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Slovakia says it would give Ukraine its air defense systems if it gets 'proper replacement' (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Slovakia’s defense minister on Thursday said the country would “immediately” provide its S-300 air defense system to Ukraine if it’s guaranteed a “proper replacement” in the near term. Jaroslav Nad’ said Slovakia is in discussions with the United States and other allies on the possibility of deploying its S-300s to Ukraine to help the embattled country in its fight against invading Russian forces. But the agreement hinges on Bratislava receiving a stand-in system for its air defenses. "We’re willing to do so immediately when we have a proper replacement,” Nad’ said a press conference alongside Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. “The only strategic air defense system that we have in Slovakia is [the] S-300 system. So what would happen immediately when we decide to give it to Ukrainians is that we actually create a gap, a security gap in NATO.” He added: “Should there be [a] situation that we have a proper replacement or that we have a capability guaranteed for a certain period of time, then we will be willing to discuss the future of S-300.”

The S-300 surface-to-air missile system is a Soviet-era defense system possessed by NATO allies Slovakia, Greece and Bulgaria that could help against Russian airstrikes in Ukraine, of which there have been more than 1,000 since the attack began on Feb. 24. Asked whether the U.S. would be willing to provide Slovakia with an air defense replacement such as the U.S.-made Patriot, Austin said he did not have any announcements to make. “These are things that we will continue to work with all of our allies on,” Austin said. The Biden administration is working to get more air defense systems to Ukraine following pressure from Congress and new pleas from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to help Kyiv obtain air defenses and fighter jets to curtail bombings from Kremlin forces.

And what could be the excuse for not green-lighting this offer? Putin might be angered?
Unrelated but the Slovakian dress uniforms are pretty sexy.


And what could be the excuse for not green-lighting this offer? Putin might be angered?
So...another country with their hand out for some US cash.

Everyone in the world recognizes a patsy.


And what could be the excuse for not green-lighting this offer? Putin might be angered?
That's Biden and his Sec of State and NSA's excuse. Unfortunately NATO looks like it will not go without the U.S. and we have a puppet in office.
There was no mention of US cash anywhere in the article.

I believe it is safe to say it is the US Slovakia has in mind to fund her generous offer.
That's Biden and his Sec of State and NSA's excuse. Unfortunately NATO looks like it will not go without the U.S. and we have a puppet in office.

Your type of presidet is better at extorting Ukraine/Zelenskyy.
Putin says he won't allow Slovakia to give the S-300's to Ukraine. What does he mean by that? I doubt he has another army ready to send to send to Slovakia.

Russia "Will Not Allow" S-300 Air Defense System Transfer To Ukraine
Putin says he won't allow Slovakia to give the S-300's to Ukraine. What does he mean by that? I doubt he has another army ready to send to send to Slovakia.

Russia "Will Not Allow" S-300 Air Defense System Transfer To Ukraine

He'll huff, and he'll puff, and he'll..... hopefully have a heart attack.
"We will gladly give you everything we have to defend yourself, if only we can be recompensed in kind by some wealthy benefactor! Otherwise, good luck; we can't help you!"

Love, your friends, Slovakia
"We will gladly give you everything we have to defend yourself, if only we can be recompensed in kind by some wealthy benefactor! Otherwise, good luck; we can't help you!"

Love, your friends, Slovakia

That's your warped thought process.


And what could be the excuse for not green-lighting this offer? Putin might be angered?

At this point, after Biden's assurances that the administration will get Russian/Soviet made air defense systems to Ukraine, I can't imagine any room for the Pentagon or Biden to red light this offer.

Still, its unclear to me how this is any different from supplying aircraft OTHER than SS-300s will be transported on the ground rather than ferried in by air. As in either case, Russia has warned that such war material delivery by any means into Ukraine is subject to military interdiction, which one should expect. Both are arms that can destroy aircraft and some kinds of incoming missiles.

