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Social Democracy Index (1 Viewer)


May 2, 2016
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
In order to determine how social democratic a country is, I looked up the social democratic policies countries had and gave them a point for each policy they had. Some received more than one point on a policy depending on the level of the policy.

Taxes: 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 points, depending on how high they are.
Government Spending: 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 points, depending on how high it is.
Free healthcare: 0, 1 or 2 points, depending on the level of it.
Free college: 0 or 1 point.
Paid maternity leave: 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 points, depending on how long it lasts.

Social Democracy Index.jpg

Full list

Sweden: 15
Norway: 14
Denmark: 13
Finland: 13
France: 13
Italy: 13
Cuba: 13
Germany: 12
Spain: 12
Belgium: 12
Austria: 12
Japan: 12
Slovenia: 11
United Kingdom: 11
Portugal: 11
Luxembourg: 11
Canada: 11
Netherlands: 10
Czech Republic: 10
Croatia: 10
Iceland: 10
Greece: 10
Argentina: 10
Ireland: 10
Ukraine: 10
Russia: 9
Mongolia: 9
Cyprus: 9
Serbia: 9
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 9
New Zealand: 8
Hungary: 8
Poland: 8
Slovakia: 8
Belarus: 8
Israel: 8
Azerbaijan: 8
South Korea: 8
Venezuela: 8
Turkey: 8
Algeria: 8
Montenegro: 8
Moldova: 8
Brazil: 8
Estonia: 8
Latvia: 8
Lithuania: 7
Australia 7
Romania: 7
Bulgaria: 7
South Africa: 7
Morocco: 7
Lesotho: 7
Timor-Leste: 7
Switzerland: 6
Uruguay: 6
Kyrgyzstan: 6
Uzbekistan: 6
Kuwait: 6
Bhutan: 6
Libya: 6
Egypt: 6
United States: 6
Oman: 6
Syria: 6
Ecuador: 6
Namibia: 6
Malawi: 6
Rep. Congo: 6
Equatorial Guinea: 6
Chad: 6
Brunei: 5
Tajikistan: 5
Albania: 5
Macedonia: 5
Saudi Arabia: 5
Bahrain: 5
Tunisia: 5
Iraq: 5
China: 5
Botswana: 5
Djibouti: 5
Peru: 5
Zimbabwe: 5
Togo: 5
Guinea: 5
Mauritania: 5
Armenia: 4
Iran: 4
Georgia: 4
United Arab Emirates: 4
Qatar: 4
Vietnam: 4
Bolivia: 4
Guyana: 4
Kenya: 4
Mexico: 4
Panama: 4
Chile: 4
Benin: 4
Mozambique: 4
Zambia: 4
Angola: 4
Tanzania: 4
Burundi: 4
Eritrea: 4
Gabon: 4
Senegal: 4
Mali: 4
Cent. Afr. Rep: 4
Yemen: 4
India: 4
Nepal: 4
Papua New Guinea: 4
Kazakhstan: 3
Singapore: 3
Taiwan: 3
Costa Rica: 3
Malaysia: 3
Sri Lanka: 3
Ghana: 3
Belize: 3
Nicaragua: 3
Thailand: 3
Turkmenistan: 3
Burkina Faso: 3
Cote d'Ivoire: 3
Suriname: 3
Swaziland: 3
Dem. Rep. Congo: 3
Cameroon: 3
Niger: 3
Pakistan: 3
Bangladesh: 3
Cambodia: 2
Philippines: 2
Lebanon: 2
Jordan: 2
Guatemala: 2
El Salvador: 2
Honduras: 2
Jamaica: 2
Colombia: 2
Haiti: 2
Madagascar: 2
Liberia: 2
Rwanda: 2
Uganda: 2
Ethiopia: 2
Nigeria: 2
Myanmar: 2
Afghanistan: 2
Somalia: 2
Paraguay: 1
Dominican Republic: 1
Indonesia: 1
Guinea-Bissau: 1
Laos: 1
Sudan: 1
South Sudan: 1
Sierra Leone: 0
The Cuba score lmfao.

Zimbabwe over Chile, Taiwan, and Costa Rica. Too funny lol.

South Africa over Switzerland lmao.
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Belize is looking good.
In order to determine how social democratic a country is, I looked up the social democratic policies countries had and gave them a point for each policy they had. Some received more than one point on a policy depending on the level of the policy.

Taxes: 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 points, depending on how high they are.
Government Spending: 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 points, depending on how high it is.
Free healthcare: 0, 1 or 2 points, depending on the level of it.
Free college: 0 or 1 point.
Paid maternity leave: 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 points, depending on how long it lasts.

