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Should there be an age limit on drivers license's? (1 Viewer)

Should there be an age limit on driver's license's?

  • Yes, there should be a maximum age limit.

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • No, allow the elderly the same rights as everyone else.

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • On a case by case basis only, based upon ability/disability

    Votes: 11 73.3%

  • Total voters

Quid Pro Quo

Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Fort Riley, KS
Political Leaning
Having read this article, and noticing it is indeed in Florida, I wanted to get a debate going on perhaps a maximum age limit on having/obtaining a drivers license and/or legally driving past age X.

Here's the article:


From CNN.com
ST. PETERSBURG, Florida (AP) -- A 93-year-old driver apparently suffering from dementia fatally struck a pedestrian and drove for three miles with the man's body through his windshield, police said.

Ralph Parker was stopped after he drove through a tollbooth on the Sunshine Skyway, Traffic Homicide Investigator Michael Jockers said. The toll taker called police, he said.

Parker was not likely to face charges because he did not appear to know what happened or where he was, said Bruce Bartlett, chief assistant in the Pinellas-Pasco County State Attorney's Office.

"He may have somewhere in his mind have realized it was a crash, but immediately forgot about it," Jockers said.

The victim's leg was severed in the Wednesday night crash, police said. The man, whose name was not released, was 52.

Parker had renewed his license in 2003.

"That was the one thing he had, to get in his car and just drive for the sheer enjoyment of driving," Jockers said. Parker lived alone after his wife died in 1998, authorities said.

I think there should be a legal maximum age limit for such. The statistics are horrifying if you sit to look at them. (I will post them here soon, as I am gathering them as we speak) I also know quite a few of you are getting up there in age. (haha)

Perhaps an age limit of 75. That seems a nice number in which to ensure the safety of buildings, sidewalks, pedestrians and the driver, of course. Let's see what you all think.
Quid Pro Quo said:
Having read this article, and noticing it is indeed in Florida, I wanted to get a debate going on perhaps a maximum age limit on having/obtaining a drivers license and/or legally driving past age X.

Here's the article:


I think there should be a legal maximum age limit for such. The statistics are horrifying if you sit to look at them. (I will post them here soon, as I am gathering them as we speak) I also know quite a few of you are getting up there in age. (haha)

Perhaps an age limit of 75. That seems a nice number in which to ensure the safety of buildings, sidewalks, pedestrians and the driver, of course. Let's see what you all think.

This all reminds me of a very funny South Park episode...

But their should be a limit on age. There was another case here in ol' Pinellas. An old man drove right up onto a sidewalk and hit a bus stop bench. The guy sitting on the bench flew like 10-15 ft. The old man got pissed cuz his license was taken away. It was pretty funny tho.
This is somewhat of a quirky issue. It is also one that I have contemplated time and time again through the empirical virtue of being ran off the road by half blind and half brain dead heffers and geezers(sp?).

I think a blanket or general restriction would be something that would indeed infringe upon "civil liberty". However there has to be a certain cut-off age when a mass majority of senior citizens could be deemed incapable of operating a motor vehicle.

Perhaps either a:

1. Special application could be offered for elders beyond the maximum age limit. One that would subject them to intensive, rigorous tests to measure handicaps in terms of reflex, reaction, awareness, understanding, and basic motor(nerve) control.

2. A screening which described above be mandated to all persons perhaps of a moderately younger age than the forementioned cut-off or 'maximum' age.

Just my two 'sense'.
I voted 'case by case' only. I am 73 and I am willing to compare my driving skill to anyone. And I can drive better than most of the idiots on our highways today.
Old and wise said:
I voted 'case by case' only. I am 73 and I am willing to compare my driving skill to anyone. And I can drive better than most of the idiots on our highways today.
Agreed, and I'm right behind you.

Religion is the root of all evil.
Disagreed. I'm inclined to agree with Heinlein when he wrote "Beware of altruism, for it is based upon self-deception, which is the root of all evil." :mrgreen:
An age limit? IMO like 65 or maybe even 70 or something. As some older citizens are senile and tend to drive too slow for their own good.But on the flip side, I think one must be 21 to drive. Remember, driving's not a right, it's a privelidge.
IMO it shouldnt be an age limit rather there should be a drivers test each year after the age of 50. If they can pass the test then they are ok to drive. Its hard to set an age limit cause while an 80yr old is a very attentive and good driver there could be someone thats 45 thats an idiot.
IMO it shouldnt be an age limit rather there should be a drivers test each year after the age of 50. If they can pass the test then they are ok to drive. Its hard to set an age limit cause while an 80yr old is a very attentive and good driver there could be someone thats 45 thats an idiot.

Good idea, what about any minimum age requirements?
Do any sort of search you want, and you'll find more accidents and fatalities in the 15-24 year age bracket.

Perhaps we should not allow anyone under 25 to drive, get married, have sex, join the military, eat fast food, vote or speak in public?
IMO, there should be a max age for drivers of 65-70 or something. However, I am sure that there are many people, even some 80+, that are safe drivers. It all depends on how well they took care of themselves. So, IMO, after a certain age drivers should have to take a special test every year or so that proves they are safe, or something to that effect. Also, I somewhat agree with kal-el that we need more restrictions on younger drivers. However, I am somewhat conflicted on that as I am 21 atm myself. I think it more or less the same thing--some people my age are safe drivers, and some are not. In fact, it probably goes through the whole spectrum of ages, from the current 16 years min to 90+ and beyond.
kal-el said:
Good idea, what about any minimum age requirements?

Again this is just my opinion, but in my case I was driving at the age of 12. I was also a very good circuit driver when I was at the age of 6. I am a current race car driver for fun. I attained my SCCA license when I was 15. Then I went on to attain my drivers license shortly after that at 16.

I have gotten offers to race for some race teams in different circuits but I just dont have the time to travel or the funding to do that.

However, I think the age limit should be when the person is responsible enough to save up and buy a car. IMO if they are responsible enough to buy, own, and maintain a vehicle then they will show that responsiblilty on the road.

Do any sort of search you want, and you'll find more accidents and fatalities in the 15-24 year age bracket.

Perhaps we should not allow anyone under 25 to drive, get married, have sex, join the military, eat fast food, vote or speak in public?

Thats not because young people are incapable to drive rather it means they are irresponsible and apathetic to the road. You are misconstruing the topic here hoot. The topic isnt whether which age bracket has more fatalities or accidents rather its at what age do humans become incapable to drive on the road and be safe? There should be no reason why a 80yr old woman who has cataracks should be able to drive on the road. Just like if there was a 18yr old person who does their driving test and they cant see a stop sign 10ft infront of him the DMV obviously is going to fail that driver.

IMO I would say 85% of all drivers really do not know how to handle a car, and 99% do not know how to handle a SUV. It has been my learning experience and personal experience to know this because I know how the average individual drives and what they do. I can just look and watch a driver and I know what they are going to do before they even turn on their signal or if they even use the signal.

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