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So will we be seeing that McConnell and Co. really are the hypocrites they have been accused of being? (1 Viewer)


I'm a freaking unicorn!!
DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Colorado Springs, CO
Political Leaning
So, here we sit, with the passing of RBG, at a political crossroads.

4 years ago, we were told that 9 months was too close to an election for the sitting President to nominate a replacement for a deceased Supreme Court Justice. We were told that the incoming President and the will of the people should be respected and we had to wait to make that appointment.

Fast forward 4 years, and now within 2 months of the election you have the passing of a justice, and we will now get to see if all that talk was something that was actually believed or nothing more than the political stunt we all knew it was at the time.

Those that would be in support of Trump naming a replacement and the Senate hurriedly confirming that replacement, whatever your justification for this shit would be, please don't let that justification be something stupid like, "this is different". Its not. Its actually worse, since there is even less time between the passing and the election.
The Turtleman has for 4 years done whatever Trumpy has told him to do. So he will move forward, completely ignoring his own words 4 years ago. However there only need to be a handful Republican senators that says "no is not the time" for him to having to delay it. Let's hope we still have some bravery among Republican senators.
The Turtleman has for 4 years done whatever Trumpy has told him to do. So he will move forward, completely ignoring his own words 4 years ago. However there only need to be a handful Republican senators that says "no is not the time" for him to having to delay it. Let's hope we still have some bravery among Republican senators.

Do you really see 4 of them giving the finger to Trump and McConnell? I can come up with 3 possibles.
let's take them at their word. why would anyone think they cannot be trusted:
“I want you to use my words against me,” Graham said in 2016. “If there’s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say, ‘Lindsey Graham said let’s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination.'”
So, here we sit, with the passing of RBG, at a political crossroads.

4 years ago, we were told that 9 months was too close to an election for the sitting President to nominate a replacement for a deceased Supreme Court Justice. We were told that the incoming President and the will of the people should be respected and we had to wait to make that appointment.

Fast forward 4 years, and now within 2 months of the election you have the passing of a justice, and we will now get to see if all that talk was something that was actually believed or nothing more than the political stunt we all knew it was at the time.

Those that would be in support of Trump naming a replacement and the Senate hurriedly confirming that replacement, whatever your justification for this shit would be, please don't let that justification be something stupid like, "this is different". Its not. Its actually worse, since there is even less time between the passing and the election.

The hypocrisy resides on both sides...and it is a natural result of the fact that this is all political.

What the Reps said four years ago has been flipped and what the Dems said four years ago has been flipped.

Sorry, but that's just the nature of the political beast.
what hypocrites are your referring to?[ part 1 of 2 parts there are so many]:
Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL): “President Obama is attempting to solidify his liberal agenda by drastically changing the direction of the Court for decades to come. This critical decision should be made after the upcoming presidential election so that the American people have a voice.”

John Boozman (R-AR): “Our country is very split and we are in the midst of a highly contested presidential election. My colleagues and I are committed to giving the American people a voice in the direction the court will take for generations to come.”

Tom Cotton (R-AR) who is on the short-list to be nominated: “In a few short months, we will have a new president and new senators who can consider the next justice with the full faith of the people. Why would we cut off the national debate on the next justice? Why would we squelch the voice of the populace? Why would we deny the voters a chance to weigh in on the make-up of the Supreme Court?”

Corey Gardner (R-CO): “… the next president of the United States should have the opportunity to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court.”

Marco Rubio (R-FL): “I don’t think we should be moving forward on a nominee in the last year of this president’s term. I would say that if this was a Republican president.”

Dave Perdue (R-GA): “What’s at stake here is the balance of our nation’s highest court and the direction of our country for decades. I remain firm in my decision to exercise my Constitutional authority and withhold consent on any nominee to the Supreme Court submitted by President Obama.”

Mike Crapo (R-ID): “As part of its role in this process, the Senate may, at its discretion, withhold consent. The next Supreme Court justice will make decisions that affect every American and shape our nation’s legal landscape for decades. Therefore, the current Supreme Court vacancy should be filled by an individual nominated by the next president of the United States.”

Joni Ernst (R-IA): “In the midst of a critical election, the American people deserve to have a say in this important decision that will impact the course of our country for years to come.”

Pat Roberts (R-KS): “The next justice will have an effect on the courts for decades to come and should not be rushed through by a lame-duck president during an election year. This is not about the nominee, it is about giving the American people and the next president a role in selecting the next Supreme Court justice.”

