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Should Rep MT Green be worried? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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It sounds like this hacking group that is causing problems for Russia in Russia, is not happy with what they call a Russian asset in Greene, with her pro-Russian stance. Should she be worried? Would you be worried? Does she deserve their attention? If they decide to carry out their threats, I would certainly be worried.
It sounds like this hacking group that is causing problems for Russia in Russia, is not happy with what they call a Russian asset in Greene, with her pro-Russian stance. Should she be worried? Would you be worried? Does she deserve their attention? If they decide to carry out their threats, I would certainly be worried.

Anonymous going after one of the most insane members of Congress? This should end well.
Anonymous going after one of the most insane members of Congress? This should end well.
A group with no compunction about leaking everything, going up against a person who will never be embarrassed about anything.

It'll be entertaining.
A group with no compunction about leaking everything, going up against a person who will never be embarrassed about anything.

It'll be entertaining.
Yes it will, if they go after herr.
The Trump slut better delete all her swinger videos.
It sounds like this hacking group that is causing problems for Russia in Russia, is not happy with what they call a Russian asset in Greene, with her pro-Russian stance. Should she be worried? Would you be worried? Does she deserve their attention? If they decide to carry out their threats, I would certainly be worried.
Can you describe her 'pro-Russia' stance?
She should be looking over her shoulder for the gazpacho, they could be watching her. Then she would need to appeal her case to the Commander AND Chief.

She's an idiot and embarrassment.
It sounds like this hacking group that is causing problems for Russia in Russia, is not happy with what they call a Russian asset in Greene, with her pro-Russian stance. Should she be worried? Would you be worried? Does she deserve their attention? If they decide to carry out their threats, I would certainly be worried.
What are people’s theories about why some on the right (Trump at the beginning, Carlson, Greene, perhaps others) seem to be rooting for Russia? I don’t get it, other than understanding Russia’s being wary of Ukraine joining NATO. That said, how does that justify support for an invasion rather than some form of negotiation with the west.
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What are people’s theories about why some on the right (Trump at the beginning, Carlson, Greene, perhaps others) seem to be rooting for Russia? I don’t get it.
Because the evil lefties are supporting Ukraine.
What are people’s theories about why some on the right (Trump at the beginning, Carlson, Greene, perhaps others) seem to be rooting for Russia? I don’t get it.
The reason you dont get it is because you dont know what you are talking about. The people you mentioned are not 'rooting for Russia' Nor is anyone else.
A group with no compunction about leaking everything, going up against a person who will never be embarrassed about anything.

It'll be entertaining.

Perhaps MTG is one of the Trumpsters on this board. Now THAT would be embarrassing for her!
It sounds like this hacking group that is causing problems for Russia in Russia, is not happy with what they call a Russian asset in Greene, with her pro-Russian stance. Should she be worried? Would you be worried? Does she deserve their attention? If they decide to carry out their threats, I would certainly be worried.

I find her to be one of the most repellant sitting members of Congress. And for all that, I do not believe it is correct to hack or dox a sitting member of Congress.
The reason you dont get it is because you dont know what you are talking about. The people you mentioned are not 'rooting for Russia' Nor is anyone else.
Donald himself called Putin a genius and savvy for the invasion. Here's some reading for you...

I find her to be one of the most repellant sitting members of Congress. And for all that, I do not believe it is correct to hack or dox a sitting member of Congress.

What if there is a picture of MTG sitting on Donald Trump's face?

And there is a strong possibility of that picture existing. That makes it too irresistible for a hacker group to pass up.
It sounds like this hacking group that is causing problems for Russia in Russia, is not happy with what they call a Russian asset in Greene, with her pro-Russian stance. Should she be worried? Would you be worried? Does she deserve their attention? If they decide to carry out their threats, I would certainly be worried.
She's not smart enough to have a hidden past.
the more bad/evil stuff that comes out about MTG the more powerful and popular she will become.
The reason you dont get it is because you dont know what you are talking about. The people you mentioned are not 'rooting for Russia' Nor is anyone else.
Then she's just an idiot.

Republican leadership has been mostly silent in the wake of Greene’s surprise appearance at Friday’s America First Political Action Conference, which is a white nationalist rival of the Conservative Political Action Conference. Prior to Greene taking the stage, AFPAC founder Nick Fuentes praised Russian President Vladimir Putin for invading Ukraine. Fuentes even went so far after Greene’s speech to sympathetically compare Putin with Adolf Hitler.


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