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Snow Gorrillas Behind 9-11 Conspiracy (1 Viewer)

Comrade Mao Guverra

New member
Aug 30, 2005
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Political Leaning
The Snow Gorrilla government planned and executed 9-11, so as to plot their way to dicratorship. The highjackers were members of a secret group of mercernaries hired by the C.I.A. They didn't intend to kill themselves, just put fear into the hearts of the Ice Monkeys so they would first take away power from us Soul Brothers, and have a new tool for their plans for genocide of people of color in their insane scheme for Snow Gorrilla World Domination.
But we are smarting up, snow ape. You don't fool us, as we are naturally more persepective then an ice monkey is. After all, you are degenerate, renegade Soul Brothers that mutated into the Snow Gorrilas you are todAY
Comrade Mao Guverra said:
The Snow Gorrilla government planned and executed 9-11, so as to plot their way to dicratorship. The highjackers were members of a secret group of mercernaries hired by the C.I.A. They didn't intend to kill themselves, just put fear into the hearts of the Ice Monkeys so they would first take away power from us Soul Brothers, and have a new tool for their plans for genocide of people of color in their insane scheme for Snow Gorrilla World Domination.
But we are smarting up, snow ape. You don't fool us, as we are naturally more persepective then an ice monkey is. After all, you are degenerate, renegade Soul Brothers that mutated into the Snow Gorrilas you are todAY

I......well.....you see.....WOW. I am near speechless at this mindless dribble you've posted here, Mao. Not only have you misspelled your way into the anals of society, and I do stress the anal part....you've shown an amount of ignorance that matches You Must Be Kidding. Congrats, you two make a beautiful couple.
Comrade Mao Guverra said:
... as we are naturally more persepective then an ice monkey is...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Glad to see you're 'smarting' up.

Here ya go, give this (<----that's a link BTW) a try, then consider stringing words together to make sentences.
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Quid Pro Quo said:
I......well.....you see.....WOW. I am near speechless at this mindless dribble you've posted here, Mao. Not only have you misspelled your way into the anals of society, and I do stress the anal part....you've shown an amount of ignorance that matches You Must Be Kidding. Congrats, you two make a beautiful couple.

Are you 2 smart to get sarcasm when you here it? I see you have no common sense.
Having read a great deal of your postings, and seeing others have formed the same opinion of them as I have, I don't think your posts are really sarcasm. You really form no real factual argument, nothing that particularly contributes to the debate in which you post, and as far as I have seen...it's all a **** filled rant from a young man with limited intelligence in politics. If I am wrong, I do apologize...but out of all your posts that I have read, that is my formed opinion. Perhaps you'll prove me wrong on a thread down the road...I certainly welcome it.
Comrade Mao Guverra said:
The Snow Gorrilla government planned and executed 9-11, so as to plot their way to dicratorship. The highjackers were members of a secret group of mercernaries hired by the C.I.A. They didn't intend to kill themselves, just put fear into the hearts of the Ice Monkeys so they would first take away power from us Soul Brothers, and have a new tool for their plans for genocide of people of color in their insane scheme for Snow Gorrilla World Domination.
But we are smarting up, snow ape. You don't fool us, as we are naturally more persepective then an ice monkey is. After all, you are degenerate, renegade Soul Brothers that mutated into the Snow Gorrilas you are todAY

:rofl Hi you whacko. I know who you are, ..& I see you have now come here to grace us with your moronic wisdom.

No..you are not smarting up, but rather dumbing down!:smile:

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