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Should the United States leave the UN? (1 Viewer)

Should the United Sates leave the UN?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters
I am shocked there are no posts from the people who think the UN is so great........
They will come, lol, dont worry. America needs alot of respect, therefore we cannot just leave the UN, but we can change it. And thats exactly why John Bolton was appointed to the UN. He is a harsh man, who speaks the truth, and will make change in the UN for the better. The UN is a great thing, but unfortunately, it is not at its top potential right now.
brassmonkey621 said:
They will come, lol, dont worry. America needs alot of respect, therefore we cannot just leave the UN, but we can change it. And thats exactly why John Bolton was appointed to the UN. He is a harsh man, who speaks the truth, and will make change in the UN for the better. The UN is a great thing, but unfortunately, it is not at its top potential right now.

It makes you wonder though with the corruption in the food for oil program going all the way to the top and the UN appointing countries like Libya and Cuba to head the Human rights commission.......

Sadly there is very little chance we would ever leave..........
Navy Pride said:
It makes you wonder though with the corruption in the food for oil program going all the way to the top and the UN appointing countries like Libya and Cuba to head the Human rights commission.......

I know, its almost disgusting. The UN needs serious changes... but we cannot just leave. Now, i want to hear from the others.......
I don't think we should leave it but we do need to push for reform immediatley, the U.N. is corrupt, lacks backbone, and if it isn't careful it'll go the way of the league of nations. This being said if Bolton's attempts at reform don't work then we should leave it and form our own organization with a new charter, one more condusive to democracy and not a rallying cry for despots and tyrants!
Navy Pride said:
your comments

I believe any organization that provides a podium for dictators, and endows them with legitimacy........ is not in the best interests of this country.

Maybe if we had something like "United Free Nations".....where all members had to meet certain criteria.
The United States should have left that foul organiztion long ago, ..& I had only wished that Reagen 'would have razed it to the damn ground'.

A once humanitarian organization now run, & membered by dictators, terror supporters, anti-semetic, & American hating parasites that think it America's duty to subsidize its own S- L -0 - W destruction & way of life for the modern socialistic agenda.

Since the U.N.'s inception there have been more wars, ..& more insurrections, & more blame & hatred heaped on America.

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