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Since democrats love taxes how about this one (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Since democrats have never met a tax they didnt like how about this one. How about a $10,000 tax on every abortion. It would raise a lot of money and force people to practice safe sex.
Since democrats have never met a tax they didnt like how about this one. How about a $10,000 tax on every abortion. It would raise a lot of money and force people to practice safe sex.

They're already taxed at $10,000,000,000,000,000 per abortion. Isn't that enough?
Since democrats have never met a tax they didnt like how about this one. How about a $10,000 tax on every abortion. It would raise a lot of money and force people to practice safe sex.

dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. Yeah, republican's idea, tax the poor, not the rich. We should start taxing churches, since they are influencing politics and get a tax exempt status while many churches are rolling in cash
Well, it’d be unconstitutional—in a 9-0 rather than 5-4 kind of way.

For starters.

But if your idea involves repealing the Constitution and introducing a religious state, which is the only way that this makes any sense, then why not just tax them a bazillion dollars instead?

Or just hang or behead offenders.
dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. Yeah, republican's idea, tax the poor, not the rich. We should start taxing churches, since they are influencing politics and get a tax exempt status while many churches are rolling in cash

Actually it would be taxing the irresponsible no matter how much money they have.

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