deny the truth...............

Doors had some good stuff, but they had some weird crap as well. Rock is definitely different these days.
Rock is like any other music these days, over snythesized and techno enhanced voices. Blech.
I deny it.

Morrison probably got it wrong, it died after Kurt Cobain died. Or so I've heard. I personally think it died with Morrison, Joplin, Hendrix and John Lennon.
Morrison probably got it wrong, it died after Kurt Cobain died. Or so I've heard. I personally think it died with Morrison, Joplin, Hendrix and John Lennon.
Ok Boomer.
Ok Boomer.
I'm not enough of a snowflake to feel insulted by being called a boomer. We had our day, and man oh man, did we have fun.
I'm not enough of a snowflake to feel insulted by being called a boomer. We had our day, and man oh man, did we have fun.
But we appear to be unable to think anything after 1968 has value.
But we appear to be unable to think anything after 1968 has value.
NO NO NO, mid 70s, that is when rock n roll was replaced with disco which was replaced by techno pop which was replaced by punk which was replaced by........................... hell do I know what to call it, just............
over snythesized and techno enhanced voices
Rock is like any other music these days, over snythesized and techno enhanced voices. Blech.
NO NO NO, mid 70s, that is when rock n roll was replaced with disco which was replaced by techno pop which was replaced by punk which was replaced by........................... hell do I know what to call it, just............
You should shake your cane and say "get off of my lawn!" While you are at it.
You should shake your cane and say "get off of my lawn!" While you are at it.

On the lighter side​

This is the lighter side forum.

But I appreciate the snide remark, we got a lot of that back in the day from the over the hillers.
NO NO NO, mid 70s, that is when rock n roll was replaced with disco which was replaced by techno pop which was replaced by punk which was replaced by........................... hell do I know what to call it, just............
I remember years ago passing my daughters bedroom and she and a couple of her friends were there dressed all in black and listening to led zeplin. I laughed and said to them that they were doing something that I remember doing when their age. Wearing black and listening to led zeplin. That horrified them and they refused to believe me.
If i may suggest you pehaps need to get this song out and play it again.

The king is gone
But he's not forgotten
This is the story
Of a Johnny Rotten
It's better to burn out
Than it is to rust
The king is gone
But he's not forgotten.

Hey hey, my my
Rock and roll can never die
There's more to the picture
Than meets the eye.
Hey hey, my my.
Rock is not dead nor will it ever be. It may evolve but that shit ain't dead.


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