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Some clarity for you (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2016
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Northern Alabama
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As an independent, I feel it important to post the honest truth, and to be an objective commentator.

I have taken heat though for slagging certain politicians with a (D) behind their names.
In some fellow's opinions, this alone is worth branding me as some sort of right-winger.

Ironically, I am often labeled a tree-hugging liberal because I care about the environment, drive a fuel efficient Subaru, care for a wetland on my property, am a musician and songwriter, I clothe, feed, and assist the local homeless, and (gasp) I really don't see any point in opposing women getting all the abortions they want. (I just don't want my tax dollars necessarily paying for all of them.)

This is the double-edged sword of being an independent fellow, and speaking my own mind. If you don't echo this Party's nonsensical rhetoric, you must be one of the hated 'others'. And if you don't bark that other Party's line, you are obviously one of those other hated 'others'.

For clarity, I now offer up a list of my loves and hates, from BOTH your political Parties.

* I love men and women of integrity. Truthful leaders who care more about the good of the nation than they do their Party and their special interest groups and campaign contributors. And I have witnessed damned few of these people in government in the past few decades. Jimmy Carter was one. Harry S. Truman was another. I admired those guys.

* I hate insincere politicians who have no leadership abilities whatsoever, but who presume to tell us how we should live our lives. I hate those same cats, from both of your political Parties, who have steadily spent this nation into $19 TRILLION in federal debt.

* I love cops, firefighters, emergency first-responders, County EMA workers, and most Servicemembers.
They serve a noble cause, and they generally give more than they take. I don't care what Party they follow, they are our heroes and heroines.

* I hate Barack Obama. He is a phony, a self-serving hedonist, a destructive divider, and a pathological liar. I wish for him to pass away at the earliest opportunity. Even if it means that Joe Biden becomes the next US President.

* On that note, I like Joe Biden. True, he's a bull in a china shop. But I think he means well, and he seems to actually love his country. I just don't think he's bright enough to see what motivates his boss Valerie Jarrett.

* I can't stand John Boehner, Paul Ryan, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Mitch McConnell. Feckless, useless, corrupt, and thoroughly morally-bankrupt. I wish they were in prison. (And, from an objective standpoint, I must point out that Mrs Pelosi is egregiously over-medicated. Really. If somebody in her entourage/family loved her, they would get her into some sort of prescription medication-abuse treatment program. She's a sick lady.)

* I really like former-Senator Joe Lieberman. I met him in the Washington-Reagan airport once, and he seemed like a really nice guy. AND he was flying coach.

* I hate Chief Justice John Roberts. He's a compromised individual. Somebody got to him, and he buckled under and re-wrote Law in order to make Obamacare seem like a Constitutional set of regulations and fees (rather than the stinking sack of feces that it actually is). The guy should be ashamed of himself.

* I love whistle-blowers. Truth-tellers. People who buck convention. Strong-willed honesty-brokers.
Combatants against waste, fraud, and abuse in government. Come forward, you brave men and women, from either Party! Tell your stories, and help to put the crooks in jail.

* I'm not a fan of the modern Unions. There was a time, in the distant past, when Unions served a useful purpose. Not anymore. Today's Unions simply exist to assist grievance-filers in filing frivolous lawsuits, and to take Union dues and funnel them directly into the pockets of crooked politicians.

* I love my family. I want a bright future for my kids and grandkids. And that is why I wish that Washington DC were inhabited by truth-telling, noble, honest leaders. (NOT dishonest, shabby, selfish, useless, tax-n-spend politicians, money-men, influence-peddlers, lobbyists, and power brokers.)

* I really don't care for either of your political Parties. There was a time, in the distant past, when the two Parties served the people and the taxpayers of these United States. Not anymore. Today's Republican Party and Democrat Party exist simply to tax, to spend, to abuse power, to grow government, and to erode the liberties of the taxpayers. And it doesn't matter to them how deep the nation falls into debt, as long as their sweetheart candidates hold onto power.

There is a lot more I could share with you.
But right now I need to feed the dogs, get my flight gear packed and organized for mission out west this week, and I have some recording to do in the music room.

You diehard (R)'s and (D)'s have a wonderful evening!!

I tend to vote R, I'm a pro choice (early stage only!), gay supporting, anti big government, love capitalism & get off your butt and earn your keep kinda gal. I fall in libertarian ever poll I take, but my hot buttons always lead me right.

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I tend to vote R, I'm a pro choice (early stage only!), gay supporting, anti big government, love capitalism & get off your butt and earn your keep kinda gal. I fall in libertarian ever poll I take, but my hot buttons always lead me right.

We are of a like mind, meems.
Thank you for being you.

Well, I can certainly see why you are disliked by both sides. That happens to me on occasion. As constructive criticism, I think your judgment is clouded from both sides and you are not seeing an accurate picture of the things that you describe. I'm a right leaning centrist myself but I see the world differently than you do. I think you make too many emotional judgments while looking at the world through a kaleidoscope, distorting what you see.
Well, I can certainly see why you are disliked by both sides. That happens to me on occasion. As constructive criticism, I think your judgment is clouded from both sides and you are not seeing an accurate picture of the things that you describe. I'm a right leaning centrist myself but I see the world differently than you do. I think you make too many emotional judgments while looking at the world through a kaleidoscope, distorting what you see.

I appreciate the feedback, Moderate Right, really I do.

The truth is, we all see the world differently.
Which explains why some people can see a Pablo Picasso painting and think, "Wow, that is way too weird for me," while others will view the same painting and exclaim, "My God, what a brilliant and gorgeous work of art"!

It also explains why some people can witness a career politician and serial liar like Hillary Clinton and exclaim, "MAN, that horrible old, crooked woman should be in prison," while others would swoon and gush, "I love her SO much, and she cares about the little people, and we are READY FOR HILLARY"!!

If you think that I make too many emotions judgements, and that I view things in a distorted kaleidoscope fashion, that is your prerogative.
And I would fight (and have fought, in the first gulf war) for your right to express such opinions.

In this instance, you are wrong like two priests and an altar boy in a hot tub, but still, I would fight for your freedom to express your opinion.

Wishing you all the best, and also wishing for Dame Hillary to expire painlessly in her sleep this evening.
And other such happy thoughts.

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