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Some think that it is a grave sin for Catholics not to go to Mass on Sunday (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2019
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I dont think so

What do you think?
I dont think so

What do you think?
It does not matter what you or I think:
Catechism of the Catholic Church said:
2181 The Sunday Eucharist is the foundation and confirmation of all Christian practice. For this reason the faithful are obliged to participate in the Eucharist on days of obligation, unless excused for a serious reason (for example, illness, the care of infants) or dispensed by their own pastor. Those who deliberately fail in this obligation commit a grave sin.
How many Catholics go still to Mass on Sunday?

What do you think?
In the United States I believe it’s around 25%. My understanding is that the numbers are worse in Western Europe.
I can give you the numbers for Germany ….

In 2010 ….. 12.7 %
In 2022 ……..5,7 %
I dont think so

What do you think?
It seems like catholics think everything is a sin. But why go to mass and waste time listening to a guy saying you're going to hell on a weekly basis?
They can just confess their sins on their deathbed.

Not attending mass is probably the least of most Catholic's sins.
They can just confess their sins on their deathbed.

Not attending mass is probably the least of most Catholic's sins.

You can confess every week
You can confess every week

They could, but they can just wait until the end and do it all at once.

They wouldn't be skipping mass if they felt obligated to confess every week.
Do you know the numbers for the US Protestants?
Not offhand. I believe it varies considerably from one group to the next.
I have a question...what does one learn when they attend?

Some think that it is a grave sin for Catholics not to go to Mass on Sunday​

Some think Noah loaded a boat up with two of every animal.
Some think our human population are descendant from Adam and Eve.
Some think Moses parted the Red Sea with a wave of his staff.
Some think the pope speaks for god.
Some think xmas presents come from Santa.
Some think ....

I think the tooth fairy delivers. At least that was my direct experience ... as a child.

Some think that it is a grave sin for Catholics not to go to Mass on Sunday​

Some think Noah loaded a boat up with two of every animal.
Some think our human population are descendant from Adam and Eve.
Some think Moses parted the Red Sea with a wave of his staff.
Some think the pope speaks for god.
Some think xmas presents come from Santa.
Some think ....

I think the tooth fairy delivers. At least that was my direct experience ... as a child.
Well said!
I have a question...what does one learn when they attend?
One hears the scriptures proclaimed along with the priest/deacon's commentary on them.

But more importantly, by attending Mass we are made present in a mystical way at Calvary, at the sacrifice offered by Christ for the redemption of our souls. And we have the opportunity to receive Christ's Body and Blood, which are really present under the appearance of bread and wine.

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