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Should Pelosi resign? (1 Viewer)

Should Pelosi resign?

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Very true. I don't think there aren't many out there who didn't know exactly what Pelosi meant while she avoided in a way, shall I call it word speak? She avoid the infraction of the rules. Very adept of her.

Years of practice saying what she means while attempting to not say it. She is a master of misinformation.
Pelosi is trash, but a broken clock can be right at least once a day. Trump is a racist, there should be punishment for being a racist, not for calling a racist out.

Too bad for the lot of you that neither she, no the rest of the resisting group could even come close to proving such a notion.

The 3-D's of the Trumpeteer arguments. This is the use of Deception.

So rules for thee and not for me huh?


I don’t think that line is thin at all. I think they’re two completely different things.

If I said 1 post you wrote out of 100 posts was stupid I would not be implying that you are stupid. Just that the post was. We all do and say stupid things from time to time. Calling that out does not imply that speaker things we are stupid just that the statement / action is.

Same thing here. Anyone who reads her statement as saying he’s racist it might be because given the totality of his behavior they might be thinking “well yeah he’s racist.” But that interpretation is them. The statement in isolation does not call the President racist.
So what? Why should that change anything?

Given the way the House interprets the rule it doesn’t change anything. On the other hand it seems to be nothing more than procedural matter so why anyone would resign over being out of order in a meeting is beyond me.
The premise of the thread is that she broke the rules. She did not. I am not saying any more than that.

She did break the rules given the way the rules are interpreted but so what. She didn’t break the law. She violated a parliamentary rule the punishment for which is apparently losing one’s speaking privileges for a day. BFD.
^ What a stupid and worthless message desperately attempting to divert the topic to protect Pelosi's anarchy. I suppose the statute of limitations has run on all the military and civil doctors who all lied about Trump's bone spurs, huh?

Stupid and worthless is about all you seem to post. I was just responding in kind. I can't say 5 deferment cadet fake bones spurs racist scumbag enough.
As recently as last November I was against Pelosi. By January I had become a fan.

I'm still a fan.

Keep rocking it, Nan!
Given the way the House interprets the rule it doesn’t change anything. On the other hand it seems to be nothing more than procedural matter so why anyone would resign over being out of order in a meeting is beyond me.
Yes, there's really no reason for people to continue to put out false information. She obviously broke the rules.
Stupid and worthless is about all you seem to post. I was just responding in kind. I can't say 5 deferment cadet fake bones spurs racist scumbag enough.

Gee, Biden seems pretty healthy for a guy who got an "asthma" deferment. Does that make him a creepy hair sniffing scumbag?
As recently as last November I was against Pelosi. By January I had become a fan.

I'm still a fan.
Keep rocking it, Nan!

Nancy may be a privileged rich white politician, but she sounds like Einstein compared to the new upstart women in Congress with mixed allegiances to varying religions and ethnic groups around the world.

So what is Pelosi saying? That Trump is not a racist but occasionally makes comments that might be taken as having racist overtones by some who do not understand his meaning? Surely that must be it, because otherwise she is clearly saying he is racist. You know the whole words matter thing. Democrats can't have it both ways, constantly accusing him of racist remarks and openly calling him racist but denying it on the floor of the House when openly breaking the rules.

Could be, reading her statement could imply exactly what you stated. It also could imply that Pelosi and the Democrats think Trump is racist even if you don't. That it is nothing more than using racism as a political tool to attempt to gain a political advantage. It all depends on how each individual takes it, probably whether one is a Democrat or a Republican, a Trump supporter or an anti-Trumper. Those folks have their minds made up already, a very long time ago. there's no changing them whatsoever.
It's cute and somewhat disturbing that you believe that the rules for this forum apply to the US House of Representatives, and that so many of your leftwing friends seem to agree.

It's laughable that you haven't figured out that this forum is modeled after real-life forums yet.

No, she shouldn't resign.

She's a fantastic reminder, being their top spokesperson at just how retarded liberals can be, and who they put in the top tiers.
Which real-life forums would those be?

...Your's joking, right? Oh, for ****'s- Well for one, there's CONGRESS, which has rules for civility that share much the same function as our own forum's; for example, insulting a statement or policy is not a personal insult, while directing that at a person is.

You might remember that little tidbit coming up earlier in the thread, but I can see how you missed it.
Gee, Biden seems pretty healthy for a guy who got an "asthma" deferment. Does that make him a creepy hair sniffing scumbag?

All I know is the current occupant of the White House is a lying sack of **** racist scumbag who likes to hide his paying off of women he has had affairs with including a porn star. A true representative of today's moral and ethical republican party.

Show us the rule: http://clerk.house.gov/legislative/house-rules.pdf

I agree with. I’m sick of people of all stripes incorrectly throwing around the term racist as a means of vilifying people they don’t like. We’ve watered down the meaning of the word to the point where it’s synonymous with bigotry and in the bargain have trivialized those who’ve actually suffered at the hands of for real racists.

Trumps statements were not racist pure and simple. They might rise to the level of bigotry but I tend to even doubt that. They were singularly stupid and un-American and not fitting of the holder of our highest office and will no doubt cause some of his dumber supporters to do stupid things - as we’ve already seen.

They’re all that but they aren’t racist.
So you believe that this forum is modeled after Congress... :lamo
WHy do you have to lie? Here is what she said:

She called his tweets racist, not he himself. When you have to lie to set up the premise of your poll, you fail.

It is like calling a DP Member's post, racist, instead of the poster... but we all know what the real message is now... don't we?

Unless, of course, if the President actually IS a racist, in which case calling him a racist would be merely speaking the truth. Politicians speaking the truth is always welcome and refreshing.

That all said, she said his comments were racist; not the he was a racist. So, maybe she really did fall short of speaking the whole truth.
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It is like calling a DP Member's post, racist, instead of the poster... but we all know what the real message is now... don't we?

The "message" does not matter, what matters is the rules. The OP was about the rules, not the message. Helps to read the thread before commenting...

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