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Should we drug test our politicians? (1 Viewer)

Should we drug test our elected officials?

  • Yes. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • No. It would be a waste of money.

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters


Bus Driver to Hell
DP Veteran
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I say we should. Why shouldn't they be held to the same standards as the rest of the country?
I say we give them more drugs...

Can't hurt...
I don't believe in drug testing outside of those jobs that are hazardous - either for the worker or the public. For example, people who work with heavy equipment at Home Depot absolutely should go through drug testing. But a person who works in an office at a computer all day? It's no one's business what they do with their free time. If their work suffers due to an addiction - then deal with it. Otherwise butt out.
cnredd said:
I say we give them more drugs...

Can't hurt...

Now this is a man of vision, lol.
cnredd said:
Kennedy gets placebos...

Santorum gets pcp.....the man is in desperate need of a psychotic episode
independant thinker said," I say we should. Why shouldn't they be held to the same standards as the rest of the country?"

They should be held to the standards we are held at, but they aren't and the sad thing is... I dont think the majority of Americans care what happens to them.

Look what an example they made of Martha Stewart.........she didnt really do anything wrong, but was hung because she lied to the FBI.

Clinton got away with lying under oath, Sady Berger got caught with papers down his pants.....Nixon wasn't jailed........nothing happened to any one of them.
doughgirl said:
independant thinker said," I say we should. Why shouldn't they be held to the same standards as the rest of the country?"

They should be held to the standards we are held at, but they aren't and the sad thing is... I dont think the majority of Americans care what happens to them.

Look what an example they made of Martha Stewart.........she didnt really do anything wrong, but was hung because she lied to the FBI.

Clinton got away with lying under oath, Sady Berger got caught with papers down his pants.....Nixon wasn't jailed........nothing happened to any one of them.

Don't forget Reagan. The buck stops at the scapegoat. BTW, Lying to the FBI IS doing something wrong. Why lie if you are innocent.

I agree that what people do on their own time is nobody's business. If the politicians had their privacy invaded like the common folk perhaps it would eliminate this invasion of privacy.
No we shouldn't. There's no point in wasting even more taxpayer money just to "get even" with them for imposing unfair drug laws on the rest of us. I doubt many of them are on drugs anyway, and the government is plenty irrational even WITHOUT a lot of druggies.
"BTW, Lying to the FBI IS doing something wrong. Why lie if you are innocent."

I agree, but what she lied about was lame compared to other big whigs.......

"I agree that what people do on their own time is nobody's business."

Well yes and no. We vote these people in office. We hire them and put them there to represent us. They should be held to some sort of accountability.
Clinton.........fine he had an affair......but he dragged the country through the mud........he lied and he compromised the highest office on earth with his ridiclous exploits. He not only did this once but two and three times.......Kennedy also did this but he was smarter about it and more discrete, and I do not believe he was the sex addict that Clinton was. It was about how Clinton handled the whole mess........and he did it quite poorly.

"If the politicians had their privacy invaded like the common folk perhaps it would eliminate this invasion of privacy."

I think most politicians (not all but the majority) and hollywood celebs love the attention. It turns their motors, it floats their boats. Most are materialistic and vain........and they might bitch about the attention shown them by the media....but they thrive on it. I mean how many of us little people when we get our pictures taken pose like Paris Hilton..........

I have never had anyone invade my privacy by the government. I think if you are a law abiding citizen and go about your own business......nothing happens.
Well yes and no. We vote these people in office. We hire them and put them there to represent us. They should be held to some sort of accountability.
Clinton.........fine he had an affair......but he dragged the country through the mud........he lied and he compromised the highest office on earth with his ridiclous exploits. He not only did this once but two and three times.......Kennedy also did this but he was smarter about it and more discrete, and I do not believe he was the sex addict that Clinton was. It was about how Clinton handled the whole mess........and he did it quite poorly.
I think Clinton could've lied about far worse things. I don't have the strength to care about something like that when there are more terrifying things going on around the world.
independent_thinker2002 said:
I say we should. Why shouldn't they be held to the same standards as the rest of the country?