View attachment 67200831

Full list

Sweden: 15
Norway: 14
Denmark: 13
Finland: 13
France: 13
Italy: 13
Cuba: 13
Germany: 12
Spain: 12
Belgium: 12
Austria: 12
Japan: 12
Slovenia: 11
United Kingdom: 11
Portugal: 11
Luxembourg: 11
Canada: 11
Netherlands: 10
Czech Republic: 10
Croatia: 10
Iceland: 10
Greece: 10
Argentina: 10
Ireland: 10
Ukraine: 10
Russia: 9
Mongolia: 9
Cyprus: 9
Serbia: 9
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 9
New Zealand: 8
Hungary: 8
Poland: 8
Slovakia: 8
Belarus: 8
Israel: 8
Azerbaijan: 8
South Korea: 8
Venezuela: 8
Turkey: 8
Algeria: 8
Montenegro: 8
Moldova: 8
Brazil: 8
Estonia: 8
Latvia: 8
Lithuania: 7
Australia 7
Romania: 7
Bulgaria: 7
South Africa: 7
Morocco: 7
Lesotho: 7
Timor-Leste: 7
Switzerland: 6
Uruguay: 6
Kyrgyzstan: 6
Uzbekistan: 6
Kuwait: 6
Bhutan: 6
Libya: 6
Egypt: 6
United States: 6
Oman: 6
Syria: 6
Ecuador: 6
Namibia: 6
Malawi: 6
Rep. Congo: 6
Equatorial Guinea: 6
Chad: 6
Brunei: 5
Tajikistan: 5
Albania: 5
Macedonia: 5
Saudi Arabia: 5
Bahrain: 5
Tunisia: 5
Iraq: 5
China: 5
Botswana: 5
Djibouti: 5
Peru: 5
Zimbabwe: 5
Togo: 5
Guinea: 5
Mauritania: 5
Armenia: 4
Iran: 4
Georgia: 4
United Arab Emirates: 4
Qatar: 4
Vietnam: 4
Bolivia: 4
Guyana: 4
Kenya: 4
Mexico: 4
Panama: 4
Chile: 4
Benin: 4
Mozambique: 4
Zambia: 4
Angola: 4
Tanzania: 4
Burundi: 4
Eritrea: 4
Gabon: 4
Senegal: 4
Mali: 4
Cent. Afr. Rep: 4
Yemen: 4
India: 4
Nepal: 4
Papua New Guinea: 4
Kazakhstan: 3
Singapore: 3
Taiwan: 3
Costa Rica: 3
Malaysia: 3
Sri Lanka: 3
Ghana: 3
Belize: 3
Nicaragua: 3
Thailand: 3
Turkmenistan: 3
Burkina Faso: 3
Cote d'Ivoire: 3
Suriname: 3
Swaziland: 3
Dem. Rep. Congo: 3
Cameroon: 3
Niger: 3
Pakistan: 3
Bangladesh: 3
Cambodia: 2
Philippines: 2
Lebanon: 2
Jordan: 2
Guatemala: 2
El Salvador: 2
Honduras: 2
Jamaica: 2
Colombia: 2
Haiti: 2
Madagascar: 2
Liberia: 2
Rwanda: 2
Uganda: 2
Ethiopia: 2
Nigeria: 2
Myanmar: 2
Afghanistan: 2
Somalia: 2
Paraguay: 1
Dominican Republic: 1
Indonesia: 1
Guinea-Bissau: 1
Laos: 1
Sudan: 1
South Sudan: 1
Sierra Leone: 0

Look like a recent news article I read??????????????
The Cuba score lmfao.

Zimbabwe over Chile, Taiwan, and Costa Rica. Too funny lol.

South Africa over Switzerland lmao.

Ranking high on this index is of course not the only factor determine how democratic and successful a country is and how well of the people is. Still many of the countries ranking high on this index is also in the top then it comes to other index and statistics.

For example the democracy index and press freedom index.



Also then it comes to high life expectancy and low infant mortality rate.



Also many of the countries with the highest rankings is also doing well then it comes to GDP per capita and being innovative countries and also social mobility.



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Very funny. Denmark, France and Cuba all have the same score. A decentralized, very free-market Scandinavian democracy; a dirigiste socialist republic; and a Communist hellhole.
Very funny. Denmark, France and Cuba all have the same score. A decentralized, very free-market Scandinavian democracy; a dirigiste socialist republic; and a Communist hellhole.

Just a lesson in never using a "social democratic index" to judge nations.

Ranking high on this index is of course not the only factor determine how democratic and successful a country is and how well of the people is. Still many of the countries ranking high on this index is also in the top then it comes to other index and statistics.

For example the democracy index and press freedom index.



Also then it comes to high life expectancy and low infant mortality rate.



Also many of the countries with the highest rankings is also doing well then it comes to GDP per capita and being innovative countries and also social mobility.




The list is a joke, please stop.

Somalia over the Dominican Republic and Paraguay. :lamo
Just a lesson in never using a "social democratic index" to judge nations.

The list is a joke, please stop.
Somalia over the Dominican Republic and Paraguay. :lamo

The same can be said about any index taken out of context. For example would rather live in Saudia Arabia (rank 12 GDP per capita) instead of in Sweden (rank 15 GDP per capita) or in United Kingdom (rank 25 GDP per capita)?

Instead what you can see is that most of the countries with relatively high taxes and government spending and also free healthcare, free college and paid maternity leave are doing pretty well. For example all the countries on the top are prosperous democracies except one country Cuba. Also as a showed in my earlier post many of those countries are in the top for example regarding low infant mortality rate, innovation, social mobility and press freedom.

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