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Some migrant caravan members self-deporting as frustration grows in Tijuana (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 1, 2015
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Libertarian - Right
This makes no sense to me. Help wanted signs are everywhere in Monterrey, NL. They pay about USD 10 per day, but that has to be way better than how they would live in Central America.


At present, officials say the total number of migrants in Tijuana alone break down this way: 6,062 total, comprising of 3,877 men, 1,127 women and 1,058 children.

"The leaders that were promising them the great American Dream aren't coming through,” Moreno said, adding, “they know they're going to be better off going back home."

And some have left. Approximately 80 self-deported Tuesday while another 98 were deported by Mexican immigration officials for their involvement in Sunday’s demonstrations that turned violent.

Others have chosen to accept offers of temporary work and asylum from Mexico.

But most are committed to the original goal as the prospects for asylum in the U.S. grows dimmer.

Some migrants, like Luis Conde from Guatemala, vow to cross the border regardless – legally, or not.

“It doesn't matter,” Conde said. “I got no choice. I got to work for a living.”
This makes no sense to me. Help wanted signs are everywhere in Monterrey, NL. They pay about USD 10 per day, but that has to be way better than how they would live in Central America.


they aren't in Monterrey, in fact, Monterrey isn't a border town at all...They are in Tijuana which is quite very far away from Monterrey...it is similiar to saying well there are help wanted signs all over Dallas,Texas so why aren't people in San Diego, California applying for them.....and chances of a Honduran getting hired by anyone in Tijuana is about zero. The ones who are self deporting aren't in the need of asylum they claim...the rest who have stayed are. Some though are going for Plan B which is either stay in Mexico or go to Canada or another country...Spain isn't likely with the major economic crisis they are in.
they aren't in Monterrey, in fact, Monterrey isn't a border town at all...They are in Tijuana which is quite very far away from Monterrey...it is similiar to saying well there are help wanted signs all over Dallas,Texas so why aren't people in San Diego, California applying for them.....and chances of a Honduran getting hired by anyone in Tijuana is about zero. The ones who are self deporting aren't in the need of asylum they claim...the rest who have stayed are. Some though are going for Plan B which is either stay in Mexico or go to Canada or another country...Spain isn't likely with the major economic crisis they are in.

And the little matter of the 5000 mile wide pond between Mexico and Spain that has no train service.
This makes no sense to me. Help wanted signs are everywhere in Monterrey, NL. They pay about USD 10 per day, but that has to be way better than how they would live in Central America.


Interesting point. In 2017 I visited with a Mexican non-profit that sheltered migrants on their journey. They mentioned that many were blunt for Monterrey where they hoped to get jobs and disappear.
And the little matter of the 5000 mile wide pond between Mexico and Spain that has no train service.

Bum, you might not realize this...but Hondurans don't need a visa to travel to Spain.....they have their passport and buy a ticket and fly to Spain.
This makes no sense to me. Help wanted signs are everywhere in Monterrey, NL. They pay about USD 10 per day, but that has to be way better than how they would live in Central America.


Many, in the coming days, will self-deport because of two major factors at play.
Lack of money in TJ, and the impending weather...Big winter storm coming tonight, and TJ has only enough funds on hand to support the migrants for the next 24-48 hours.
Things we have taken for granted...is we have an intact justice system....something that Honduras doesn't have...


Juan Antonio “Tony” Hernandez Alvarado was arrested in Miami on Nov. 23, 2018 after years in the crosshairs of the Drug Enforcement Agency. He allegedly was a major player in the notorious narcotics trafficking and terror networks that span Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, often known collectively as “The Northern Triangle.” And when President Donald Trump talks about “bad hombres” south of the U.S. border, he might have someone like Hernandez in mind.

But Hernandez is not part of the caravan of mostly Honduran asylum seekers subjected to tear gas and rubber bullets when they try to cross into the United States. Hernandez is, in fact, emblematic of what those asylum seekers are hoping to escape.

So, explain why DJT is supporting a drug trafficker? How very bad it is to live in a country where the president's family are cartel....and the ex president's son and members of Congress, the police, etc....
Things we have taken for granted...is we have an intact justice system....something that Honduras doesn't have...


Juan Antonio “Tony” Hernandez Alvarado was arrested in Miami on Nov. 23, 2018 after years in the crosshairs of the Drug Enforcement Agency. He allegedly was a major player in the notorious narcotics trafficking and terror networks that span Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, often known collectively as “The Northern Triangle.” And when President Donald Trump talks about “bad hombres” south of the U.S. border, he might have someone like Hernandez in mind.

But Hernandez is not part of the caravan of mostly Honduran asylum seekers subjected to tear gas and rubber bullets when they try to cross into the United States. Hernandez is, in fact, emblematic of what those asylum seekers are hoping to escape.

So, explain why DJT is supporting a drug trafficker? How very bad it is to live in a country where the president's family are cartel....and the ex president's son and members of Congress, the police, etc....

I think the word describing Honduras is : “ungovernable”
I think the word describing Honduras is : “ungovernable”

Which is why many qualify for asylum...not only are non government actors but they are also government actors...and the government most certainly isn't willing to control them....in fact, they are them.

(1) a well-founded fear of persecution (2) based on past persecution or risk of persecution in the future if returned to the country of origin (3) because of the applicant’s membership in a particular social group (PSG) wherein (4) the persecutor is a government actor and/or a non-governmental actor that the government is unwilling or unable to control. 2
People have the right to protect their land and culture.

Missionary slaughtered by protected tribe after trespassing on their island to preach

Missionary slaughtered by protected tribe after trespassing on their island to preach

your post is so far off topic....the guy wasn't looking for his legal right to asylum....he was going there to force his religion on a remote tribe that has no concept of what a legal system is...their legal system is killing anyone who gets close....which is why it is against the law to go there..not to mention the idiot didn't think about them not being immune to the many viruses he could take to them and wipe out their tribe.
your post is so far off topic....the guy wasn't looking for his legal right to asylum....he was going there to force his religion on a remote tribe that has no concept of what a legal system is...their legal system is killing anyone who gets close....which is why it is against the law to go there..not to mention the idiot didn't think about them not being immune to the many viruses he could take to them and wipe out their tribe.

Just have to wonder how many of the six billion plus people on the planet not fortunate enough to have been born in America would qualify for asylum here under your definition.
Just have to wonder how many of the six billion plus people on the planet not fortunate enough to have been born in America would qualify for asylum here under your definition.

It isn't my definition it is the LAW's definition.

a government unwilling or unable to protect a group of people is in fact, part of the exact text of the law.
It isn't my definition it is the LAW's definition.

a government unwilling or unable to protect a group of people is in fact, part of the exact text of the law.

Again how many. Surely more than a billion. Why don't we empty out much of the Middle East,Africa and Asia as many of those people would fit in that definition. Perhaps start with the approximately 300 million lowest caste Indians whose life is surely more miserable than many from Central America.
Again how many. Surely more than a billion. Why don't we empty out much of the Middle East,Africa and Asia as many of those people would fit in that definition. Perhaps start with the approximately 300 million lowest caste Indians whose life is surely more miserable than many from Central America.

there are 8 million people in Honduras. Most countries aren't narcostates where the government is directly involved in the repression and murder of civilians...in the cases where they are...our law says they can file for asylum. If you don't like the definition of the law....work to change it. Can you show us that India is directly involved in cartel activity?
~It's a good thing Donald J Trump is president and not you-know-who ! At least the US is finally standing up to these gate crashers who think it's their right to enter the country illegally as "indigenous people " - often encouraged to do so in the past by goofy political hacks looking for votes.

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