I think our politicans should be held to a higher standard than the rest of the population. If they fail to meet that higher standard, then they should be subject to harsher penalties than the rest of the population. They are suppose to be leaders who are trusted by the public to do what is right for the nation and therefore, rightly so, held to a higher standard and punished more harshly for failure to set the standard for the rest of the nation to follow. It's either drive on, set the highest standard, the best example and lead. Or fall by the wayside and get the **** out of the way.
I don't know, I have always been against drug tests, it's just the way I reacted when I was asked to take one for the first time. I had not done any drugs, and was not worried about that, it just made me feel dirty or something. We have managed without them all this time, why do we need them now. I had to fire someone last year due to drug use, It's not hard to spot. I gave the person a chance at rehab, which is the policy, but they refused. You never hear of this in the corporate world, so it seems a double standard to me. There are certainly times when a drug test is needed, but I would have to wait for that time, to be on board with the idea.

If we did start this though, I would have to start with Howie Dean.
Deegan said:
I don't know, I have always been against drug tests, it's just the way I reacted when I was asked to take one for the first time. I had not done any drugs, and was not worried about that, it just made me feel dirty or something. We have managed without them all this time, why do we need them now. I had to fire someone last year due to drug use, It's not hard to spot. I gave the person a chance at rehab, which is the policy, but they refused. You never hear of this in the corporate world, so it seems a double standard to me. There are certainly times when a drug test is needed, but I would have to wait for that time, to be on board with the idea.

If we did start this though, I would have to start with Howie Dean.

If the political leaders are prepared to legislate baseball players to see if they are using drugs, the those people in Washington should be prepared to be drug tested on un-announced days and because they are important leaders in this country, if their test returns back hot, should serve a prison term. Their is no room for double standards in leadership positions of such importance. Quality leadership is what is demanded from the those people in Washington. People who follow double standards in such important leadership positions should not be tolerated or accepted.
I absolutely think politicians should be drug tested....

If I have to take a drug test to work at, say, Target, I think our nation's leaders should be tested.

If our military is subjected to random drug testing, their superiors should have to undergo the same testing.

Drug testing really doesn't cost all that much, and I wouldn't consider it as much of a waste as some other programs out there.

Besides, there are plenty of politicians that are known to have used drugs in the past. Who's to say they're not using now?

The folks on Capitol Hill make decisions every day that affect the way the rest of us work and live. We are essentially trusting them with our lives....wouldn't you rather they be making those decisions with a clear mind?
Stace said:
We are essentially trusting them with our lives....wouldn't you rather they be making those decisions with a clear mind?

Which is why we should leave the drugs and take out the money. I'd much rather my senator be stoned than bought.
mixedmedia said:
Which is why we should leave the drugs and take out the money. I'd much rather my senator be stoned than bought.

"Mr. Speaker...I propose this House takes a 20 minute recess for munchies, a strobe light, a Floyd CD and some rolling papers!"...
cnredd said:
"Mr. Speaker...I propose this House takes a 20 minute recess for munchies, a strobe light, a Floyd CD and some rolling papers!"...

yeah, I don't know, maybe it was just how I was raised, but these seem like people I can trust :mrgreen:
cnredd said:
"Mr. Speaker...I propose this House takes a 20 minute recess for munchies, a strobe light, a Floyd CD and some rolling papers!"...

LOL! Pretty good, cnredd!

Drug testing? No way. It's not entirely accurate anyway...last report I read, in the New England Journal of Medicine, stated that the basic test is only 95-96% accurate. That means 4 to 5 people, out of every hundred are going to have false positives or false negatives...etc.

What a complete and utter waste of time and money.

Just another case of Big Government sticking it's nose into our lifes.

Even though I've been out of the military for years, I still cannot go to the bathroom unless it's in one of those little jars with my social security number on the outside!

What kind of life is that? ROTFL!!!
mixedmedia said:
Which is why we should leave the drugs and take out the money. I'd much rather my senator be stoned than bought.

Point well worth noting.


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