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Should we outsource the government? (1 Viewer)

Should we outsource the government?

  • Yes: Say hello to my congressman from Guatemala and President Li!

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters


Since so many neo-cons think that outsourcing American jobs is the best thing since sliced bread I was wondering if we should go the next step and outsource the government?

We could:

1. Change the constitution and let foreigners become president.

2. Let the military hire 3rd world countries to fight our wars - certainly less costly both on the fiscal and human side.

3. We could do all of our education via web conferencing with teachers from , say ... China. They would work for $.18 an hour!

4. Our space program? Russia was doing pretty well back in the 60's, maybe they would like to have it back?
It's a pleasent thought, and I would start with the useless leeches that have been there the longest, Kennedy comes to mind immediately. Still, the myth about outsourcing has been debunked time and again, and not all outsourcing is a bad thing, for companies, and our economy. Recent studies have showed this, and one should really educate themselves on these, before making a fool of ones self.;)

"Outsourcing The Myth
Interesting news from Silicon Valley Biz Ink on outsourcing. It's not the dreaded sucking sound of jobs being whisked off to India that we thought.

The in-depth Study found that global sourcing of computer software and services, while displacing some IT workers, actually benefits the U.S. economy and increases the number of U.S. jobs. According to Study findings, the U.S. economy has much to gain from global sourcing and an environment of free trade, open markets and robust competition. Benefits include job creation, higher real wages, higher real GDP growth, contained inflation and expanded exports resulting in increased economic activity.
Anybody got a problem with that? More jobs, better economy, free trade, not to mention the foreign companies that insource, ie hire U.S. workers. By the numbers, here's the benefits.
According to the Study, U.S. spending for offshore outsourcing of computer software and services is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of almost 26%, increasing from approximately $10 billion in 2003 to $31 billion in 2008. During the same period, total savings from the use of offshore resources will grow from $6.7 billion to $20.9 billion. Using offshore resources lowers costs and boosts productivity. As a result, inflation is lower, interest rates are lower, and economic activity is higher."

Sorry, lost my link, I'll look for it.
Deegan said:
It's a pleasent thought, and I would start with the useless leeches that have been there the longest, Kennedy comes to mind immediately. Still, the myth about outsourcing has been debunked time and again, and not all outsourcing is a bad thing, for companies, and our economy. Recent studies have showed this, and one should really educate themselves on these, before making a fool of ones self.;)

"Outsourcing The Myth
Interesting news from Silicon Valley Biz Ink on outsourcing. It's not the dreaded sucking sound of jobs being whisked off to India that we thought.

The in-depth Study found that global sourcing of computer software and services, while displacing some IT workers, actually benefits the U.S. economy and increases the number of U.S. jobs. According to Study findings, the U.S. economy has much to gain from global sourcing and an environment of free trade, open markets and robust competition. Benefits include job creation, higher real wages, higher real GDP growth, contained inflation and expanded exports resulting in increased economic activity.
Anybody got a problem with that? More jobs, better economy, free trade, not to mention the foreign companies that insource, ie hire U.S. workers. By the numbers, here's the benefits.
According to the Study, U.S. spending for offshore outsourcing of computer software and services is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of almost 26%, increasing from approximately $10 billion in 2003 to $31 billion in 2008. During the same period, total savings from the use of offshore resources will grow from $6.7 billion to $20.9 billion. Using offshore resources lowers costs and boosts productivity. As a result, inflation is lower, interest rates are lower, and economic activity is higher."

Sorry, lost my link, I'll look for it.
Here's your link - Blogs for Bush : I smell a whiff of Armstrong Williams here :mrgreen:

Also - the link to the original source is dead. hmmmm

I would certainly trade you Kennedy for DeLay or Frist straight up! If both of them stay out of jail ;)

Seriously, there could be some fields where outsourcing is NOT a problem, perhaps IT is one of them, Cotton is probably another, since the Chinese are buying tons of it to make clothes.

I'm looking at the BIG picture though - where this study - if in fact true, is focusing on one industry.
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hipsterdufus said:
1. Change the constitution and let foreigners become president.

Not the worst idea in the world, but I doubt the American people would ever elect a foreigner.

hipsterdufus said:
2. Let the military hire 3rd world countries to fight our wars - certainly less costly both on the fiscal and human side.

We've been doing this for centuries.

hipsterdufus said:
3. We could do all of our education via web conferencing with teachers from , say ... China. They would work for $.18 an hour!

Sounds great to me, if we can get it to work.

hipsterdufus said:
4. Our space program? Russia was doing pretty well back in the 60's, maybe they would like to have it back?

Meh I'd rather just eliminate the space program entirely.
You got it backwards. The government has already outsourced our nation.
Billo_Really said:
You got it backwards. The government has already outsourced our nation.

Then outsourcing the government would be the appropriate final step right?
Originally posted by hipsterdufus:
Then outsourcing the government would be the appropriate final step right?
I've always had this fantasy of having an election where every incumbant got voted out of office. Then at the next election, the same thing happened give or take the ones that actually work for a living. And it kept happening until they realized that just like you and me, if you don't do your job right, you get laid off.

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