Mitch McConnell (R-KY): “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.”

Roger Wicker (R-MS): “The American people should have the opportunity to make their voices heard before filling a lifetime appointment to the nation’s highest court. In November, the country will get that chance by choosing a new president – a process that is well underway. Until then, our time should be spent addressing the many other legislative matters before us to strengthen our economy, create jobs, and secure our nation.”

Roy Blunt (R-MO): “The Senate should not confirm a new Supreme Court justice until we have a new president.”

Steve Daines (R-MT): “The replacement of Justice Scalia will have far-reaching impacts on our country for a generation. The American people have already begun voting on who the next president will be and their voice should continue to be reflected in a process that will have lasting implications on our nation. The U.S. Senate should exercise its constitutional powers by not confirming a new Supreme Court justice until the American people elect a new president and have their voices heard.”

Deb Fischer (R-NE): “It is crucial for Nebraskans and all Americans to have a voice in the selection of the next person to serve a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court, and there is precedent to do so. Therefore, I believe this position should not be filled until the election of a new president.”
part 2 of 2 parts:
Richard Burr (R-NC): “The American people deserve a voice in the nomination of the next Supreme Court Justice. This appointment could easily tip the balance of the court in a direction not supported by the American people as evidenced by 2014’s election results giving Republicans both the Senate and House.”

Thom Tillis (R-NC): “While President Obama is entitled to nominate an individual to the Supreme Court, the Senate has made it clear it will be exercising its Constitutional authority to withhold consent of the nomination. We are in the middle of a presidential election, and the Senate majority is giving the American people a voice to determine the direction of the Supreme Court.”

John Hoven (R-ND): “There is 80 years of precedent for not nominating and confirming a new justice of the Supreme Court in the final year of a president’s term so that people can have a say in this very important decision.”

Rob Portman (R-OH): “During a very partisan year and a presidential election year … both for the sake of the court and the integrity of the court and the legitimacy of the candidate, it’s better to have this occur after we’re past this presidential election.”

Jim Inhofe (R-OK): “While I will evaluate the nomination of Judge Merrick Garland, the next president should be the one to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court. … I will oppose this nomination as I firmly believe we must let the people decide the Supreme Court’s future.”

James Lankford (R-OK): “Based on previous historical precedent, I support Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley’s intent to give the American people a say in Justice Scalia’s replacement this year at the ballot box.”

Pat Toomey (R-PA): “With the U.S. Supreme Court’s balance at stake, and with the presidential election fewer than eight months away, it is wise to give the American people a more direct voice in the selection and confirmation of the next justice.”

Lindsey Graham (R-SC): “I strongly support giving the American people a voice in choosing the next Supreme Court nominee by electing a new president. I hope all Americans understand how important their vote is when it comes to picking a new Supreme Court justice. The American people should choose wisely this November.”

Tom Scott (R-SC): “The next president should fill the open seat on the Supreme Court, not a lame duck. Our nation is in the middle of an election that will replace this president and it has brought people out in every corner of our country in record numbers to have their voice heard. As elected officials, we need to protect the American people’s chance to have their voices heard in the decision on who will be appointed to a lifetime seat on the nation’s high court.”

John Thune (R-SD)
: “The Senate Republican majority was elected to be a check and balance to President Obama. The American people deserve to have their voices heard on the nomination of the next Supreme Court justice, who could fundamentally alter the direction of the Supreme Court for a generation. Since the next presidential election is already underway, the next president should make this lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.”

Lamar Alexander (R-TN): “I believe it is reasonable to give the American people a voice by allowing the next president to fill this lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. Under our Constitution, the president has the right to nominate, but the Senate has the right to decide whether to consent at this point in a presidential election year. Sen. McConnell is only doing what the Senate majority has the right to do and what Senate Democrat leaders have said they would do in similar circumstances.”

John Cornyn (R-TX): “At this critical juncture in our nation’s history, Texans and the American people deserve to have a say in the selection of the next lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. The only way to empower the American people and ensure they have a voice is for the next president to make the nomination to fill this vacancy.”
so many republican hypocrites it actually requires 3 pages to accommodate their hypocrisy:
Ted Cruz (R-TX): “This should be a decision for the people. Let the election decide. If the Democrats want to replace this nominee, they need to win the election.”

Mike Lee (R-UT): “In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: We will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick.”

Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV): “Before a Supreme Court justice is confirmed to a lifetime position on the bench, West Virginians and the American people should have the ability to weigh in at the ballot box this November. My position does not change with the naming of a nominee today.”

Ron Johnson (R-WI): “Let the American people have a voice in the composition of the Supreme Court. Instead of a lame duck president and Senate nominating and confirming, a new president and Senate – elected by the people only a few months from now – should make that important decision. I can’t think of a fairer or more democratic process.”

Mike Enzi (R-WY): “The Constitution gives the Senate the right to make decisions on a Supreme Court nominee. The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee has announced the committee’s intention to exercise its constitutional authority to withhold consent on a nominee submitted by this president. I believe the American people should decide the direction of the Supreme Court.”

John Barasso (R-WY): “A president on his way out of the White House should not make a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. The American people will soon decide our next president. That person should get to choose the next Supreme Court nominee. Give the people a voice, and let them chart the course for the court and the country.”[/quote]
The hypocrisy resides on both sides...and it is a natural result of the fact that this is all political.

What the Reps said four years ago has been flipped and what the Dems said four years ago has been flipped.

Sorry, but that's just the nature of the political beast.

GOP made a principle-based stand. I agree 100% this is just a power thing but the GOP will have to wear the scarlet letter because we have the video of them all swearing up and down, with no caveats. There were no “but if’s”. Straight up this is the right thing to do for the republic. So we agree this is all politics, and it just so happens due to the context and the GOP‘s very recent history, they own the worst of it.

Heavy is the brow that wears the crown.
GOP made a principle-based stand. I agree 100% this is just a power thing but the GOP will have to wear the scarlet letter because we have the video of them all swearing up and down, with no caveats. There were no “but if’s”. Straight up this is the right thing to do for the republic. So we agree this is all politics, and it just so happens due to the context and the GOP‘s very recent history, they own the worst of it.

Heavy is the brow that wears the crown.

Try not to get hung up on the politics. You'll feel much better.

Sometimes one side gets a win...sometimes the other side gets a win.

So it goes...
The Turtleman has for 4 years done whatever Trumpy has told him to do. So he will move forward, completely ignoring his own words 4 years ago. However there only need to be a handful Republican senators that says "no is not the time" for him to having to delay it. Let's hope we still have some bravery among Republican senators.
That's what we all hoped during the impeachment trial. That didn't work out so well. So far we have Alaska's and Main's senators have stated they will not entertain a vote. There are still 3-4 senators in really tough races. And there is Romney. I give him about a 20% chance he will say no.

This is going to be probably the biggest fight we've seen in the senate in a real long time.
Get outa here!

Do we
.ha ha.
Think the other side would hesitate a split second to nominate one of their antiConstitution, activist judges if th y we're in the WH?

Hypocrites denouncing hypocrisy / Perceived hypocrisy

When both WH and Senate are of the same party, it has always been the norm to get a nominee for SCOTUS through, and not wait for the election.

Then there is the fact that we need a full Court bc there is going to b problems with voting..ballots sent to just anyone, etc. We are going to need the S CT to settle that impending disaster
Try not to get hung up on the politics. You'll feel much better.

Sometimes one side gets a win...sometimes the other side gets a win.

So it goes...

I’m sorry this is making you feel bad, I feel great. GOP is ****ed.
I’m sorry this is making you feel bad, I feel great. GOP is ****ed.


What makes you think I feel bad?

Hell, you are the one with a chapped ass.
The Turtleman has for 4 years done whatever Trumpy has told him to do. So he will move forward, completely ignoring his own words 4 years ago. However there only need to be a handful Republican senators that says "no is not the time" for him to having to delay it. Let's hope we still have some bravery among Republican senators.

Its not going to happen. McConnell will get his fifty votes and Trumps nominee will be the second stolen seat courtesy of the GOP.

Hopefully this will finally trigger a full out nuclear response from Democrats who after decades finally will learn you cannot bring a pillow to a gunfight.

The GOP will get just what they deserve if the Dems win the presidency and then try to add several seats to the SCOTUS.

And I must say it could not happen to a more deserving party than the Republicans.

Of course, this may forever alter the Supreme Court and destroy any pretense at objectivity but that is what the GOP is doing.

What makes you think I feel bad?

Hell, you are the one with a chapped ass.

