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Something big is going down! (1 Viewer)


Disappointed in Trump
DP Veteran
Jul 26, 2011
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Political Leaning
Business Insider

The special counsel Robert Mueller is expected to issue new indictments as part of the Russia investigation as soon as Tuesday, CBS reported, citing multiple sources with knowledge of the probe.

Meanwhile, acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker plans to consult with Department of Justice ethics officials about whether he should recuse himself from the investigation into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia, a department representative said Monday.

And this I copied from a Reddit post, a nice breakdown.

[FONT=&quot]There's been some weird stuff going on the past week:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]-On Friday, McConnell had a meeting with Rupert Murdoch.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]-Since that meeting, Fox News has not tweeted once.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]-WikiLeaks has not tweeted once.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]-Matt Drudge deleted his twitter account for seemingly no reason.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]-President Trump skipped out on Veterans/Armistice Day ceremonies in Europe and at Arlington, leading to a drop in his approval ratings.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]-Michael Cohen met with five of Muellers prosecutors on Monday, a federal holiday.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]It seems like something is up. Hopefully something big.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]My guess is that Fox News, Rupert Murdoch, Matt Drudge, and WikiLeaks have been subjects of a counterintelligence investigation since 2012, and that last week, they were informed that **** would be hitting the fan, and were told to cease the spreading of Russian propaganda.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Not to mention Don Jr and Jeremy Corsi saying that they expect to be indicted.

Jill Stein's Twitter has also gone dark, another suspect Russian propaganda agent.

Let the games begin!!![/FONT]

Edit: Also this...


Trump Tweets Incoherent Warning to Macron, Suggests Germany Could Invade France Again

What... the... ****
Last edited:
Business Insider

And this I copied from a Reddit post, a nice breakdown.

Jill Stein's Twitter has also gone dark, another suspect Russian propaganda agent.

Let the games begin!!![/FONT][/COLOR]

This speaks to me that the legal teams of fox, wikileaks, and the national enquirer now control their accounts. I believe that someone, maybe Whitaker, told Trump that he shouldn't leave the WH. Which is why nothing has been on his schedule since he got back from France.
Business Insider

And this I copied from a Reddit post, a nice breakdown.

Jill Stein's Twitter has also gone dark, another suspect Russian propaganda agent.

Let the games begin!!![/FONT][/COLOR]

Edit: Also this...


What... the... ****

I'm as happy as you are every time Mueller shows Trump's circles of associates to be criminals, but let's keep it cool. The Special Investigation is a long and slow process. It's not an action movie.
Business Insider

And this I copied from a Reddit post, a nice breakdown.

Jill Stein's Twitter has also gone dark, another suspect Russian propaganda agent.

Let the games begin!!![/FONT][/COLOR]

Edit: Also this...


What... the... ****

Oh my gosh. The CT forum is further down. I think you stayed out too late last night.
I'm as happy as you are every time Mueller shows Trump's circles of associates to be criminals, but let's keep it cool. The Special Investigation is a long and slow process. It's not an action movie.

Party Pooper, I'm ordering pizza.
There's nothing wrong with pizza.

That's just what a liberal would say. Trump eats burgers - the bigliest and best burgers ever.
That's just what a liberal would say. Trump eats burgers - the bigliest and best burgers ever.

The crust is the handle, what the hell is he doing.

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