The hang-up with the planes ought to be the subject of a future analysis in crisis management, the interaction of Pentagon and executive advisor groupthink with the peculiar mental processing of the President. Combine that with many egos who cannot admit they have been wrong on this and you end up with a "taboo" that has lost its meaning to those not engaged.

Putin has drawn the redlines, even ex post facto. Hopefully the administration has the grit to go forward and accept that Russia is doing its best to stop what is unstoppable. The recent missile strikes on Western locations was his an attempt to intimidate, but in themselves those long range missiles cannot target that which moves...like convoys. So ironically, if Russia wants to stop them it will have to create air combat interdiction boxes and patrols which will be confronted with Ukrainian fighters, of which it still desperately needs.

If we lose S-300s for lack of Ukranian air cover, the bitter pill of "I told ya so" will have to be swallowed by all.
"We will gladly give you everything we have to defend yourself, if only we can be recompensed in kind by some wealthy benefactor! Otherwise, good luck; we can't help you!"

Love, your friends, Slovakia

We are the wealthy benefactor, as well as one of its beneficiary's.
That's the headline of the thread.

No it isn't. That's just your warped reading of it.

Title: Slovakia says it would give Ukraine its air defense systems if it gets 'proper replacement'

Neither the title nor the article calls on the US to pony up any cash.
"We will gladly give you everything we have to defend yourself, if only we can be recompensed in kind by some wealthy benefactor! Otherwise, good luck; we can't help you!"

Love, your friends, Slovakia
To be fair, with Putin on my doorstep I wouldn't want to hand over all my air defense capability either without an alternate.

It might be an interesting idea to see if Slovakia would go for a deal where we provide them temporary placement of Patriot systems with US teams and they send the S-300s to Ukraine.
Putin says he won't allow Slovakia to give the S-300's to Ukraine. What does he mean by that? I doubt he has another army ready to send to send to Slovakia.

Russia "Will Not Allow" S-300 Air Defense System Transfer To Ukraine

If we cease this constant procrastination and hesitation our side (or at least my side) can easily get these systems in. Russia does not seem to have the coordination or expertise to even do what the allies did in the first gulf war, create kill zone combat boxes vectored by AWACs and other means.

Russian pilots have about a third the amount of training needed, their procedures are regimented, and they show no ability it serve in multi-role functions. So Russians do the only thing they do well, target air bases, hospitals, schools, bomb shelters, and food outlets.

Once S-300 systems become operational, it is a whole new ballgame for Ukraine's air defense. They are impressive systems, as Ukrainian pilots have experienced.
If we cease this constant procrastination and hesitation our side (or at least my side) can easily get these systems in. Russia does not seem to have the coordination or expertise to even do what the allies did in the first gulf war, create kill zone combat boxes vectored by AWACs and other means.

Russian pilots have about a third the amount of training needed, their procedures are regimented, and they show no ability it serve in multi-role functions. So Russians do the only thing they do well, target air bases, hospitals, schools, bomb shelters, and food outlets.

Once S-300 systems become operational, it is a whole new ballgame for Ukraine's air defense. They are impressive systems, as Ukrainian pilots have experienced.

It is easily Russia's worse nightmare as well. Oftentimes wars just amount to who can manage to rush more materiel to the scrimage line to replenish destroyed ones.


And what could be the excuse for not green-lighting this offer? Putin might be angered?
All US military equipment 30% off!
(Provided the Ukraine can use your old equipment, and you ship it to them in good working order)

Sounds like a good deal for everyone.
To be fair, with Putin on my doorstep I wouldn't want to hand over all my air defense capability either without an alternate.
Exactly, hence why a 30% off deal. provided the old system goes to the Ukraine, would appear to be a good deal, provided it's concluded in 30 days or less (that might be a challenge).

It might be an interesting idea to see if Slovakia would go for a deal where we provide them temporary placement of Patriot systems with US teams and they send the S-300s to Ukraine.

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