You keep framing your arguments in emotional terms while I discuss the politics. You know this would have been a win for the GOP only if RBG had kicked 5 minutes after Trump loses. Now you gotta spend the last few weeks defending killing Roe and healthcare.
You keep framing your arguments in emotional terms while I discuss the politics. You know this would have been a win for the GOP only if RBG had kicked 5 minutes after Trump loses. Now you gotta spend the last few weeks defending killing Roe and healthcare.

You are the one who brought emotion into it. I just responded in kind.

This is a win for the GOP. They are the ones who will likely install another Justice...in spite of your pissing and moaning about hypocrisy.

And I don't have to defend anything. What...you think the Supremes are going to kill Roe and healthcare in the next few weeks? Don't be ridiculous. Dial your butthurt back a notch or two, eh?
Its not going to happen. McConnell will get his fifty votes and Trumps nominee will be the second stolen seat courtesy of the GOP.

Hopefully this will finally trigger a full out nuclear response from Democrats who after decades finally will learn you cannot bring a pillow to a gunfight.

The GOP will get just what they deserve if the Dems win the presidency and then try to add several seats to the SCOTUS.

And I must say it could not happen to a more deserving party than the Republicans.

Of course, this may forever alter the Supreme Court and destroy any pretense at objectivity but that is what the GOP is doing.

The Dems need more than winning the presidency to be able to add several seats to the SCOTUS.

1. They have to keep the House.
2. They have to take the Senate.
3. They have to take the presidency.

If, if, if = it ain't gonna happen.
The Dems need more than winning the presidency to be able to add several seats to the SCOTUS.

1. They have to keep the House.
2. They have to take the Senate.
3. They have to take the presidency.

If, if, if = it ain't gonna happen.

1. Dems will keep the House.
2. Dems will take the Senate.
3. Biden will throw out the illegitimate liar from the White House.
1. Dems will keep the House.
2. Dems will take the Senate.
3. Biden will throw out the illegitimate liar from the White House.

There is no doubt the GOP will do this despite the obvious theft of the original seat and now this one which violates their own rules they laid down after the death of Scalia. That is a given considering the party is run like a 1930's German beer hall meeting.

The real question is will the Dems pull the pin on the grenade and dare blow everything up? I certainly would advise them too. It is the only way the GOP will learn they cannot steam roller a bunch of wines.
So, here we sit, with the passing of RBG, at a political crossroads.

4 years ago, we were told that 9 months was too close to an election for the sitting President to nominate a replacement for a deceased Supreme Court Justice. We were told that the incoming President and the will of the people should be respected and we had to wait to make that appointment.

Fast forward 4 years, and now within 2 months of the election you have the passing of a justice, and we will now get to see if all that talk was something that was actually believed or nothing more than the political stunt we all knew it was at the time.
Those that would be in support of Trump naming a replacement and the Senate hurriedly confirming that replacement, whatever your justification for this shit would be, please don't let that justification be something stupid like, "this is different". Its not. Its actually worse, since there is even less time between the passing and the election.
Four years ago, every Dam that got near a microphone or camera was shouting to vote for Obama's guy. It had to be done immediately or the world would explode. So, now we're faced with a very similar situation. A few differences:
Obama was facing a Republican Senate - not likely he'd get a favorable vote.
Obama was a lame duck; Trump has a good chance of winning.
SCOTUS term begins in a few weeks; it's important to get a full bench as quick as possible.
So if the Dems were correct in trying to push a quick vote, why aren't the GOPers correct today?
Gorsuch does not seem to put the law above...I don't know.

Personal prejudice?

In the Oklahoma case recently, he ruled that old treaties the US had made w native american tribes should be upheld

No problem there except for one little thing

The treaties were made before the civil war. The tribes in question had sided with the south in the war and of course wanted to me keep slavery. The tribes OWNED slaves

After the war OK applied for statehood and the Native Americans agreed to the terms, which dissolved prior treaties...

Kavanaugh and I believe Thomas and alito ruled the right way, gorsuch did not
You are the one who brought emotion into it. I just responded in kind.

This is a win for the GOP. They are the ones who will likely install another Justice...in spite of your pissing and moaning about hypocrisy.

And I don't have to defend anything. What...you think the Supremes are going to kill Roe and healthcare in the next few weeks? Don't be ridiculous. Dial your butthurt back a notch or two, eh?

Try not to get hung up on the politics. You'll feel much better.

Sometimes one side gets a win...sometimes the other side gets a win.

So it goes...
The Left is now playing zero-sum politics. That's all there is to it. Democrats would sell their own mothers for power.
Just the way it is.

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