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Snake Island (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Political Leaning
Fron what I understand, there are survivors on Snake Island . . where a defender told the Russian warship to **** off.

The Russians are meeting very fierce Ukrainian resistance. In addition, Russian convoys are running out of fuel and experiencing mechanical breakdowns. This shows a lack of proper planning, training, and poor NCO's. These convoys are almost bumper to bumper. We have to remeber that the Ukrainians have been at war with Russia now for eight years. They have learned how to use their drones to deliver coordinates for artillery teams. Artillery salvos would devastete these convoy columns, as will the Javelin missiles. The Russians are apparently also using open communications in many cases, which the Ukrainians can listen in on (many are Russian speakers).

The Russians are probably going to begin using massive blunt force and combined arms attacks. Artillery will shell an area before Russian troops advance. Jets will bomb and strafe neighborhoods. They will especially hit infrastructure (power/water) and destroy hospitals and clinics. The Kremlin doesn't worry about war crimes. They will begin using ship/submarine launched cruise missiles, cluster munition bombs, incendiary bombs, and fuel-air explosives. Artillery and tanks will pound civilian neighborhoods. They may also use saturation weapons such as multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) and Solntsepek (Sunburn) thermobaric rocket launchers. Kyiv is a populous city. But so was Alepo in Syria....

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Those 13 Ukrainian soldiers are badasses
They may still be alive
Remember Snake Island!
I hope the Snake Island 13 are alive.
Eighty-one surrendered, because they had run out of ammunition, the Russian warship was bluffing, and didn't destroy the structure or them just for saying **** you.
The Snake Island badasses are apparently still alive. For now.
It's hard to tell what's really happened to them.
Alive or not, they have provided a meme, a slogan, that will likely become a part of history:

"Russian Warship: Go **** Yourself!"
Alive or not, they have provided a meme, a slogan, that will likely become a part of history:

"Russian Warship: Go **** Yourself!"

You appear to love fake news and propaganda when it suits your purposes. :)
You appear to love fake news and propaganda when it suits your purposes. :)
You appear to support fascists all the time ...
You appear to support fascists all the time ...

Even the devil is entitled a defense; and if he cannot afford one the Court will provide him one. Is there a reason Putin is not entitled a defense?
The fact that some or, dare I hope all, of the 13 soldiers garrisoning Snake Island may have survived is a sliver of good news in a forest of tragedy. This war will be long and brutal, I fear. Many more Ukrainians are destined to suffer privation, injury, death and horror before cooler heads can possibly sort this out. It may not seem appropriate to be saying this at this polarised time but many young, conscripted and bewildered Russians will also suffer in this too. Prayers to all the many small human spirits looking up at the mammoth tsunami of war looming before them, which was created by mens' hate and greed.

When will people in power learn that war doesn't work anymore?

Very respectfully.
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They are writing a screenplay and signing a movie gig.

Then Zelensky is their man. He is a successful actor in his own rights. I must concede that Zelensky has been quite successful as the lead actor in Ukrainian politics as well. On stage and off stage!
Even the devil is entitled a defense; and if he cannot afford one the Court will provide him one. Is there a reason Putin is not entitled a defense?
Juin, the Devil deserves no defense, only eternal damnation. Likewise those who start wars of choice, even out of good intentions, deserve no mercy and no quarter. Mr. Putin started this war of choice himself and he should be destroyed by men and be damned by higher powers for his wicked greed and hubristic arrogance. Curse his name and what passes for his soul.

Be well.
Juin, the Devil deserves no defense, only eternal damnation. Likewise those who start wars of choice, even out of good intentions, deserve no mercy and no quarter. Mr. Putin started this war of choice himself and he should be destroyed by men and be damned by higher powers for his wicked greed and hubristic arrogance. Curse his name and what passes for his soul.

Be well.

You do feel strongly about the matter!
You do feel strongly about the matter!

I hate war and all who start them. Their nationality does not matter to me.

Be well.
You appear to love fake news and propaganda when it suits your purposes. :)

Ummm...the bold and defiant words are not fake; they will likely become legendary as a symbol or their struggle. You appear to resent that, when it suits your politics.
Ummm...the bold and defiant words are not fake; they will likely become legendary as a symbol or their struggle. You appear to resent that, when it suits your politics.

His politics are pro-Russia. He is a firm believer in the "Might makes right" ideology.

Juin has constantly placed America behind the interests of Putin and Russia.
Ummm...the bold and defiant words are not fake; they will likely become legendary as a symbol or their struggle. You appear to resent that, when it suits your politics.

The bold and defiant words are heroic. I am not challenging that. But the heroes are not dead, a critical necessity for legendary status. The announcement that the sailors had attained martyrdom was premature. A necessary component is missing.

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