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Sir Menzies Campbell New Leader of the Lib Dems (1 Viewer)


British, Irish and everything in-between.
DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2005
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Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland
Political Leaning

Damn I preferred Huhne. Don't think the Lib Dems will gain much with him and helm, but I suppose it leaves the party in good hands until a younger dinomo takes the helm.

Fellow Brits, what do you think the future of the Lib Dems will be now? Will the Lib Dems slowly but surely grab a few seats here and a few seats there?? I do think Labour is going to lose Scotland to the Lib Dems.
GarzaUK said:

Damn I preferred Huhne. Don't think the Lib Dems will gain much with him and helm, but I suppose it leaves the party in good hands until a younger dinomo takes the helm.

Fellow Brits, what do you think the future of the Lib Dems will be now? Will the Lib Dems slowly but surely grab a few seats here and a few seats there?? I do think Labour is going to lose Scotland to the Lib Dems.

Mmm, I think he's been chosen as a "safe" option after all the recent sex-scandals they've suffered! At least they're finally developing a bit of personality!!

I hope they do well. The last general election was the first time I haven't voted labour, but it won't be the last.

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