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Show Down At The Ok Coral (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2005
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With the republicans and democrats, with a near 50% of the vote each ,for years now. And the economy in a pickle, I mean a real pickle.
This thought occured to me the other night ,while I was sleeping.
I dreamt I saw America devided, replicans and democrats split. Another civil war.
it was the year 2008 ,the country was so devided ,that it came to war. Each side blaming each other, for the fate of super power status being lost .
It broke out as the democrats accused the replublicans ,of jerry rigging the ELections,with electronic voting booths installed, the ultimate nintendo game.The war escalated to nuclear war in every major city as the public took to the streets to protest a nazi like regime with election fraud schemes.

My wife told me the next day that I was wiggling like crazy last night.
I recalled to her that it must have been the part where the democrats came to Canada for help ,and all we had were canadian flags, and beer to offer.

drats it was only a dream
Canuck said:
With the republicans and democrats, with a near 50% of the vote each ,for years now. And the economy in a pickle, I mean a real pickle.
This thought occured to me the other night ,while I was sleeping.
I dreamt I saw America devided, replicans and democrats split. Another civil war.
it was the year 2008 ,the country was so devided ,that it came to war. Each side blaming each other, for the fate of super power status being lost .
It broke out as the democrats accused the replublicans ,of jerry rigging the ELections,with electronic voting booths installed, the ultimate nintendo game.The war escalated to nuclear war in every major city as the public took to the streets to protest a nazi like regime with election fraud schemes.

My wife told me the next day that I was wiggling like crazy last night.
I recalled to her that it must have been the part where the democrats came to Canada for help ,and all we had were canadian flags, and beer to offer.

drats it was only a dream

Been putting something in your maple syrup, eh?
no I have been putting my maple styop into something:mrgreen:
Sorry, but John Titor was wrong.
What is this doing in the political platforms section?

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